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Most recents (4)

Mar 21st 2023
1. Thread on Child Abuse Pornography Network - The Baby King 1 - Gregory Verne Remington… #GregRemington #babyking
2. The Baby King 2 – Tracy-Jo Interviews with Honeybee… #tracyremington #honeybee #babyking
3. Baby King 3 Clinton Foundation Pornography HQ – McMinnville… #babyking #clintons #clintonfoundation #childporn #csa #childabuse
Read 7 tweets
Sep 17th 2019
Thread on #BillyGraham
I'm doing to help folks who want to come up to speed on reasons why it is so hard to get justice for abuse in the church.
Did #BillyGraham break the Billy Graham Rule??
I would say he did.
The balance of probabilities points in that direction.
I encourage Christians who are advocating for abuse victims to read this thread and examine all the evidence presented.
I've given as many citations as I can in this thread. Please RT and share. I will be unrolling it too so you can read it as a PDF.
Read 109 tweets
Sep 9th 2019
Fiona Barnett blew the whistle on #FranklinGraham’s support of #VoodooDoughnuts many months ago.…
When #FranklinGraham tried to scrub the fact that he’d endorsed #VoodooDoughnuts, Fiona Barnett called him out again.…
A victim of child trafficking testifies that #VoodooDoughnuts in #Portland is a child trafficking front.
No wonder #BillyGraham’s son #FranklinGraham tried to erase the fact that visited Voodoo Doughnut and 'loved the killer doughnuts’!…
Read 8 tweets

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