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1a) Welcome to a 🆕#accredited #tweetorial on the importance of time in range #TIR in #diabetes . . . with additional emphases on #primarycare and on practice in 🇨🇦.
#FOAMed #endotwitter #MedEd @MedTweetorials #nephtwitter #cardiotwitter
1b) Hence we welcome2⃣ expert faculty from Canada: Ilana Halperin @ilanajhalperin, academic endocrinologist at @Sunnybrook and @uoftmedicine, and Noah Ivers @NoahIvers, #familydoc & researcher at Women's College Hospital @UofT ImageImage
2) Earn 0.75hr 🆓CE/#CME by following this🧵! This program is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Sanofi Canada and is intended for #HCPs. Statement of accreditation & faculty disclosures at
And so we begin . . .
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🧵How can #HCP assist people who chose to use #DYIAID?

The @OPENDiabetesEU ⤵️
▶️ Katarina Braune is a co-founder
▶️ Patient-led
▶️ 2/3 of the international team live w/#T1D
▶️ #OpenSource #AID data

#ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #wearenotwaiting @dedocORG @ispad_org 1/n
How can #HCP assist people who chose to use #DYIAID?

#wearenotwaiting movement ⤵️
Because DIY #ClosedLoop systems have been so life-changing for them and their kids, they decided to make it available for all.

#ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #payitforward @dedocORG @ispad_org 2/n
How can #HCP assist people who chose to use #DYIAID?

International consensus statement on #OpenSource automated insulin delivery ⤵️
✅ Published in @TheLancetEndo on Nov 13 2021

#ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #payitforward @dedocORG @ispad_org 3/n
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🧵#AI based decision support systems:

✅ Improves clinical outcomes
✅ Higher access to care
✅ Provides precision medicine
-Revital Nimri

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #diabetesadvocacy #patientvoice #payitforward @dedocORG @ispad_org 1/n
#AI based decision support systems:

'Is the quality of care improving?
No, it isn't.
We must do better.'
-Revital Nimri

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #diabetesadvocacy #patientvoice #payitforward @dedocORG @ispad_org 2/n
#AI based decision support systems:

✅ Self-management tools
✅ Diagnosis, screening, prevention of #diabetes
✅ Prediction tools
✅ Clinical management
-Revital Nimri

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #payitforward @dedocORG @ispad_org 3/n
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🧵 Sleep quality and patterns in children with #T1D:

Sleep deprivation can ⬆️ mental health issues like depression, a greater emotional response & difficulty to control emotions.
-Alice Gregory

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #patientvoice #payitforward @dedocORG @ispad_org 1/n
Sleep quality and patterns in children with #T1D:

T1D is a 24/7 monitoring. It never stops at night.
Kids w/T1D have shorter sleep patterns and have poorer sleep quality.
-Alice Gregory

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #patientvoice #payitforward @dedocORG @ispad_org 2/n
Sleep quality and patterns in children with #T1D:

Kids w/T1D have a different sleep architecture with less time in deep sleep whereas sleep is vitally important and particularly for kids w/T1D.
-A. Gregory

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #payitforward @dedocORG @ispad_org 3/n
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🧵Microbiota: can they prevent #TID?
Incidence of T1D is rising particularly in the young.
Environmental factors could drive this pattern observed across the globe.
-N. Hanssen

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #payitforward @dedocORG @ispad_org 1/n
Microbiota: can they prevent #TID?
+ rapid destruction of #BetaCells in kids than adults.
#PwD with residual beta cells have higher #TIR.
-N. Hanssen

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #payitforward @dedocORG @ispad_org 2/n
Microbiota: can they prevent #TID?
Poor discrimination between self/not self [#autoimmunity] happens with loss of gut microbiome.
-N. Hanssen

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #payitforward @dedocORG @ispad_org 3/n
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The last mile for #T1D cure:
'I believe that cell therapy can be the T1D cure. We've had landmark results in the last 2y.
-L. Piemonti

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs
#diabetesadvocacy #patientvoice #payitforward @dedocORG @ispad_org 1/n
The last mile for #T1D cure:
'We know now that #BetaCell replacement can cure T1D. This is the #BG profile of someone who used to live with #diabetes 1y 1/2 ago.'
-L. Piemonti

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #payitforward @dedocORG @ispad_org 2/n
The last mile for #T1D cure:
'We started #BetaCell in Milan replacement in 1989. Had to wait for 30y for this procedure to be recognised.'
-L. Piemonti

Can you imagine living without the mental load & physical burden of #diabetes?

#ISPAD2022 #dedoc° @dedocORG @ispad_org 3/n
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Digitalization in Diabetes Education and Care:
'We know that autoimmunity starts way before #T1D diagnosis - if screened. We learnt that #cpeptide might not be relevant thanks to models'
-Dr A. Galderisi

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices
#patientvoice #payitforward @dedocORG 1/n ImageImageImage
Digitalization in Diabetes Education and Care:
'We can find heterogeneity in #T1D even before diagnosis. Important to individualise treatment.'-Dr A. Galderisi

Yes, every #PwD has their own #diabetes.

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices
#nothingaboutuswithoutus @dedocORG 2/n ImageImage
Digitalization in #diabetes Education and Care:
'#TIR and #BG daily variability matter though we still look at the big picture. #AI can help us understand further.'
-Dr A. Galderisi

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices
#patientvoice #payitforward @dedocORG 3/n Image
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Betting for the next best thing in digital #diabetes technology:

'#AID systems & algorithms are very effective.
Unfortunately, they are used by a minority of ppl who cld benefit from them.'
-Steven Russell

#EASD2022 #dedoc°voices #nothingaboutuswithoutus @dedocORG 1/n
Betting for the next best thing in digital #diabetes technology:

'In addition to the challenges of getting hybrid #AID systems, they still require setups. They still require the user to #carbcount for meals & initiate correction boluses.'
-Steven Russell

#EASD2022 #dedoc 2/n
Betting for the next best thing in digital #diabetes technology:

'The #IletBionicPancreas pivotal trial results will be published by end Sept.' -Steven Russell

✅ Only setup needed: @PwD's weight
✅ No #carbcounting
✅ Fully automated

#EASD2022 #dedoc°voices #BetaBionics 3/n
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Are we becoming robots? #AID systems for everyone with #T1D:

'#CGM is the Archimedean point of #diabetes technology. This is when the idea of closing the loop really emerged.'
-Moshe Phillip

#EASD2022 #dedoc°voices #nothingaboutuswithoutus @EASDnews @dedocORG 1/n
Are we becoming robots? #AID systems for everyone with #T1D:

'#CGM opened our eyes to the fact that the data we used to get was very different from the reality #PwD live.'
-Moshe Phillip

So true. Connecting the red dots' never been our reality.

#EASD2022 #dedoc° @dedocORG 2/n
Are we becoming robots? #AID systems for everyone with #T1D:

'I'd like to convince you they are efficient. Automated Insulin Delivery is safe and efficient.'
-Moshe Phillip

#EASD2022 #dedoc°voices #nothingaboutuswithoutus @EASDnews @dedocORG 2/n
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[#thread] Déception à la lecture de la newsletter du @CeeD_Diabete qui paraphrase l’ANSM sur les #BouclesFermées DIY. Avec +5 ans d’expérience utilisateurs les développeurs du #DIY ont ouvert la voie aux boucles commerciales 🚀


Les #BouclesFermées commerciales ne sont pas encore disponibles en France, et le seront à un public restreint. Elles le sont depuis 2 ans dans d’autres pays. Les #DT1 ne peuvent plus attendre et construisent leur propre boucle avec du matériel marqué CE.

Comparaison faite lors d’#EASD2020 ⤵️
moyenne du #TempsDansLaCible #TIR : 90% #DIY vs 70% pour les boucles commerciales.

Inspirons-nous du DIY. Faisons avancer les choses ENSEMBLE. Réduisons les complications, couteuses pour la société et en années de vie #DT1 🚀

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#ControlIQ Tandem T:slim #closedloop's aim at improving #TIR. To activate Control IQ, are required:
▶️ current weight
▶️ total daily #Insulin
▶️ carb ratio
▶️ ISF
▶️ correction factors
▶️ meal bolus still required

#dedoc° #dedocvoices #EASD2020 @EASDnews #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs Image
36 wk-trial #ControlIQ in teens and adults in 2019:
▶️ #TIR +11% from 61 to 71%
▶️ major #BG improvement at night 2 to 8am
▶️ average #A1c 7% (#PwD witth A1c >6.5% improved too)
▶️ less #hypos
- Dr Marc Breton, University of Virginia

#dedoc° #dedocvoices #EASD2020 @EASDnews Image
#ControlIQ in real life for 6086 users, average age 42yo, for 6 months:
▶️ #TIR 74.9% for 180 days
▶️ consistent improvement in #BG control
- Dr Marc Breton, University of Virginia

#dedoc° #dedocvoices #EASD2020 #EASD @EASDnews #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs Image
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Evaluation of the #OmnipodHorizon™ automated glucose control system in children with type 1 diabetes:
* Connected to #DexcomG6
* Algorithm built into the pod
* Phone controller or PDM
- Dr Gregory Forlenza

#dedoc° #dedocvoices #EASD2020 #EASD @EASDnews #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs ImageImageImageImage
Evaluation of the #OmnipodHorizon™ in children with #type1diabetes: usual drop in #TIR during the winter holidays. Study started during a challenging time - Dr Gregory Forlenza

#dedoc° #dedocvoices #EASD2020 #EASD
@EASDnews #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs Image
Evaluation of the #OmnipodHorizon™ in children with #type1diabetes:
* reduced #BG variability
* #Hypo reduction
* 59% users chose the 110mg target (free choice)
- Dr Gregory Forlenza

#dedoc° #dedocvoices #EASD2020 #EASD
@EASDnews #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs ImageImage
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New strategy to treat #T1D: Simplici-T1 trail ⤵️
"subcutaneous #insulin is not enough" - Dr Carmen Valcare, on the activation of #glucokinase by #TTP399 improving #BG management.
Results: ⬇️ #TIR, #BG control, and #A1c

#dedoc° #dedocvoices #EASD2020 #EASD @EASDnews Image
Nouvelle stratégie pour traiter le #DT1 : Simplici-T1
"L'insuline sous-cutanée n'est pas suffisante" - Dr Carmen Valcare, sur l'activation de la #glucokinase par le #TTP399 améliorant la gestion de la #BG
Résultats : ⬇️#TIR, #glycémie et #Hba1c

#dedoc° #dedocvoices #EASD Image
*Erratum: ⬆️ #TIR & #BG control, ⬇️ #A1c
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La #TIR (Tasa Interna de Retorno) en escenarios de Default

Como sabemos, la TIR es la medida mas utilizada para la medición del rendimiento de los Bonos.

Sin embargo, hay casos donde no puede calcularse directamente contra el flujo de fondos del Prospecto del bono.
Uno de estos casos es el que estamos viviendo actualmente: el #Default.

El mercado opera los bonos asumiendo que:

1. No se pagará el flujo de fondo original
2. Habrá una negociación por #Canje de deuda, que demorará algunos años
3 Se Sufrirá un porcentaje de #Quita de Capital
En este caso, usar la TIR como medida de rentabilidad es un ejercicio matemático INGENUO, ya que pasa a ser una medida FICTICIA.

Entonces, ¿qué hacemos?

Principalmente dejar de medir con la TIR
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