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Mar 10th 2023
#UKPolitics I am 60. To anyone less than 40, let me tell you NONE of what is happening today is normal.
Under the Thatcher govt there was a lot of corruption but nothing on this scale and when caught out the perps were forced to resign.
What is happening now IS Fascism. -->
Fascism is fundamentally about government being run by a cabal for their own benefits regardless of how much they claim to be patriots. Much like feudalism but with corporations thrown in too.

The @Conservatives "Stand up to the Unions" is part of this dogma.
For the good-->
of the nation and the wider world, please look beyond their simplistic, lies.
Follow the money. We're not getting it. They are. Billions of it while they let us die or are they actively killing us?

Read 5 tweets
Nov 18th 2022
🧵 1/7
@RishiSunak the NHS doesn’t need more money … it needs to better manage/better spend the money it has.

@DHSCgovuk planned spend for 2021/22 on England = £190.3bn - majority (£136bn) passed to NHS England & NHS Improvement for spending on health services… 💰
How is that not enough for England’s 56m population? 🤯

c.40% of this is spent on treating preventable conditions! Yet the NHS fails to execute a strategy that truly prioritises prevention… 🤦🏽‍♂️
Take CVD as an example: economic analysis suggests that if all detected individuals were managed according to NICE guidelines, the total saving would be £61bn & 5.2m CVD cases prevented!

The amount of waste in public services is criminal… 🗑
Read 8 tweets
Sep 29th 2022
There’s a coordinated international hit job on 🇨🇦’s gov’t. 🇺🇸🇬🇧🇷🇺🇨🇳 operations. The ops coming out of England may be a proxy for Russian ops amplified by England’s ever-present far right. They inauthentically trend anti-Trudeau hashtags using accelerator botnets & trolls #cdnpoli
But, as I’ve said many times, these ops are only successful when they can get real people to engage & perpetuate them. So 3k people in 🇨🇦 + 4K in 🇺🇸 + 3K in 🇬🇧 + troll factories & botnets, suddenly appears like an overwhelming movement that spurs others to believe. #CdnDisinfo
Troll networks are complex echo chambers that have steadily evolved since the early days of 🇷🇺’s Internet Research Agency. To be successful they MUST include authentic users. So a typical response from people in these malign networks is “she says I’m a bot!! 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣”. Um, no
Read 8 tweets
Aug 14th 2022
Boris Johnson has been Prime Minister for 3 years, but will be out on his ear in weeks.

Let's look back at his first speech from the lectern of never-ending-impending-doom in Downing Street.

#UKpolitics #Boris
It's important to hold political leaders to account by reviewing their promises later.
And it will be illuminating to see what he and his ministers (including the next Prime Minister) have chosen to actually do beyond the rhetoric.

Let's go...
Blah, blah, blah.


Read 19 tweets
Jun 29th 2022
#BorisJohnson #News

Boris Johnson news – live 🔴


- Raise military spend as ‘world has 1930s feel’, says senior Tory

- ‘If Putin were a woman he would not have started the Ukraine war’

#BorisJohnson #News

- Russian president Vladimir Putin is suffering from small man syndrome, Ben Wallace has suggested.

#BorisJohnson #News

- A senior Tory called for the UK to increase its spending on defence to counter the threat from Vladimir Putin’s Russia as he warned that the world has a “1930s feel” to it.

Read 5 tweets
Jun 20th 2022

An Ode

With (heavily curated) illustrative assistance from #dallemini


#ukpolitics #satire
Top of a poll of the Brits' figureheads,
All the while Winnie was popping the reds...
And before he became the UK's top book-cooker,
Osborne was snapped snorting coke with a hooker...
Read 8 tweets
Apr 29th 2022
With so much conservative media amplification of Coalition spin, it’s going to be a lot easier for them to impose minority religious values on Australians. Trans lives are already being harmed, and anti choice action has begun here.… #auspol #ausvotes
Remember, they are already chipping away at #democracy in Australia. Similar to US and UK.…
The degree to which they have abandoned the vulnerable while proclaiming to be men (and a few women) of deep Christian faith, we call hypocrisy. It’s actually much deeper than that.…
Read 20 tweets
Feb 23rd 2022
#Russia has invaded Sovereign #Ukraine.
Russia along with the big 5 gave Ukraine, #Belarus and #Kazakhstan explicit guarantee to respect their Sovereignty and territories as part of #Budapest memorandum in return for giving up their #nukes.
#Putin claimed that "promises" were made and broken regarding #NATO expansion?
Yet #Gorbachev has said many times that no such promise was given
Who should we believe?
The Ethno-nationalist?
Or the Nobel prize winner?
Russia breached this accord with its original 2014 invasion.
The actions of Russia in its pursuit of Crimea and making #Azov a russian lake have led to creating and supporting continued insurgency in eastern Ukraine.
The claim of Putin to be entering Ukraine as a #peacekeeper?
As a guardian of Russian speakers?
Read 14 tweets
Feb 5th 2022
Why yes, selective-article grabber, I did thoroughly read the BBC news article about children and NHS referrals, and I have a few comments.

#schoolclosures #UKPolitics #ENGLAND

First, it's important to note that I did what any normal human and not a data robot does when they read an infographic, I faithfully transcribed it using machine-reading software to translate it into Excel. If anyone can find the raw data, thanks.

I then sourced school closures directly from

This allowed me to create two lockdown periods (<30% school attendance) and open school periods (>75% attendance)

Read 18 tweets
Jan 5th 2022
OK #Covid_19 #COVID19 #Covid #uspoli #canpoli #ukpolitics #EU #worldpoli are you or one of your family members one of the 1/100 predicted to get severely ill from #Omicron the #COVID19 #Covid_19 #Variant despite being 3-4X vaccinated and following public health advice?
And so it seems world leaders around the globe have finally come together - to declare that 1/100 people with #Omicron experiencing severe disease and/or death is an acceptable number for "a productive economy" - what does that mean if YOU or an at-risk family member is 1/100?
First you must accept the cold hard fact that nobody any longer gives a single solitary flying shit that you or your family member(s) are now after 2 years of "we're all in this together" staring down the very short barrel of a rapidly increased mortality risk from #Omicron.
Read 26 tweets
Oct 28th 2021
Changes to #UniversalCredit in #Budget2021 see the loss of £20 (#KeepTheLifeline) "mitigated" with a reduction in the UC "taper rate" from 63p to 55p.

Let's look at what that means, who that helps and who that hurts.

#poverty #ukpolitics #benefits #UKPoverty #foodbanks

It means that now instead of 63p being deducted from Universal Credit for every £1 earned, only 55p will be. Meaning claimants in work are 8p better off per £1 wages earned.

That offsets that £20 for some. Who though? How many 8p's are needed to reach £20?

It's actually £250 that is needed in wages every month, to offset the £20 cut. Or to put it another way, that's 59h work a month on the apprentice minimum wage, or 29h on the min wage over 23.

At age 23, if you work 7h a week you should be better off with the new rates?

Read 19 tweets
Aug 7th 2021
Given everything that’s been happening in the world, I think it’s time to revisit the subject of #ActiveMeasures.

Not just for Soviets anymore.

A 🧵.

#USpoli #cdnpoli #UKPolitics #EUpolitics #nzpol #auspoI #Brexit
When the Kremlin launched its weaponization of social media prior to 🇺🇸 2016 election, there was great concern that other malignant actors would quickly adopt these techniques.

They did.
Now, not only state-actor operations, but for-hire malign influence operations are reaching epidemic proportions as well, in countries around the world. (…) #disinformation #propaganda #ActiveMeasures
Read 10 tweets
Apr 24th 2021
A Chronology of The Stupid & Wrong Things @AlexanderDowner Has Said About COVID

#auspol #insiders #UKPolitics
March 10, 2020 "The panic about coronavirus is madness..."

#auspol #insiders
March 10, 2020

Compares COVID to the flu

#auspol #insiders
Read 17 tweets
Oct 31st 2019
This is VERY serious & unacceptable:

UK PM withholding Intelligence Committee report on security threat of Russian interference in upcoming (12 Dec!) general election.

What is Boris Johnson hiding?

#DefendingDemocracy #GE2019 #UKPolitics #HybridWar…
Chair Intelligence & Security Committee:

PM Johnson's press office* come up with "whopping lies" on why report can’t be published now.

*Linked to #Cummings, Johnson's chief adviser, who is now facing questions over his activities in... #Russia.

UK PM blocks report on Russian election interference — until *after* the election ?!

What is Boris Johnson hiding ??

Yet *another* UK election that's not free & fair.

Unless it leaks...

Voters deserve to know the truth!

#DefendOurDemocracy #GE2019🗳️…
Read 6 tweets
Jul 16th 2019
By @southfronteng
Military Situation In Afghanistan On July 15, 2019 (Map Update)…
🗣️After 18 years of illegal occupation by the US-led coalition😲🤨😏🤔?
🗣️Why is ISIS increasing day by day🤔🤨😏?
🗣️Can anyone guess what's really going on in Afghanistan🤨😏?
🗣️This is easy!
🤬@USArmy = #ISIS‼️
🤬 #USA🇺🇸& allies OUT Of Afganistan NOW🤬!…
Read 21 tweets
Oct 28th 2018
1/ What is our BLUEPRINT FOR BREXIT? #Brexit #efta #marr #Peston #bbcaq bbcsp #bbcqt #UKpolitics
2/ Its all laid out here, but it is a pretty long document in fairness:…
3/ Here is a simplified version. Part one:
Read 7 tweets
Aug 3rd 2018
It's a criminal offence to falsifying a legal instrument. But if the #MetPolice / #LBRUT do it, then there is not even an investigation. 12 years of silence. Evidence to prove it -

#skynews #lbc #theresamay #uk #bbcnews #coverup #c4news #worldnews #ukgov
Welcome to the #Metpolice who also changed & falsified my arrest details. Have a look at the evidence here as it's all easy to prove & that's why it's never addressed

#R4today #corruption #coverup #leadership #values #corevalues #bbcnews #skynews #itvnews
Read 97 tweets
Apr 9th 2018
Please to hear the indefatigable late Robin Cook's resignation speech was chosen to start speech week on @BBCPM today.
Well worth listening to if you missed it.
#bbcpm #iraq #robincook #blair #UKlabour #UKpolitics
The speech is still remarkably prescient on so many levels:
Of the need for unilateralism and how Britain can't go it alone.
Of how this wasn't an objection to any and all military intervention.
Of how the problems although bit fully crystallised could be foreseen in advance.
Of how those who disagreed should not be seen as traitors.
Of the need to listen to the reports from experts.
The idea that an enemy can simultaneously be seen as well and on the verge of collapse, but still seem as a clear and present danger.
The list goes on.
Read 6 tweets

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