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- Ongoing #NAFOIntel thread -

In both kinetic and information warfare as conflict progresses both the tactics involved and the terrain of the battlefield changes.

We hope this thread helps the #NAFO community along on their journey to assist #Ukraine to victory. #SlavaUkraine
To begin the thread we would like to focus on the issue of #NAFOfellas now getting put in time out or getting the big bonk themselves permanently.

We have people and groups that hunt trolls and report TOS violations..

They have Pro-Putin trolls that hunt Fellas & do the same.
One of their tactics, adopted from our own.. To trigger you, and bait you into your own #TangoDown ..

Never play chess with a pigeon. Even when you win.
The pigeon just knocks all the pieces over, shits all over the board, then struts around like it won. Image
Read 15 tweets
biolabs and nuclear facilities have also been found inside RU occupied Bilhorod. Placing these sites in civilian areas causes unbeknownst harm to civilians and also is a radical escalation in the special military operation against Ukraine.… we welcome temporarily occupied russian territory commencing a slow withdrawal from the area and an IAEA investigation and seizure of these nuclear weapons will calm the situation greatly. We need non partisan UN troops on the ground in Bilhorod.
The Moscow regime's dangerous rhetoric to the independent sovereign people of Bilhorod demonstrate a chaotic regime losing control of a newly formed independent region and desperately trying to cling onto power where the people no longer want to submit.
Read 11 tweets
🧵On The Influence of Ivan Ilyin on Putin's Regime

1/ Hi everyone, today we are going to introduce Ivan Ilyin, a Russian Christian fascist writer who exerts a significant influence on the ideology and actions of Vladimir Putin.
#IvanIlyin #Ukraine #Russia #RussianFascism #Putin Image
2/ Therefore understanding #Ilyin's ideas is crucial to comprehend the motivations behind Putin's policies. Let's explore how #Ilyin's ideology shaped Putin's actions.
3/ One key aspect is how Ilyin's ideas influenced Putin's approach towards UKR. Ilyin believed in a Russian-dominated Eurasian empire where nationalites like Ukranian all belonged to Russia. Putin, influenced by this ideology, sought to "punish" Ukraine for its Western leanings. Image
Read 14 tweets
Attention #NAFO We are being attacked. Kremlin stooges, FSB agents and vatniks are reporting Ukranian accounts in an organized and systematic way. THREAD: 👇 Pls like and retweet so people know

@exileoftza @Chairman_Meowed @1JessicaEliza @MindyNL79 @Central1Snipe @mexic0la_ ImageImageImageImage
First of all, make sure you block all the accounts mentioned above in the photos. Do it right now.

Second of all, make sure your tweets don't violate Twitter'a rules.

Don't say anything that can potentially get your account suspended or banned. This is the best defense. Cont.
Refrain from calling violence upon certain countries, calling them names, calling for the suffering of its citizens, calling them names etc.

It is better that you are still here and provide a voice for Ukraine.

Make sure your tweets comply with twitters rules before posting!!!
Read 12 tweets
@ennolenze @lugeration @RusBotschaft
Mein Schreibtisch an die Bezirksbürgermeisterin von Berlin-Mitte:

Sehr geehrte Frau Bezirksbürgermeisterin Remlinger, sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Ich beziehe mich auf die Mahnung, die ... 1/
...Sehr geehrte Frau Bezirksbürgermeisterin Remlinger,

sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Ich beziehe mich auf die Mahnung, die Sie Herrn Enno Lenze und Mitorganisator:innen haben zu kommen lassen.

Auf diesen Vorfall bin ich über die Medien aufmerksam geworden.

Read 12 tweets
Herrlich. Danke Elon! 😅#NAFOExpansionIsNonNegotiable
Und ja, es ist wahr. Jeder Twitter-Account wird langsam in einen NAFO-Account transferiert. Putin-Freunde werden bald gelöscht. #NAFOArticle5
Read 4 tweets
(Corrected Thread)
A #NAFO #Harassabots Primer 🧵⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
What are they? How do they work?
Generally, #NAFO #Harassabots encourage the use of "bonking", or targeted mass reporting of accounts
And generally speaking, when #Harassabots see a tweet they don't like, they use the hashtag #NAFOArticle5 to send it to a bot, which then spreads the word
Read 32 tweets
THREAD: Proof that #NAFO and Adam Kinzinger will end the Russian Nazi Antisemitic Regime!
On May 24, 2022, NAFO,” a pro-NATO digital troll farm was founded by Kamil Dyszewski (@Kama_Kamilia) an antisemitic gamer from Poland Twitter account with noted antisemitic views. NAFO has thousands of bots that target any account that questions Ukraine and label them as Nazi.
Kamil Dyszewski NAFO founder, (@Kama_Kamilia) has an extensive history of posting anti sematic content online, yet his organization prosecutes journalists like me and orders his team to ban our business and try to get us arrested. How can I be a Nazi when he is clearly racist?
Read 22 tweets
THREAD: Proof that you are a Nazi if you don't #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦
On February 7, 2023, OAN researched the claims of biolabs named Metabiota in Ukraine and the possibility that they were a reason that Russia decided to attack Ukraine. OAN was able to verify & link Joe and Hunter Biden to these claims.

Metabiota produces bio agents under diplomatic cover at "secret" labs, then sells pandemic insurance and trackers to help countries get ahead of what they are putting out. Company part of Pentagon's DRTA Program as well as funded by Rosemont Seneca
(Hunter Biden). Metabiota (thread) - produc...
Read 27 tweets
Nafo #Article5 @ATexanIsAFriend has sent me a threat that will be passed down to authorities shortly,#Nafo #NAFOArticle5
Read 4 tweets
To all my #Ukraine-supporting friends: For the past couple of weeks, I have been attaching @shanovna_s’s laser essay to every tweet by Russian foreign ministry twitter accounts. See below for an example. The idea is to make sure that Russian propaganda is broken up with something
Serious and compelling. Today, the ministry accounts began blocking me. So far it’s just one, but I am worried that I won’t be able to continue doing this for much longer. So please pick up the torch and start appending Katya’s video to embassy tweets,
and other Foreign Ministry social media postings. It will make sure it gets seen by those most likely to be interested in Russian government messaging.

Thanks to all who participate.
Read 4 tweets
1/2 Except the so-called "Donbas" never existed outside Russian agitprop and astroturfing. This is merely a Russian Psyop, similar to "Palestine."

I have a Russian "State Machine-Building" manual, instructing on Information-Psychological Warfare for this purpose. #NAFOarticle5
I should add, one of the texts included in the courses was the infamous Russian "Information-Psychological War Operations: A Short Encyclopedia and Reference Guide" covered by @peterpomeranzev in 2015.

They used it to instruct their 2016 interference.…
Read 4 tweets
Since my threads continue to be buried, here we go again with my mega-thread:
1/38 Does Russia slaughtering and raping women and children in Bucha and elsewhere look like saving humanity, or does it look like they have none and have disposed of it? #NAFOarticle5
Read 39 tweets
#NATO #NAFO #NAFOarticle5 #Russia #DeSantis #Trump #Biden
1/8 "We cannot buy our security, our freedom from the threat of the bomb by committing an immorality so great as saying to a billion human beings now enslaved behind the Iron Curtain, 'Give up your dreams of freedom...
2/8 ...because to save our own skins, we're willing to make a deal with your slave masters.'

Alexander Hamilton said, 'A nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master, and deserves one." Now let's set the record straight. There's no argument over the...
3/8 ...choice between peace and war, but there's only one guaranteed way you can have peace - and you can have it in the next second - surrender . . . You and I know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery."
Read 9 tweets
1/ #NAFOarticle5,

As one who has studied unconventional warfare for a decade, about 5 years ago, I commented on the nature of Russia's techniques, in the below video, re:Russia's initial invasion of Ukraine that began even before 2014.

All these years later, what do we see?
2/ Never has it been more true, and all these useful idiots, who only just ventured into the subject of Russia, in relation to their full-scale conventional invasion of Ukraine, are the supposed experts, despite being victims of precisely what I described would take place.
3/ Russia has been carrying out the mass-brainwashing of western populations in an effort to provision themselves with the ability to carry out their foreign policy objectives.

A not insignificant proportion of my political aisle have tragically succumbed to it.
Read 6 tweets
Russia's nightmare 🫡
How #Ukrainian soldiers are greeted by their people: #NAFO #NAFOfellas #NAFOarticle5 #Ukraine #russiaisateroriststate
How #Russian soldiers, who continue to butcher women and children in #Ukraine, were greeted when they first began their latest invasion of #Ukraine 8 years ago with unmarked SOF: #NAFO #NAFOfellas #NAFOarticle5 #Ukraine #russiaisateroriststate
Read 4 tweets
Heute mal ein kleiner Thread zu Ulrike Guérot, Sprachrohr der Heuchelei und Ru-propaganda.
Sie kehrt gerne Opfer und Täter um. Guérot am 2.6.22: "Wenn zwei sich streiten, wie kann dann einer streiten ohne den Zweiten?"
Eine seltsame Formulierung für den russischen Angriffskrieg.1 Image
Doch es nicht verwunderlich wie dies zustande kommt.
Sie liked Artikel von "TheRealTom". Sein Profil verweist auf 'teamrealitynet', eine Website für Coronaleugner aller Farben. Zudem ein Shoah-Relativierer der Impfgegner mit Juden im 3.Reich versucht gleich zu setzen. ImageImageImage
Frau Guérot liked auch Pürner, den Schwurblerkönig Bayerns der anscheinend Probleme hat, dass es Debatten über die Corona Pandemie gab und gibt. Zudem beleidigt er Karl Lauterbach. Ein ziemlich armseliger Tweet der von einer Professorin geliked wurde. Image
Read 6 tweets
@domjazeduch @pat_2106 @ClancysSon @lyind4ce @vic_010100 @Anna_Lena2022 #NAFOarticle5 @fozzybear77 @TyrusTheWolv1 @NaziHunter82 @psychohawk69

So Leute. Lange nicht solche Grütze gehört. Aktuell laufen Maßnahmen gegen die NAFO. Häufig zur Diskreditierung von uns.
Ein Thread: Image
Seit einigen Tagen kommen Antiimps mit Antisemitismus, AntiNAFO und Maoismus um die Ecke. Ständig werden Lügen über die NAFO verbreitet.
Das zu einer Zeit wo die Ukraine erbittert kämpft und die NAFO nachweislich erfolgreich gegen russische Desinformationskampagnen vorgeht.
Problematisch ist, dass diese Accounts häufig mit Anti-israelischer Propaganda beginnen und sich Terroristenorganisationen wie den Hamas und dem Islamischen Dschihad anbiedern.
Sie finden auch offen Demokratiefeinde toll.
Es kommt die Liebe zu Lenin, Stalin und Mao zum Vorschein.
Read 5 tweets
1\ Collin Chepeka contributes to #CAHN, but shouldn't be. Collin deliberately misidentified symbols to defend vandalism of a Ukrainian solidarity display. An contributor was defending the defacing of a Ukrainian flag with a Swastika. #NAFO #NAFOarticle5
2\ So we're clear, the Trident symbol isn't easy to just mistake for the OUN coat of arms (which clearly contains a sword). Collin wasn't just making excuses, but also spreading misinformation.…
3\ Collin wrote this article for CAHN, highlighting the convoy's racism. Two weeks later Collin defended vandalism involving a swastika. It blows my mind, given the tone CAHN took about the display of that same symbol during the convoy protests.…
Read 7 tweets
Kłopoty z oddolną organizacją społeczeństwa nie wynikają wyłącznie z opieszałości, braku zainteresowania. Zainstalowane w Polsce za pełną zgodą i wiedzą rządzących grupy dywersyjne służą zniechęcaniu, rozbijaniu spotkań, zastraszaniu osób, albo instytucji użyczających lokalu na
potrzeby odczytu, spotkania, konferencji, spotkania autorskiego. Znani z takiej działalności jako ludzie dobrze zorganizowani istnieją w USA i w Europie. Według „Wall Street Journal” – z jednej zbiórki pieniężnej uzyskują 1 mln dolarów. Szereg takich inicjatyw łączy się z
gromadzeniem środków, które dla służb podatkowych pozostają poza kontrolą jakby odziane w czapkę niewidkę. Czy jest to wyłącznie armia kpiarzy? Utrzymywane i wspierane finansowo przez rządzących grupy destrukcyjne działają zgodnie z planem i strukturą globalną. Nie mają na naszym
Read 13 tweets
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 285 - Iniciamos #hilo sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania.

🟥 @auto_glam ha subido este vídeo en detalle del derribo ayer de un Ka-52 ruso. Parece la explosión de un misil antiaéreo 5V55 lanzado por un S-300.


🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 285 - Este es, para quien no lo haya leído todavía, nuestro informe diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania correspondiente a la jornada de ayer, domingo 4 de diciembre de 2022.…
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 285 - Se habla de dos bombarderos estratégicos Tu-95 dañados en la base aérea rusa de #Engels, en la región de Saratov, por una explosión de origen indeterminado, aunque hay quien lo achaca al impacto de un drone suicida.…
Read 37 tweets

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