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Jan 14th 2021
#Propagandists have for long been known to incite hatred with conspiracy.
Flooding social media with #FakeNews against India now appears to be the new means for these elements to inflame their agenda. #thread
#Kashmir Image
#Pakistani #Agents fearful of the rising amity, peace in #Kashmir and of the limited control over people in the #valley are now misusing #SocialMedia to spread #Misinformation and #FakeNews ImageImage
#Pakistan made desperate attempts to spread the propaganda on #Lawaypora encounter. Several #Pakistani #ISPR handles launched campaign within few moments after the conduct of encounter.

@KashmirPolice have proved through ample evidence that the 03 youth killed were #Terrorists Image
Read 9 tweets
Jan 12th 2021
Hard Hitting Realities of Laweypora #HMT #SrinagarEncounter for those who will try their best to draw a parallel between #Amshipora and #Laweypora.
A #Thread.
#SrinagarEncounter #Kashmir
#Lawaypora was a joint #operation launched by parties of #JKP, #Army & CRPF based on specific #intelligence about the presence of #terrorists in the Lawaypora area.
Based on intelligence input, cordon was laid & all the standard operating procedures were followed.
The #operation was conducted right besides the NH44 under full #media glare of both #national & regional media. The operation lasted for 18 hours in the thickly populated area with heavy traffic & numerous houses in the vicinity that had direct view of the entire #encounter site.
Read 15 tweets
Jan 3rd 2021
It's not #police record but an act of violence [first, second or many, each holding equal weight] that make you a #terrorist : A #Thread

On 21-22 Dec 20, terrorists Amir Mir and Yawar, both from #LeT surrendered to SF at Tantripora, #Shopian, during live operation.

#Srinagar Image
Questioning of Amir revealed that Zahoor Ahmed Bhat r/o Hattipura, whose name doesn’t exist in any police records, is his close #terror associate.

Following lead, joint team of 34 RR & #JKP launched an operation in which Zahoor was arrested with Pistol, Grenades and ammunition ImageImage
It is thus established that Amir Mir, Yawar and Zahoor were all #terrorists who acquired #weapon and war like stores but were given chance to #surrender by Security Forces at Tantripora, Shopiyan & Hattipura

#Kashmir Image
Read 8 tweets
Dec 29th 2020

Encounter in Hokarsar, #Srinagar Central #Kashmir.

Information recieved of 2-3 terrorists in ,HMT Area opposite Noora Hospital #Srinagar. Area cordoned by 2RR, JKP & SOG ,#terrorists asked to surrender. Terrorists fired from inside. Appeals made to surrender.
One #terrorist came out to surrender. However, other terrorists fired from inside. Terrorist went inside. Due restraint being observed by security forces to avoid collateral damage. Operation in progress. Details follow.
#IndianArmy #Kashmir Image
#Srinagar #Encounter Day 2 :

Operation resumes, intermittent firing going on.

Operation was suspended at night to avoid collateral damage & cordon around the place where terrorists were hiding was tightened so that there is no chance for terrorists to escape.
Read 14 tweets

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