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Feb 23rd 2023

You were given the assignment to review 2 projects based on ''market cap'' only.

• $FRM
• $AXS

Here's my review on how I work to make a project pass our ''FA analysis'' 🧵 👇 Image
2) $FRM

#Ferrum currently has a market cap of 5.6 million dollars and a fully diluted valuation of 16.1 million dollars.

This means around 35% of the supply is currently in circulation. Image
3) $AXS

#Axie currently has a market cap of 1.2 billion dollars and a fully diluted valuation of 2.8 billion dollars.

This means around 43% of the supply is currently in circulation. Image
Read 10 tweets
Sep 12th 2022
You can make it!

5x, 10x, 50x, even 100x

A ton of projects hit these milestones.
How do you find them?


Here are all threads of the past week.

Retweet and follow if you want to be part of the journey.

#NFTs #sand #MANA #axie #Solana #Avalanche #matic #NEAR
Second Research: @SparkadiaGG (raised a $3m seed round)

Gamefi Ecosystem (#gala #pyr competitor)

Team AAA vets that played major roles in creating titles like Destiny 2, Halo, League of Legends, Valorant, Heroes of the Storm

#GameFi #PlayToEarn

Read 10 tweets
Sep 12th 2022
Gamefi is dead, long life Gamefi.

Let's take a look what projects the biggest gamefi investor @animocabrands is investing in.

If you want to have an edge in the #playtoearn space you can't afford to miss this thread.

🧵 #NFTs #sand #MANA #axie #Solana #Avalanche
First things first:

@animocabrands, valued at more than 5.5 billion invested in more than 200 companies to build its vision of a "metaverse" based around blockchain technology.

Including #gamefi #playtoearn #NFTs #eSports
If you want to know where an industry is headed you have to study venture capital investments.

Whether you like it or not, they provide the industries of the future with funds before they bloom (seed investments)

Lets look at some of their gamefi investments:
Read 20 tweets
Mar 13th 2022
Some thoughts on Crabada's $tus token inspired by a🧵 by @mikocryptonft comparing @PlayCrabada and @AxieInfinity.
As an early adopter of Ethereum defi I found an opportunity to relive defi summer on the most promising Chain, #avalanche. 2021 offered thousands of percent of yield for playing nearly any of the $avax defi plays all while Avalanche was maturing as an ecosystem and in price.
I knew it was only a matter of time for the #axie of $avax to show up and at an $avax event in mid 2021 I found Crabada. It not only checked every box, it blew nearly every metric out of the water. After research I was convinced this game will outgrow Axie in all metrics. Image
Read 10 tweets
Jan 18th 2022
1/x The Evolution of #Guilds
A thread on how #P2E Gaming #Guilds are transitioning. With the development of #GameFi 2.0 and growing base of gamers, guilds have to balance between incentives, sustainable growth of player base and building community (providing entertainment value)
2/x Market Capacity of #Guilds
Guilds differentiate through few categories:
1) Manpower Management & Recruitment
2) Venture Capital & Incubation
3) Tooling (ERP, CRM, #SaaS platform)
4) Identity (Gamification of performance, scholarship analytics & efficiency, #DeFi passport)
3/x Manpower
Guilds earn facilitation fees from #AxieScholars & managers earnings and allocate them efficiently. Toolings will help with scaling and guilds can further optimise in-game trading/leasing of #NFT with their #P2E game economy expertise
Read 17 tweets
Oct 23rd 2021
#Axie 的推发完几天不止一个朋友私信问我Axie经济系统是不是不健康/是不是不推荐入场或尽快退游。❌不是的!不构成任何投资建议哈!📋只是个人观点+尝试性优化方案,Sky Mavis团队本身也做出了很多努力。
1. 取消了排名800后的玩家每日任务SLP奖励,此举可以避免玩家用新钱包和烂宠白嫖每天的75SLP,不仅可以提高玩家play to win的积极性,增强竞技性,也直接促进了SLP通缩和价格抬升。
2. 可预见的是市场上租借烂宠的玩家会变少,但多余的宠物可以给team增加能量,能量越多的team战斗中掉的SLP也越多,算是对老玩家的另一种补偿方式。Axie用户留存是300%~500%,30D和90D的用户留存几乎一致,这也从侧面说明了即使SLP通胀也不会过度影响玩家收益。
Read 6 tweets

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