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May 5th 2023
Eğitim, hobi, iş hayatı... Yapay Zekanın bizlere etkisini görmek adına sizlere 5 yapay zeka aracını sunacağım. Mutlaka denemelisiniz !

İçeriğinizi yazıya dökmek ve analiz etmek için yapay zeka kullanan Descript'in gelişmiş araçlarıyla ses ve video dosyalarınızı bir profesyonel gibi düzenleyin, işinizi kesmeyi, yapıştırmayı ve mükemmelleştirmeyi kolaylaştırın.

Hedeflerinize ulaşmanıza yardımcı olacak kişiselleştirilmiş ses manzaraları için sinirbilim araştırmalarını kullanan'in yapay zeka ile üretilen müziği ile üretkenliğinizi, odaklanmanızı ve rahatlamanızı artırın.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 21st 2023
🏁 On with Part 4 of my #gpt4 saga

Between pricing (I'm cheap as f😵k) and rate limiting, I'm now spending half my time writing

Truth is, I quite enjoy it so let's gooooo 👇

So at least the #GPT4's API is available for prompting.

But I don't like the playground

👶🏻 I need pairprog-webview, nextjs, tailwind to chat with your own API
🤖 Sure thing
👵🏻 Wow, this API call looks quite outdated and doesn't work
🤖 ermmm...

How do I solve this? 🤔

Open up…

Copy, paste into @euangoddard ✨magnificent✨ "Paste as markdown page", copy back, paste to #gpt4

👶🏻 Here's the updated doc
🤖 K boss
✂️ > 📋 > ▶️

✨ It works ✨

Read 16 tweets
Jan 13th 2023
This is how I prefer to use @YouSearchEngine #Chat and #ChatGPT to assist me with my writing.
First I write the content myself in draft form. Then, I turn to @YouSearchEngine #Chat or #ChatGPT to help me improve my writing - like a super autocorrect! I use prompts like: “Rewrite the following in better English:”
The original content is still mine because I wrote all of it in draft form. #GenerativeAI like @YouSearchEngine #Chat or #ChatGPT save me time and effort by improving my writing, like a human editor would.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 3rd 2022
We have a special event coming up just for you! Due to community demand, we would like to announce another singing contest but with a twist… and that is to “Guess The Lyrics” on 7th Sept Wednesday, 9pm (SGT)🎙
Up for grabs is another pair of Eric Chou’s Odyssey concert tickets in Singapore for first place and 20 allowlist spots for the top 20 competitors!

Time and Date:
Wednesday, 07 September, 9pm (UTC +8).

Duration: Approx. 1hr30mins.

Location: Discord voice chat
Here’s how it works!

1. There will be a total of 30 rounds made up of Mandarin and English songs with breaks after every 10th round.

2. Each round consists of 3 phases: riddle, clue, guess the lyrics
Read 7 tweets
Jul 23rd 2022
I’m at @formbycricket for their match against @Leigh_CC. It is raining so nobody is playing cricket yet. But the forecast is better for later on, and the outfield here dries quickly (I’m told) so fingers crossed…
It does seem to be stopping. Image
Leigh’s players are living their best life kicking a football around on the outfield. I’m living mine sitting on a bench tweeting about it.
Read 85 tweets
Jun 4th 2022
Per chi segue le comunicazioni di #killnet dopo la perdita di uno dei loro canali #Telegram (cfr.… ) letteralmente pare di leggere le #chat dei #guerrieri #novax.
È tutto un fiorire di insulti contro la #NATO (ribattezzata #HATO) e minaccioni all'Italia
perché "Combatteremo la mafia Italiana per salvare i buoni cittadini". Dove per buoni cittadini si intende la massa di gonzi e boccaloni che fomentati dalla "Lettera di Putin ai Cittadini del Mondo" (cfr.… ) implorano con accenti da superare la decenza e
il buon gusto lo "Zar di Russia" di invadere l'Italia, distruggerla militarmente e giurano di sottomettersi come tante quinte colonne stolte all'Invasore per un abbraccio a petto nudo, coccole sessuali e la promessa di non farsi fare i #vaccini cattivi. Un osservatore distratto
Read 9 tweets
Aug 31st 2021
You asked, we listened: The @CommissaryClub App is here!
We developed the app based on real feedback from our community of 11MM+ users with criminal records, so you can trust us when we say, “You’re gonna love it”.
The app is 100% free, and offers a wide variety of content & resources: from the home feed you love (populated only by users who have done time, too), to great background-friendly jobs nationwide,...
...curated virtual events (with guests like “Freeway” Rick Ross, @ShakaSenghor & @TopekaKSam), expert Q&A’s, national reentry resources & so much more.
Read 4 tweets
Apr 1st 2021
Pregunta del millón ¿Cómo recibir #ayuda real de #Binance? ¿Cómo hacer para que #soporte técnico me responda? ¿Cómo recibir respuesta de atención al #cliente?

Abro hilo, porque sé que hay muchísimas personas con dudas, consultas, y #problemas!
Lo primero que hay que entender es que @binance, @Binance_Spanish, @BinanceArg, y todas las demás cuentas oficiales de #Binance NO brindan soporte a través de las redes sociales. Ni redes sociales, ni Telegram!
El único soporte (ayuda) oficial de #Binance está a través de su página oficial (donde deberías tener cuenta gratis), y guarda este enlace como favorito: para ir directo al chat con soporte oficial.

PD: si no tienes, te creas una:…
Read 13 tweets
Nov 25th 2020
⚠️ #Atención
¿Cómo podemos identificar y prevenir la #ViolenciaDigital?🖥️ ✊✨
Durante los próximos #16DiasDeActivismo les presentaremos los materiales que desarrollamos en nuestro #Kit de emergencia .♀️⚡️
Puedes revisarlos 🧵👇 y en 👩🏻‍💻
#NiUnaMenos Image
¿Eres periodista? 🖊¿Te interesa dar acompañamientos?♀️🤗 ¿Quieres proponer políticas públicas en materia de #ViolenciaDigital contra las mujeres y la comunidad LGBTTTIQ+? ✨

Échale un vistazo a este 🧵 que desarrollaremos los próximos #16Days

#25Nov ImageImageImage
Con nuestras amigas de @robotlabot 🤖 desarrollamos un #chat de ayuda en @telegram_es que brinda información de primer momento ante la difusión de contenido íntimo sin consentimiento. Búscalo como @AcosoOnlineBot ✨
Aquí + info:

#16DiasDeActivismo Image
Read 12 tweets
Aug 18th 2020
Después del hilo sobre cómo hago mis vídeos instruccionales (gracias mil por los likes, Rts y comentarios), comienzo este sobre cómo voy a hacer mi diseño de sesiones este curso, en cualquier escenario (presencial, semipresencial u online), en el que los vídeos son solo una parte Image
Contexto: soy profe de inglés en ciclos superiores de FP, en audiovisuales y deportes. Concretamente en el mejor centro educativo del mundo: @CPA_Formacion . Tengo dos horas de clase semanales en una sola sesión.
Contexto(2): trabajo ABP en primero y ABP o APS en segundo. Procuro dar la oportunidad a mi alumnado de que mejore sus skills de comunicación. De paso aprenden algo de inglés. Procuro además ofrecer tareas y proyectos útiles en los que mis estudiantes puedan ser creativos. Image
Read 13 tweets
May 19th 2020
Vous voyez, quand je parlais d'un coup de com' de Willy pour cette histoire de #chat #chasse
Même les chasseurs sont d'accord avec moi 😁
@STouvert Image
Ms en effet, cette histoire, même si elle a choqué jusque chez les chasseurs (peut-être plus niveau communication qu'autre chose), est révélatrice de ce qu'il se passe de tte façon déjà (voir les nbrx chats retrouvés blessés ou morts ds lesquels on retrouve quantité de plombs) ⬇️ Image
D'ailleurs les plus grands épidémiologistes sont là pour nous alerter : Image
Read 5 tweets
Apr 30th 2020
I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
Read 1104 tweets
Apr 17th 2020
Long time no see !
Petit thread #COVID19 et pour vous dire à quel point #personnesaitrien sur le sujet, avec 2-3 photos de ma bouille malade depuis J+38
Oui. Vous avez bien lu, J+38 de maladie. Image
Tout commence le 12/03 en pleins cours : malocrâne/tête dans étau, fatigabilité +++, courbatures, fièvres à 38,5°
Et ça, ça va durer jusqu'au 19/03 NON STOP


À savoir que je vis sur #Paris, j'ai +1h20 de transport et que je passe par des gros endroits comme #GareduNord et que la semaine juste avant j'étais à l'@IndieGameLyon (coucou les copains, take care!)
Évidemment, tu chopes le #COVID19 dans ces cas là... Image
Read 29 tweets
Apr 15th 2020
#DigitaleLehre Es folgt ein kleiner #Servicethread zu #synchron|en Formaten mit z.B. #jitsi, #bigbluebutton etc. Das sind acht zwar #basale, aber dennoch imho wichtige Dinge.
So ist z.B. die Frage "Wie sieht mein Arbeitsplatz eigentlich hinter mir aus?" nicht 1/7
nur für Lehrende, sondern auch für Studierende relevant. Es schadet wahrscheinlich nicht, die Seminarteilnehmer*innen vorher noch einmal darauf hinzuweisen, persönliche Dinge ggf. zu entfernen (1).
Da technisch bedingte #Delay|s antizipierbar sind, ist es sinnvoll, 2/7
mit Studierenden vor Beginn der Seminarsitzungen #Interaktionsregel|n zu vereinbaren, z.B. die Verwendung von beitragseinleitenden und beitragsbeendenden Formeln, etwa "Danke, Ende meines Beitrags", um das #Turntaking gut zu koordinieren 🤜🤛(2). 3/7
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Nov 6th 2019
Top 5 Digital Service Product Reviews from Lilach Bullock

- Forbes top 20 Women Social Media Influencers
- Number #1 Digital influencer named by Career Experts
- Winner of Oracle's Social Influencers of Europe

1. - The Ultimate Chat Platform to Make money on Social Media, and your Website…

#premiumchat #chat #makemoney #makemoneyonline
2. - How to become more organized and scale your business

#monday #organization
Read 8 tweets
Oct 2nd 2019
1. sono molto scettica di quello che scrivono oggi i giornali sulla #chat #Wickr usata da #Savoini. Gli articoli che rappresentano la #chat in modo dubbio perché fornisce #messaggicifrati con cifratura military-grade. Embè? Chiunque dovrebbe usare cifratura military-grade
2. i giornalisti in particolare hanno il dovere etico di usare #cifratura #weapon-grade per proteggere le fonti. Molti di noi la usiamo da anni: c'è qualcosa di sinistro? NO
3. #Wickr è la #chat usata dei #DemocraticiUSA dopo l'hackeraggio delle email della #Clinton: NON è affatto un prodotto sinistro, usato da gente equivoca a letto con i russi. E se #Savoini si fosse scambiato messaggi compromettenti su #Wickr, temo che non finirà bene
Read 6 tweets

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