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Mar 2nd 2023
A reality we all need to wake up to. We’re living in an information war that’s only going to accelerate. 🇨🇳,🇷🇺 & the political right, along with other malign actors, are waging this war. 🇨🇦 has a naive, gullible &/or complicit #cdnmedia that far too often, falls for #InfoOps.
Link to the NYT article….

Or a reprint (not paywalled)…
The AI technology is only going to become more sophisticated. The West is failing to recognize & keep up with the mass scale manipulation & information warfare threatening democracies around the world. #cdnpoli #InfoOps #CdnNatSec
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Feb 25th 2023
Elon Musk is seriously the stupidest man alive. Just a sociopathic conman who amplifies the most heinous garbage & adds to it by lying. NO, Alexander was NOT “put in jail”. He’s a little fascist who disrupted everyone else’s learning with his entitlement & bigotry. #cdnpoli ImageImageImageImage
If you missed the story, entitled little fascist, Josh Alexander, created multiple disturbances in his school using trans kids as his punching bag & publicity stunt opportunity. Disinfo media & accounts then repeated the propaganda to further scapegoat trans. #cdnpoli #CdnDisinfo ImageImageImageImage
Here’s Josh Alexander appearing with neo-Nazi grifter, #ChristineAnderson, on her recent Canadian grift disinformation tour. Because of course he did. Both scapegoat & lie about Muslim & trans people. #CdnDisinfo #cdnpoli ImageImageImageImage
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Feb 25th 2023
#ChristineAnderson prt 3. Ok, strap in. The meat of what’s in Anderson’s 🇨🇦 tour. Whoa boy, it touches on global Christo-fascism & its intersection with anti-vax mass disinformation & the use of that disinfo as a tool of radicalization. Thanks @ConvoyTwitty for finding the video.
The Anderson Whitby Ontario event began with a video (produced by whom? Paid for by?) where far right Canadian “convoy” figures, including #TamaraLich, said words of welcome to Anderson. Then, in true fascist propaganda fashion inverting truth, they played the national anthem.
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Feb 24th 2023
More on Christine Anderson. Why is this German neo-Nazi on a money making tour of 🇨🇦 & why are children being used in her malignant grift operation? #cdnpoli #CdnNatSec #cdnmedia #DemocracyUnderThreat
Children were also used/abused in the #FluTruxKlan op. The use of children in the schemes is repugnant. #cdnpoli
One of the sponsors of Christine Anderson’s Christo-fascist grift tour, has set up a GiveSendGo to pay for their sponsorship?? It hasn’t made any money, so where’s the money coming from? Hotels, dinners, venue fees, flights. Have enough people been buying the $200 - $325 tickets?
Read 5 tweets
Feb 22nd 2023
Why is far right German member of European Parliament & Russian asset, Christine Anderson, posting pictures of herself with Tamara Lich & #JCCF’s Keith Wilson yesterday?

Interesting to note, Lich helped start #WEXIT. The global far right is Putin’s ace in the hole. #cdnpoli
But here’s ADF’s Christine Anderson with another man. A Quebec resident named Kim Tsoj. He posts about Christine Anderson a lot. #FreeDumbConvoy #cdnpoli #CdnFarRight
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Jan 3rd 2023
“Rebel News” is funded by #DarkMoney, in spite of always crying poor. A key source of this dark money? Well, ask yourselves: why is Rebel a constant source of Kremlin propaganda? Not just recently. Remember this from 2018?… #Cdnmedia #CdnDisinfo #cdnpoli
Fast forward to before & since, #RussianInvasionOfUkraine. So-called “Rebel” so-called “News” has become a constant vector of 🇷🇺disinfo & propaganda. Including the role both played in #FluTruxKlan op. #cdnpoli
Since Russia’s attack on #Ukraine️, “Rebel News” has at times been brazen in amplifying Kremlin propaganda. #cdnmedia #cdnpoli #PutinWarCriminal
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Dec 31st 2022
As 2022 comes to a close, here’s a brief #cdnpoli year in review. In January/22 we saw the launch of a destabilization op (that just *happened* to coincide with the lead up to Putin’s attack on #Ukraine). #FreeDumbConvoy #FluTruxKlan
#FluTruxKlan #FreeDumbConvoy was pushed hard by multiple malign players & boosted by inauthentic activity, including by foreign threat actors. #Cdnpoli #CdnpoliYearInReview #goodbye2022
Feb/22 #NevrePoilievre officially launched his “prime minister” bid using #FluTruxKlan op, even though we’d just had an election months earlier & O’Toole was still #CPCldr.

#Cdnpoli #CdnpoliYearInReview #goodbye2022
Read 17 tweets
Sep 29th 2022
There’s a coordinated international hit job on 🇨🇦’s gov’t. 🇺🇸🇬🇧🇷🇺🇨🇳 operations. The ops coming out of England may be a proxy for Russian ops amplified by England’s ever-present far right. They inauthentically trend anti-Trudeau hashtags using accelerator botnets & trolls #cdnpoli
But, as I’ve said many times, these ops are only successful when they can get real people to engage & perpetuate them. So 3k people in 🇨🇦 + 4K in 🇺🇸 + 3K in 🇬🇧 + troll factories & botnets, suddenly appears like an overwhelming movement that spurs others to believe. #CdnDisinfo
Troll networks are complex echo chambers that have steadily evolved since the early days of 🇷🇺’s Internet Research Agency. To be successful they MUST include authentic users. So a typical response from people in these malign networks is “she says I’m a bot!! 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣”. Um, no
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Sep 27th 2022
A bunch of troll accounts followed me in rapid succession. Wtf?
I discovered why. Thank you to my anonymous friends who alerted me to this. Including threats of violence. @TwitterSupport @TwitterSafety @Twitter
And a brand new troll account shows up in the replies.
Read 12 tweets

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