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Sep 11th 2021
This is hard to write but it is true for many. What I’m about to say is a harsh reality of what people go through.

What I am about to say is also the reason why a lot of people don’t ask for help.

People do not ask for help because of the fears and stigmas that exist.

Here Is Something to think about,

What if you were a #singleparent with a #child

You work full time for $15.00/hr

You take home roughly $960.00 per paycheck (bi-weekly after taxes)

#singleparent #parenting #Blessed #grateful #calgary #calgarylife #alberta #yyc

Your bills per month:

$1,000 or more for rent
$150 or more for cable/internet
$250 or more for utilities
$150 per month for car insurance

So let’s do the math

You bring home about
$1,920.00 a month

Your bills average about $1,500(give or take)

@GrannyGTArp @BallerGearCA
Read 25 tweets
May 22nd 2021
😳🆘We need help!🆘😳

We need to raise $870.00 by Monday afternoon or we will not be able to fill the last four requests we have on our list!

Two requests are for seniors and one is for a single mom and one is for a single parent who has left an abusive marriage and needs help! ImageImage
If you can help…we are at the point of begging. Our volunteers are out in full force today! So if you see any of us out and about come say 👋 Hello 👋

We have 4 hampers left to fill so please help us!! We do not want to have to turn these families away!!

@HarvestHillsYYC needs help.

PLEASE consider donating via Etransfer, PayPal or GoFundMe.


PayPal/Credit Cards:

Our GoFundMe:

@GrannyGTArp @JyotiGondek @gurbirward3 @TheBeaverton
Read 6 tweets
May 9th 2021
If there is anyone that could help fill two serious requests. One is for a single father fleeing family domestic violence & the other is for a single senior needing help with medication that she can’t afford.

To fill these two requests and the two from last night we need $980.00
Dm us for more information.

The single father needs $380.00 for rent.

The single senior needs $476.00 for her meds that aren’t covered.

#Alberta #Calgary #Canada #Edmonton #Lethbridge #Abgov #COVID19 #CalgaryStrong #CanadaStrong #AlbertaStrong #PleaseHelp #Donate #AlbertaCares
The two requests from last night are for a single female that is taking care of her mom who is 70. She has NO food in their house.

We took her a few bags of food last night at 2:45am and left with a promise to bring a food hamper by Monday.

#help #COVIDSecondWave #BeKind #YYC
Read 7 tweets

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