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Ich finde den Gastbeitrag vom #FDP-Fossillobbyisten und Klimawandelleugner Frank #Schäffler aus dem Jahr 2014 „bemerkenswert“ und zugleich extrem aufschlussreich, deshalb mache ich daraus einfach mal einen „Das hat er tatsächlich geschrieben“ Thread.

„Ein Shitstorm an Klimahysterie ergießt sich seit Tagen über uns. Die Apokalypse naht, wenn wir nicht schnell handeln. Doch niemand auf dieser Welt setzt den Bericht des Weltklimarates um. Doch wir sind so bescheuert, die Welt eines Besseren belehren zu wollen.“ (2/13) #Schäffler
„Windkraftungetüme auf hoher See, tausende von Kilometer neue Stromtrassen, Maismonokulturen für Biomasse und Autohersteller, die sich unrentable Kleinwagenproduktionen leisten, um größere Autos produzieren zu dürfen. Der Unsinn kennt keine Grenzen!“ (3/13) #Schäffler #FDP
Read 13 tweets
On Wages, Profits & Interest Expense

1. The current macroeconomic picture remains where heightened nominal demand continues to press against the economy's capacity constraints, creating heightened inflation. Image
2. We think these dynamics will
likely be resolved through the Fed's tightening cycle by raising interest burdens in the economy relative to incomes, creating pressure on profitability for companies, and leading to an eventual lay-off of
3. Therefore, the key to understanding whether the Fed's hiking cycle has been adequate is
whether profits will contract. This profit contraction will likely come from declining topline, sticky wages, and increasing debt service costs.
Read 8 tweets
1. Our process tells us that we are likely headed towards a stagflationary environment, i.e., with growth contracting and inflation likely to be persistent. This regime tends to be one of the worst for passive investors, the reasoning for which is twofold. Image
2. Recessions are the primary risk to stocks as nominal spending collapses. At the same time, inflationary episodes are the primary risk to bonds as their fixed interest rate becomes less attractive relative to other nominal assets.
3. While we intend to provide a more in-depth commentary on both of these components separately in our upcoming Month in Macro report, we provide a sneak peek in what will be further elaborated on.
Read 9 tweets
Are you tired of being stuck in the same old IT routine? Do you crave the excitement of constantly learning and adapting to new technologies? Are you ready to become a #DevOps superhero, saving the day with your coding skills and infrastructure expertise?

🧵 What is #DevOps Dev?
🌻A #DevOps developer's job is to bridge the gap between development and operations teams. They work to automate and streamline the software delivery process, ensuring that applications are deployed quickly, reliably, and securely.
🌻 So, what is #DevOps?

It is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). It aims to shorten the systems development life cycle while delivering features, fixes, and updates frequently in close alignment with business objectives.
Read 12 tweets
#aspnet starter kit 🔭 - Observability

- If you can't measure it, you can't improve it.

Do you know how well your app is doing?
What's the average CPU usage, or what endpoints are called most often?

Metrics answers it all.
Let's see how we can achieve that easily 👇

1\ Understanding the behavior and performance of your ASP.NET Core application are critical for ensuring its reliability and availability.
With the right tools, you can monitor key performance indicators, track error rates, and resource utilization.
2\ So what to measure exactly? 🤔
Everything. Any data can be viable and bring unique tech and business insights:
- System resources: RAM, CPU, Network, Disk, etc
- Endpoints: throughput, response time, error rate
- Status codes: 200, 500, etc
- Validation errors
Read 14 tweets
Rassegna Stampa
Via #vincenzotrasmissioni
Il Presidente Biden0bama chiama la Harris Presidente... pare affollata la Casa Bianca dal 2020, chissà con chi ha parlato la Trilaterale in missione negli USA in questi giorni per dichiarare guerra al Presidente Putin
#prometheus provvede
Via #vincenzotrasmissioni
Tra le carte del cartello petrolifero esce vincitrice l'Arabia Saudita... Ricordo la presenza del conferenziere di Davos Renzis.. Niente accade per caso.. segui i 💰

Read 49 tweets
Rassegna Stampa
Via #vincenzotrasmissioni e @eretico_l
Aggredita e picchiata in Italia la nipote del poeta Joseph Brodsky, l'attrice Agniya Mishchenko-Brodskaya. "Ucraini, voglio chiedervi. Cosa vi ho fatto di male?" ha chiesto l'attrice in lacrime.

Via #vincenzotrasmissioni
.. il pacificatore non è neutrale ImageImageImageImage
Via #vincenzotrasmissioni
"... nell'era degli accordi di
M insk gli Ucraini non hanno esitato a violarli"…

# N@to ImageImage
Read 111 tweets
início de um sonho // deu tudo certo #rails #ruby

estamos pra escrever um blogpost sobre, não só ao update em si, mas como um processo de melhoria contínua permite que esses tipos de updates possam ser feitos sem muitas dores numa codebase *enorme* + ImageImage
quem esteve a frente disso foi a @anakbns, q fez um ótimo trabalho levantando o impacto que teria na codebase.

iniciou-se um trabalho em etapas, onde a primeira era resolver deprecation warnings. isto feito, facilitou mto o upgrade meses depois, onde fizemos poucas alterações +
um fator que facilitou tbm é que já estávamos na versão 5, então fizemos bump para o último minor +
Read 9 tweets
Un cliente del ámbito de la energía solar nos propone un reto: llevar a cabo la ingesta de miles de datos por segundo desde múltiples emisores, asumiendo el procesado, almacenamiento y posterior explotación de dichos datos. Lo hemos conseguido y te contamos cómo. Hilo va.
Aunque podríamos pararnos a hablar de las diferentes piezas de este proyecto de #BigData, hoy nos centraremos en mostrarte cómo hemos desplegado más de mil contenedores para la parte de recepción, procesado, caché e inserción en BBDD de todos esos datos.
Empezamos por el principio: Desde el equipo de desarrollo y en coordinación con el equipo de sistemas de Irontec, se diseña una arquitectura con los siguientes elementos: #MQTT, #Redis, #ClusterBBDDRelacional, #Elasticsearch
Read 18 tweets

In honour of the #Hernia2021 congress hosted by the BJS strategic partner @eurohernias, here is a thread of recent hernia-related BJS papers.
European Hernia Society guidelines on management of rectus diastasis #rectusdiastasis #Hernia2021 #Hernia…
Reporting guideline for interventional trials of primary and incisional ventral hernia repair #OpenAccess #Hernia2021 #Hernia #VentralHernia…
Read 19 tweets
Περί του δακτυλίου στην αρχαία Ελλάδα-ΜΕΡΟΣ Β΄:
Οι αρχαίες πηγές παραδίδουν την πληροφορία ότι το πρώτο «δαχτυλίδι» που κατασκευάστηκε ήταν ένας σιδερένιος κρίκος προερχόμενος από τα δεσμά του Προμηθέα, ενώ η πολύτιμη «πέτρα» του δεν ήταν τίποτε άλλο, παρά κομμάτι από τα βράχια🔽
του Καυκάσου. Ειδικότερα, όπως μαρτυρεί ο Ησίοδος στη Θεογονία του, όταν θεοί και άνθρωποι συγκεντρώθηκαν στη Μηκώνη, ο Προμηθεύς «εξαπάτησε» τον Δία, καθώς προσέφερε στους θεούς το χειρότερο κομμάτι του ζώου κατά τη θυσία και άφησε το καλύτερο για τους ανθρώπους.🔽
Είναι σαφές ότι ο Δίας αντιλήφθηκε αμέσως την απάτη, προσποιήθηκε, όμως, το αντίθετο, προκειμένου να εκπληρωθεί η μοίρα, η οποία θα έφερνε βάσανα στους θνητούς. Η τιμωρία, λοιπόν, του Δία ήταν να κρύψει τη φωτιά από τους ανθρώπους, με τον Προμηθέα να την κλέβει και να την 🔽
Read 14 tweets
The reason why I love and hate #Kubernetes is it actually good platform to host scalable apps. But the road from developing the app to making it scalable is so painful. Here are few-reasons-why-thread:
#Kubernetes in its bare configuration can only host containers and let you talk to them. Include config maps, volumes, RBAC, etc.
If you ever wanted to scale your app on #Kubernetes you probably heard of MetricsServer - it can collect standard metrics like CPU and RAM of every pod/container.

It’s not a part of #k8s distribution - you need to install it separately.
Read 11 tweets
Die Türkei will weitere Raketenabwehrsysteme vom Typ #s400 aus Russland holen.
Russ. Vertreter erklärten, dass ein entsprechender Vertrag schon bald unterschrieben wird.
Die Verhandlungen seien in der Endphase.
Zuvor führte ein ähnlicher Deal zu massivem Streit in der #NATO
Zur Erinnerung.
Im Jahr 2017 vereinbarten Moskau und Ankara die Lieferung der #s400 , was zu massiven Verwerfungen in der #NATO führte.
Washington äußerte massive Sicherheitsbedenken, führte Sanktionen gegen die Türkei ein und schloss das Land aus dem #F35 -Programm aus.
Das #s400 gilt als eines der fortschrittlichsten Abwehrsysteme der Welt.
Mittlerweile gibt es schon den Nachfolger - das #s500.
Codename: #prometheus .
Das System soll sogar in der Lage sein, Satelliten aus der Umlaufbahn abzuschießen.
Einsatz der S-500 im Video👇
Read 4 tweets
A good comparison between @ThanosMetrics and #cortex and the trade off which each one makes. #DevOpsDaysIndia Image
One of the good things to hear was that @ThanosMetrics and #cortex would sort of merge going forward. #DevOpsDaysIndia
Read 3 tweets
Tinder moved to #Kubernetes and @EnvoyProxy, is averaging appx 50 containers, 15 pods per node. Interesting for a few reasons from my perspective
#1/ Bigger nodes running many containers is not so rare. At @signalfx we are seeing this more and more in the field. Is it too early to say that #Mainframe is making a comeback? #MillenialMainframe #GenerationM
#2/ "One reason we were able to move so quickly was due to the rich metrics we were able to easily integrate"
Seeing this everywhere. You can't fly a #jetplane without instruments and you can't run advanced #infrastructure without great #observability and #metrics
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