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Jun 19th 2023
Today is #Juneteenth, a holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States.

Related words from James A. Garfield…

“We began the war for the Union alone, but we had not gone far into its darkness before a new element was added to the conflict...In lessons that

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could not be misunderstood, the Nation was taught that God had linked to our own, the destiny of an enslaved race-that their liberty & our Union were indeed 'one & inseparable'...The soil beneath our feet was watered by the tears of slaves, in whose hearts the sight of

yonder proud Capitol awakened no pride and inspired no hope. But, thanks be to God, this arena of rebellion and slavery is a scene of violence and crime no longer!" ~1868 in @ArlingtonNatl.

“Soon after the great struggle began, we looked behind the army of white rebels, and

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May 21st 2023
Hello, Connections! Welcome back to my weekly column #ATHCOriginal #AskATHC. Today, I want to discuss a rather controversial topic—#Women.

#UnitedShowbiz #Gender #eqyality #Education #womenempowerment #TedTalk #Inspiration #Movies
Last week, I discussed #ContentWriting, but today's topic is different. Before going further, I want to declare outright that I am not a feminist or atheist. I am just a pragmatic, who sees a glass & water as two distinct things rather than seeing it half-empty or half full.
World has moved forward. Girls have gone to space! But culture, religion, ethics, & social evils continue to haunt girls worldwide. I don't want to talk about India, you've plenty of cases where women face atrocities almost every single day here. #RuralIndia #WomenLifeFreedom
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Mar 13th 2023
1· 🤔 On voit des enseignant·es faire cours les jours de #grève, organiser le #distanciel ou profiter des journées de #mobilisation pour avancer sur leur HDR : ne pensez-vous pas que nous avons quelques raisons de mettre l'#université et la #recherche à l'arrêt ?
🧶 à dérouler 👇 Baisse des budget par étudi...
2· ‼️ D'abord, il y a le saccage des #retraites, ces deux années de #travail que le gouvernement veut nous extorquer.
Personne n'est dupe : cette contre-réforme injuste et injustifiée aggravera les #inégalités, notamment entre femmes et hommes 🤬
Infos 👇…
3· 😡 Cette réforme aggravera donc les inégalités entre travailleuses et travailleurs de l'#ESR, et elle aura des effets spécifiques pour des chercheur·ses dont la carrière a été marquée par la #précarisation et l'#internationalisation 😱
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Mar 1st 2023
"That the #Anthropocene, at its core, is a fundamentally bourgeois concept should surprise no one. After all, it tells us that behind the current, disastrous state of world affairs is the #Anthropos. It’sa trick ...… #history #capitalism #ideology
... as old as #modernity – the rich and powerful create #problems for all of us, then tell us we’re all to blame. But are we? And just who, in any case, is ‘#we’?"
"The #Anthropocene concept has graced the cover of The Economist magazine and received the blessing of The New York Times’ editorial board – for the very sound reason that anthropogenic arguments obscure capitalogenic realities." #Science/#Society
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Dec 26th 2022
Human Rights Heroes Santa & Scrooge via @YouTube Our modern image of Santa and the character of Scrooge are icons of Christmas that were born in the era of the civil war, workers' rights. Charles Dickens and Thomas Nast artists in service to human values.
Time to educate Americans. The Origin of Santa Claus, originates from Charles Dickens written work back in 1843 prior to the American civil war, then during the War to help galvanize Union forces in the north, Santa Claus was first drawn/created -"by Thomas Nast a Cartoonist 1)
Thomas Nast first drew Santa Claus in January 1863, for Harper's Weekly. Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1929, via Metropolitan Museum of Art under CC 1.0
You could call it the face that launched a thousand Christmas letters. Appearing on January 3, 1863, in the illustrated magazine-
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Dec 1st 2022
Please read Franklin’s thread above. The whole thing. About comic books. And then imagine it wasn’t comic books, but historical photographs of enslaved people. That someone buys & makes into a “collection” on IG. And then publicizes it right before his movie on enslavement drops.
Based on @franklinleonard’s thread above, I went to IG. Imagine my disgust in finding that @JoeyMcFarland, #Emancipation producer, has branded his newly acquired photos of enslaved people as the #McFarlandCollection, & started posting right after @Emancipation wrapped filming.
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Aug 8th 2022
#OTD in 1863 Andrew Johnson freed the enslaved people at his home in Greenville, Tennessee. Johnson was the state's Military Governor at the time. All enslaved people were emancipated in Tennessee on October 24, 1864. A 🧵 about Jonson's complicated legacy regarding slavery. Andrew Johnson's home in Greenville, Tennessee.
Johnson was born into a poor family in Raleigh, North Carolina and grew up resenting the enslaving elite. His resentment did not keep him from enslaving others as an adult when he gained the financial ability to do so. In fact, Johnson very much supported slavery.
According to @flingsarahe, Johnson enslaved at least 5 individuals according to the 1860 slave schedule. Evidence suggests that Johnson was the father of two enslaved people named Liz and Florence. Their mother, Dolly, was listed as "black" while her children were "mulatto." Dolly with one of the Johnson children.
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Jul 21st 2022
Tom Cruise is set to receive more than $100m from the global box office success of #TopGunMaverick, making him the highest-earning actor in Hollywood…
The action sequel has grossed about $1.2bn worldwide, with Cruise set to reap dividends from ticket sales and a future share of home entertainment and streaming revenue on top of his fees as producer and star
Cruise’s base salary is believed to be much lower than some other stars.

Will Smith was reportedly paid $35m for his latest film, #Emancipation, and Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt will be earning $30m for forthcoming productions
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Oct 31st 2021
Can we all have a serious bipartisan conversation around the history of immigration in America and it’s impact on #ADOS? The Immigration Act of 1864 was one of Lincoln’s most signature pieces of legislation prior to the #EmacipationProclomation of 1865.…
“This law legalized and bureaucratized labor recruitment practices similar to indentured servitude to encourage immigration to the United States and economic development.”
“Although many poor Europeans had arrived as indentured servants during the colonial period, the practice had ended in the 1820s.”Congress repealed this law in 1868 after protests by labor organizations.…
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Aug 1st 2021
#EmancipationDay has been recognized by the federal government. In this series, I urge Quebec to do the same. The province has the the second largest black population in Canada and much remains to be done to respect their realities.…
#EmancipationDay Image
1-New generations of Black leaders in Quebec are working carefully to build dialogue between Black communities, whether they be continental, Caribbean, anglophone or francophone… #polican
📷 @RosemarySadlier🙏🏿
2-Although Black communities are divided by their histories, trajectories, geographical locations within Canada, class dynamics and diverse beliefs, they still face many of the same challenges.
#polican #EmancipationDayCanada
@FreedomTrainTOR @PoBCAdvocate
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Jul 11th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 07/11/2021…
Haiti: The saturnalia of emancipation and the vicissitudes of predatory rule

#haiti #history #emancipation #profit #PredatoryRule
Beijing Eyes New Military Bases Across the Indo-Pacific…

#china #MilitaryBases #IndoPacific
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Oct 18th 2020
#anarchisme #libéralisme #libertarianisme #économie #propriété #don #contredon #Graeber #étatisme #échange #monnaie #capitalisme

Ne laissons pas aux (pro-)#capitalistes libéraux·les, "libertarien·ne·s", "anar"caps le #monopole de la #liberté #économique.

Thread :
Je suis #anarchiste.

Pas "anar"cap. Véritablement anarchiste.

L'anarchisme est un mouvement qui prône l'abolition de l’#État, du #capitalisme, du cléricalisme, et des systèmes de domination basés sur l'identité (patriarcat, privilège blanc,… voire spécisme).

J'adhère à ça.
L'#anarchisme est donc pour un maximum de #liberté pour tou·te·s et chacun·e.

Certes, il prône souvent la #coopération entre les #individus, mais ça n'est jamais au mépris de leur #émancipation personnelle. Au contraire.
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Sep 1st 2020
Il me paraît qd même contradictoire que l'idée d'#Universalisme repose aux yeux de certains en grande partie sur celle de #Francophonie.
TOUT peuple, TOUTE culture qui cherche à diffuser préférentiellement SES racines propres fait œuvre de #colonialisme intellectuel.
J'aime ma langue, mais je ne la crois ni plus universelle, ni plus riche que les autres.
Je critique vivement la mainmise de l'anglais (en fait #globish) sur la communication internationale.
Je SAIS que toute politique de rayonnement linguistique d'une sphère culturelle ⤵️
tte politique de promotion linguistique possède 2 faces:
- l'enrichissement culturel des publics-cibles
- l'arrière-pensée que les apprenants deviennent des "amis", + favorables aux discours ou échanges venant de ladite sphère linguistique et culturelle que d'ailleurs. ⤵️
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Jun 19th 2020
As we celebrate #Juneteenth, it is important to remember that not all slaves were freed on June 19th, 1865. In Indian Territory, Blck slaves continued to be owned by Chickasaw and Choctaw masters. They weren’t freed until 1866. #BlackLivesMatter (thread)
#Juneteenth is supposed to represent the day that all slaves in the United States were freed from bondage.
However, slaves in #IndianTerritory in present day #Oklahoma were exempt from the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments because they were owned by masters of separate sovereign nations. So they remained enslaved event after the 13th Amendment was passed.
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Jan 30th 2019
Qqs grands moments de la discussion autour de l'ouvrage «Une histoire populaire de la France, de la guerre de 100 ans à nos jours», en présence de son auteur @GerardNoiriel, de @LarrereMathilde, spécialiste des mvts sociaux du 19e siècle et @UsulduFutur, vidéaste @OLGuillemets.
Cet événement était organisé par la section « Le Vent se lève » de @ScPoLyon. Ces tweets veulent restituer différents axes de réflexion soulevés par la discussion autour de l'ouvrage. Ils sont avant tout introductifs et invitent à une lecture attentive & approfondie de l'ouvrage.
@GerardNoiriel revient d'abord sur sa posture de chercheur : il ne pense pas son ouvrage comme « politique » : il dit défendre une « autonomie de la recherche » par rapport au politique et à la politique, tout en se définissant comme un « historien engagé ».
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