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Jul 26th 2022
OK, why am I quote-tweeting myself and resurrecting PHE exercises that were conveniently lost/ignored/forgotten and so never made it to #Nervtag or #SAGE?
Well, frankly I'm pretty sick of the ridiculously polarising situation in the UK, which is largely due, imho, to Government.
Everything to do with the pandemic (& Brexit, Climate etc., but I'll "stay in my lane"😜) feels like this. I and my colleagues (but I am speaking for myself here) are often called such delightful things as "Lockdown Zealots" or some such, certain papers have the nerve to say I
have a "leftist" view of science...well, maybe I do if it means I don't like the thought of disadvantaged groups suffering, fine. I digress...
Equally, there are views from the opposite standpoint, and deliberate anti-vax aside, this is to be debated and reasoned, not just a
Read 42 tweets
Aug 1st 2021
I read with interest the @thetimes article on #schools which claimed triumphantly that daily #LateralFlowTests of close #COVID contacts is as good as or better at reducing ongoing transmission & that indeed “Schools do not spread COVID”.
Here is the article incase you can’t see it because it’s behind a paywall.

Have a read….
Read 16 tweets
Dec 23rd 2020
🧵Acerca de la #variante de #SARS-CoV2 encontrada en los #UK 🦠🧬

#NERVTAG (comité de expertos académicos que aconseja el gobierno en UK en temas de virus respiratorios emergentes) propone que una variante del virus que causa COVID-19 se transmite mas que la sepa "original" 1/N
Aqui el documento original de NERVTAG…

Mutaciones son muy comunes en virus y solamente en raras ocasiones aumentan la aptitud de un virus en infectar células.

Read 14 tweets
May 27th 2020
Tomorrow will see the review of the UK's COVID status Image
We are currently in level 4. The newly formed Joint Biosecurity Centre is now responsible for advising on whether we should move to level 3 and move to Step 2 and re-open schools on 1 June Image
We have been told that this is being calculated according to this formula Image
Read 20 tweets
Apr 28th 2020
.@michaelgove said on #PPE, responding to @PeteWishart:

"The stockpile that we had before this pandemic was explicitly designed in acc with the advice from... #NERVTAG, and ofc it was specifically for a 'flu pandemic..."

This does not accord with #Panorama last night.

@michaelgove @PeteWishart For clarity, this is how the Guardian live feed today reports @michaelgove's comments ⤵
@michaelgove @PeteWishart PS: I hope @michaelgove (and @jeremy_hunt, on whose watch it was) are absolutely bricking it, when they think of the likely findings of the eventual judge-led public enquiry on #coronavirusuk and on the (non-)provision of #PPE.
Read 6 tweets

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