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Feb 28th 2023
🇷🇺🇺🇦Maps of Artemovsk as of February 21 and 28

Over the past week, Russian forces have driven out militants from Krasnaya Gora, Berkhovka, Yagodnoye, and the Stupka microdistrict has been cleared.
Currently, the RF Armed Forces are attacking Orekhovo-Vasilyevka, Bogdanovka, Khromovo and Ivanovskoye.

In addition, there are fights in the area of the meat processing plant, as well as in the private sector in the east of the city, there is an advance to the Bakhmutka River.
To reinforce the thinned ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the 14th MBR, the 57th and 56th MBR, the 4th NG Brigade, the Spartan and Donetsk NG brigades, the Aidar battalion of the 53rd MBR were transferred to Artemovsk and its environs.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 10th 2023
🧵on #IDR recently, I talked with the #CBO as a SME to help their modeling, with the limited information they had.

I refused to guess what % of people in the portfolio would go into the "new IDR" as details were lacking. I smart not to as REPAYE will be the vessel of changes.
I think this plan will encourage more people with UG debt to enroll in REPAYE and see what happens - sorta like insurance against economic shocks, as I said to @AnnaHelhoski in the piece she modeled outcomes for last year.
The ≤$12k marker for UG debt to be forgiven at 10 years seems arbitrary - as $17K is the average loan debt for those with an Associates and $14k with a certificate.

This should help stop-outs, though - but $20k just makes more sense without the complexity of +$1k = 1 more year.
Read 15 tweets
Jul 10th 2022
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Via #vincenzotrasmissioni

In Germania in vendita la scultura blu dell'Euro, simbolo della Ue
Via #vincenzotrasmissioni
Il Terzo occhio e l'origine dell'umanità
Read 77 tweets
Jul 9th 2022
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Via #vincenzotrasmissioni
"Attivazione della ghiandola pineale e del terzo occhio"
Read 67 tweets
Jul 7th 2022
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Via #vincenzotrasmissioni
Via #vincenzotrasmissioni
"..l'attenzione si concentra sulla cosiddetta mafia del sesso infantile, sulle reti di traffico di bambini e sul traffico di minori, che da tempo si sono affermate a livello nazionale e internazionale"
Read 69 tweets
Jun 30th 2022
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Via #vincenzotrasmissioni
"meglio non mandarli alla pena capitale ma tenerli in prigione e poi quando tutti anche in occidente avranno sani di mente a capo di nuovi governi si potrà fare anche un giusto processo" (Vincenzo Trasmissioni)
Zelensky ha dato ordine ai battaglioni di sparare sui mercenari. Ad Azovstal hanno trovato resti umani e documenti stranieri ... Non vogliono lasciare testimoni.. l'unica speranza è la diserzione
Read 46 tweets
Aug 14th 2018
New #CBO projections:
Tax cuts:
Income of <$25k will save $60.
Income of $48k-$86k will save $930.
Top 1% will save $51k.
Econ growth will slow to 1.7% in2020.
Budget deficit will be $1 trillion in 2020 because $1.5 t tax cut and $300B in new spending.
Fiscal conservatives my ass
This will not move the average #maga supporter, however, I set my watch for tax season to watch maga lose their shit when their realize they did not get a tax cut in their paycheck, rather a withholding tax tables shenanigan.
It is ironic that all trump supporters who make under $25k will save the price of a Maga hat on taxes this year?
Read 3 tweets

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