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Nov 15th 2022
🪡 1/4: #COP27 live at the #BlueZone: Water for Biodiversity & Nature-based Solutions:

#JustAndAmbitious Image
2/4: The session discussed ways to protect the coasts of #Egypt & other developing countries, as well as how to protect lowlands from floods & erosion through #naturebasedsolutions. Image
3/4: “We need to emphasize the important of the project to enhance #adaptation, protect the #NileDelta & acknowledge it as a model for implementation projects to achieve sustainable development & as a product of extended cooperation with the Green Climate Fund,” said Dr. Fouad. Image
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Nov 15th 2022
🪡 1/6 #COP27 live at the #BlueZone | The Rio Conventions: Restoring Balance with Nature for a Sustainable Future

#JustAndAmbitious Image
2/6: Loss of #biodiversity is one of the most devastating impacts of #climatechange as it compounds the damages to our ecosystems, agriculture, and livelihoods. Image
3/6: As the planet’s atmospheric temperature continues to rise, extreme weather events become more frequent, and ecosystems, to face further destruction, we drive loss of species, sometimes with irreversible consequences. Image
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Nov 15th 2022
🪡 1/4: #COP27 live at the #BlueZone | Facilitating Transformational Climate Adaptation for the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) and the Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF)

#JustAndAmbitious Image
2/4: Securing climate finance for low-income countries is a critical challenge to enabling their adaptation & resilience measures. Low income countries are particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts, & lack the financial resources required to build capacity on adaptation. Image
3/4: The Global Environment Facility, part of the operating entity of the Financial Mechanism for UNFCCC, held a pledging event to secure climate finance for the Least Developed Countries Fund and the Special CLimate Change Fund. Image
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Nov 15th 2022
🪡 1/7: #COP27 live at the #BlueZone | From Conceptualization to Materialization: How Climate FInance is Reshaping the Future of Banking and Finance

#JustAndAmbitious Image
2/7: The #Energy Security and #ClimateChange side event gave energy ministers and secretaries along with energy security experts the opportunity to speak about the current energy crisis and the #geopolitical challenges that currently exacerbate the issue. Image
3/7: Speaking on #Egypt’s #energy transition Dr. Yasmine Fouad said, “There is no one size fits all model. We need plans to be aligned with our NDCs & we need to be flexible so that we are able to adapt our development strategies down the line as needed.” Image
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Nov 15th 2022
🪡 1/4 #COP27 live at the #BlueZone | From Conceptualization to Materialization: How Climate Finance is Reshaping the Future of Banking and Finance

#JustAndAmbitious Image
2/4: This morning’s event explored the state & future of climate financing in Egypt. HE Dr. Yasmine Fouad opened with a keynote speech discussing the strong level of cooperation and long term partnerships between the Egyptian government and the country’s national banks. Image
3/4: Dr. Fouad thanked the National Bank of Egypt, whose Chairman Mr. Hisham Oksasha attended & later spoke, for NBE's role in facilitating mitigation projects in #Egypt. The minister notes renewable energy projects as bankable, & called for expansion into food & water projects. Image
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Nov 14th 2022
🪡 1/7: #COP27 Live from the #BlueZone : Gender Day Closing Session

#COP27Gender #Women
2/7: #COP27Gender Day closes with a ceremony hosted by Dr. Maya Morsi and HE Dr. Yasmine Fouad. The #women invited a #student, Nevine Ghazi, on stage to share her perspectives on #climatechange and #youth in #Africa.
3/7: Ms. Ghazi advocates for #climateeducation saying, “I learned about the #SDGs & The #ParisAgreement in university. I instantly became aware of #climatechange and our needs. More importantly, I was able to apply my knowledge and continue to learn.
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Nov 14th 2022
6/8: Ms Susan Gardner of UNEP calls for respecting local knowledge and more women in science & in education, adding #women are key actors in building community resilience. She warns, "when women lack resources, a voice, or freedom to move, we become trapped with high climate risk
7/8: Elizabeth Walthuti of Green Generation adds that women are victims of climate change but will also be the ones to lead us out of it. Discussing inequalities she adds, “this gross injustice is precisely what young people around the world are mobilizing to fight against.”
8/8: Dr. Yasmine Fouad closes the panel thanking the speakers for amplifying voices of local communities & inviting attendees to the #GreenZone, which mirrors the agenda of the #BlueZone, while capturing the voices of #humanity through engaging with #civilsociety stakeholders.
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Nov 14th 2022
🪡 1/8: #COP27 live from the #BlueZone | #Gender Day continues with a high-level panel: Voice of Women Leaders in Climate Debates, Policies, Implementation, & Beyond.

#JustAndAmtibious Image
2/8: HE Dr Yasmine Fouad welcomes the #female panel & attendees with a call to action. “We need to look at how to enable & empower #women in the fight in #climatechange. We need to do that now at this #COP for implementation.

#JustAndAmtibious Image
3/8: Ms Soipan Tuya, Kenya’s Minister of Environment says, “#Women know the issues & are the fastest responders. We are natural drivers. When we take the steering wheel, things will move.” Adding that women’s building women’s participation and capacity is needed.

#COP27Gender Image
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Nov 14th 2022
🪡 1/13:#COP27 live from the #BlueZone |
Today is #COP27 Gender Day! We aim to close the gender gap in #government, finance, education & employment. We are proud to implement an important initiative: African Women's CAP.

2/13: Today we launch of the African Women’s Climate Adaptive Priorities (CAP). This initiative comprehensively addresses gender-sensitive climate challenges & opportunities to empower the stewards of our communities & planet.

3/13:HE Dr. Yasmine Fouad opens the event with powerful remarks. “#Women are the main engine for tackling the front lines of #climatechange,” explaining that they are the implementers of green solutions & advocates for community wide sustainability.”

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