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May 23rd 2023
I wrote this to a #BJP supporter who wanted to know my political position. I am expanding and sharing it here.

1. BJP is as corrupt and inefficient as #Congress, but it gets a free pass because it is successfully advancing the cause of #Hindu #majoritarianism.

2. Examples are #Rammandir, #kashivishvanathtemple, #Article370, #TripleTalaq, #UCC, #CAANRC, #Cowslaughter bans, random #lynchings of Muslims, ban on #Azan in public, etc. A majority of Hindus in India support these, as they believe these will "put Muslims in their place."

3. In fact, #Corruption under the BJP is likely to be far worse than under Congress rule, because the media (which is now entirely under the control of Modi's corporate cronies like A&A) simply refuses to investigate any BJP corruption scams. Examples: #Vyapam, #Rafale...

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Mar 30th 2023
@Aminbchy @McrMuseum @OfficialUoM @nazirafzal @WakkasKhan @ManchesterSAHM @RahmanCllr @k4shf @M_R_ULLAH @GMLO_UK @QaisraShahraz @ManchesterISOC @NusratAhmedMM @mcr_msf @ward_esme @TasteRamadan @mmuisoc The #Iftar at @McrMuseum was a great opportunity to share with all what #Islam is about and what #Muslims do too. @TasteRamadan made a number of posters for people attending with some simple facts that may be of interest for those wanting to know more @MuslimCouncil @bmhcentre
@Aminbchy @McrMuseum @OfficialUoM @nazirafzal @WakkasKhan @ManchesterSAHM @RahmanCllr @k4shf @M_R_ULLAH @GMLO_UK @QaisraShahraz @ManchesterISOC @NusratAhmedMM @mcr_msf @ward_esme @TasteRamadan @mmuisoc @MuslimCouncil @bmhcentre There are considered 5 pillars in Islam
1. Shahada (to testify/witness)
2. Salah (to supplicate / pray)
3. Zakat (to purify, grow, increase - compulsory alms for certain groups of people)
4. Sawm (to abstain from / fast)
5. Hajj (pilgrimage made to the ka’ba)
Read 8 tweets
Jun 27th 2020
Girl attempts of disrupting peace & harmony, over volume of Loudspeaker for Azan; says noise troubled for 30yrs.

Problem is not with loudspeaker but with the Azaan.

She Ignores of noice her own rituals & traditions encourages.

Roots of Hatred strengthens.
Blinded by Hatred, disrespecting a religious sentiments is the most cowardly attempt of Hate monger to divide India.

A successfully trail without an error & people fall for it, Addressing it as biggest issue for Nation.

They fool & they rule.

Read 3 tweets
May 15th 2020
Reciting Azaan through sound-amplifying devices, not an integral part of Islam, not protected under Article 25 of Constitution: Allahabad High Court…
Holding that recital of Azaan is an integral part of the Islamic religion, the Court directed the administration to refrain from causing any hindrance under the pretext of COVID-19 guideline violations.

#COVID #Covid_19 #covid1948 #azaan
Azan may be an essential and integral part of Islam but recitation of Azan through loud­ speakers or other sound amplifying devices cannot be said to be an integral part of the religion.

#COVID #Covid_19 #covid1948 #azaan
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