Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #DataBreach

Most recents (24)

1/7 🚨 #DataBreach Alert 🚨: Personal data of COVID-19 vaccine recipients in India has reportedly been leaked online via a bot on #Telegram. #CyberSecurity #PrivacyMatters Image
2/7 📲 The bot allowed users to input a mobile number and it would respond with personal info connected to the number, including name, gender, DOB, and vaccination center. #InfoSec #DataLeak Image
3/7 📂 The leaked data also includes personal info on several politicians and journalists. This is a serious breach of privacy with significant implications. #DataProtection #PrivacyRights
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Breaking News! Massive data breach rocks online lingerie retailer. Hackers targeted their website, compromising the private information of 1.5 million women. Cybersecurity authorities are on the case, apprehending the suspect & uncovering shocking details #DataBreach

Thread🧵: Image
Udaipur, Rajasthan - the origin of a chilling cybercrime. Rajasthan's SOG unveils a Twitter profile, @Cyber_Huntss, operating from Udaipur. Swift action ensues, leading to the arrest of suspect Sanjay Soni. The investigation takes a riveting turn. #CyberCrime #ArrestMade +
Sanjay, a self-proclaimed Hindu Nationalist, is notorious for provocative social media posts. Attention catches fire as BJP minister Laxmikant Bhardwaj joins the fray, seeking updates from Rajasthan Police. The plot thickens. 

Unveiling the truth - Sanjay's +
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🚨 1/ Ongoing campaign primarily targeting security researchers here on Twitter.

Possibly they are trying to exploit some vulnerability in Internet Explorer and database tools like Navicat. I haven't been able to get the malicious payload yet, but something fishy is going on 🤔 ImageImageImageImage
2/ Tweets mention things like #0day, #databreach, #Kimsuky, #Lazarus and point to a file download on pan[.]baidu[.]com, just now removed.

There is also a repo on Github with connection data and credentials to supposed DBs and Web Apps that ask to use IE 🤭 ImageImageImageImage
3/ I tried, at first glance harmless, but in the code we see that it points to a rather suspicious .JS.

When we deofuscate and clean, a hidden URL appears that could load the next stage, however I could not get it (maybe geofenced or some other trick). ImageImageImageImage
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#OSINT: En esta oportunidad, realizaré un recordaris de todos mis tweets (Hilos) populares sobre Herramientas y métodos para investigaciones.🔎

Thread of Tools and methods for investigations.

#DataBreach #Socmint #ThreatIntel #GoogleCloudShell #ManuelBot #Leaks
🧵HILO🧵 Image
1⃣ Hilo de Heramientas y métodos para investigaciones🔎 por correos electrónicos. Thread of Tools and methods for investigations by emails.

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2⃣ 12 recursos gratuitos de OSINT (libros, manuales, presentaciones y documentos de investigación traducidos al Español) para pasar de cero a héroe.
📌 Image
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El poder de los datos para #OSINT: ¿Qué tan expuesto está nuestra #HuellaDigital en Internet?, ¿cómo saber si he sido víctima de una filtración de datos (#Facebook, #Instagram, #Twitter?, ¿Qué medidas tomar?.

#databreach #dataleak #Ciberinteligencia #Socmint
1⃣ Sabe ud., ¿Qué tan expuesto está nuestra #HuellaDigital en Internet?

💥Es una pregunta que muchos tratan de omitir e ignorar... es por ello decido iniciar este🧵HILO, que por cierto espero que sea de agrado para uds., a fin de tomar conciencia de la peligrosidad digital. 🚨
2⃣ SAMUEL, era un estudiante de una Universidad de PERÚ 🇵🇪, decide contactar a Manuel, debido a que recibía muchos mensajes de correos electrónicos SPAM, así como también llamadas y hasta había sido víctima de suplantación digital en Instagram y Facebook (🚨¡ALARMANTE!)...

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👩‍💻 GitHub Importance in Data Field 🔅

📅 Data Professionals need #GitHub for source code management. It hosts Git, an open-source version control system that tracks the changes and requests of a project. Using GitHub, users can #clone the code from the central #repository to their local machine, make changes, commit
I will Tell You 3 Steps To Gather Perfect Knowledge About Github & Git

1️⃣ Tutorial
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El poder de los datos para #OSINT: Investigando y exponiendo a usuario de Facebook, quien a través de publicaciones, estaría brindando servicios "ilegales" de eliminación de datos en diversas plataformas digitales 🇵🇪.🚨#HuellaDigital #AnalistaOsint #ManuelBot #Socmint

1⃣ Este hilo será uno de mis favoritos!, el de exponer
a una persona que realiza acciones que están en contra de mis principios... ¿Sabe ud., diariamente cuántos usuarios son víctimas de estafa por facebook?¿Cuántos son víctimas de robos de cuentas en redes sociales?

2⃣ Bueno empecemos, navegando me encontré con una información muy alarmante!🚨, era una publicación realizada por usuario en un grupo d Facebook, donde decía brindar "servicios de eliminación de datos en plataformas digitales" (Algo que está en contra de lo legal en 🇵🇪). 🚨

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#OSINT: Análisis de investigación sobre números telefónicos (#WhatsappDataBreach), difundidos en canales de #Telegram, con el uso de técnicas y herramientas para la obtención de información en #Socmint #AnalistaOsint #DataBreach #ToolsOsint #ManuelBot #Leaks #CiberINT
🧵HILO🧵 Image
1⃣ Hace poco, en un canal "X" de telegram, vi que compartían archivos (que me llamó mucho la atención), en relación a una violación importante de datos que había sufrido WhatsApp, por lo que decidí investigar y saber que información se encuentra expuesta (#HuellaDigital)

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2⃣ Para este caso, descargué un archivo de 38.4 Mb (de los muchos que había), que contenía alrededor de 17.95M registros de Números filtrados en la última Brecha.

✅ Según informes, los datos de alrededor de 500 millones de usuarios de WhatsApp se han filtrado en línea.

⬇️ Image
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#OSINT: Investigación iniciada desde un Documento Público, con el uso de técnicas, recursos y herramients, que sintetizan y profundizan el trabajo de un #AnalistaOsint🔎.
#Cybersecurity #CyberINT #DataBreach #ToolsOsint #EmailOsint #leaks #GoogleCloudShell #ManuelBot
1⃣ Hace poco, vi un documento público (Docs Google) que era compartida por un usuario (Con las iniciales "V") en un grupo de Telegram, por lo que decidí escarbar, y saber hasta donde puedo llegar (como #AnalistaOsint) con ese dato encontrado en TG.

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2⃣ Así que como siempre, ejecuté el #GoogleCloudShell🔎 e instalé la herramienta #Xeuledoc (excelente #OSINTtool que sirve para obtener información sobre documentos abiertos/ desprotegidos/públicos en Google Drive).
✅ Tool:…
✅ Creator: @MalfratsInd

⬇️ Image
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#OSINT: Hilo de Heramientas y métodos para investigaciones🔎 por correos electrónicos.

Thread of Tools and methods for investigations by emails.
#AnalistaOsint #Cybersecurity #DataBreach #ToolsOsint #EmailOsint #OSINT #leaks #ThreatIntel #GoogleCloudShell #ManuelBot
1⃣ - EPIEOS. 🕵️‍♀️Herramienta que extrae valiosa información partir de un correo electrónico ya sea Hotmail, Gmail📧 vinculando a otros servicios como Skype, Spotify, twitter, entre otros.
2⃣ - 🔎 IDENTIFICATOR SPACE. Herramienta que automatizar las búsquedas OSINT mediante la recopilación de datos en fuentes públicas a través de un sistema de módulos.
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Aussie data breach #5 (or is it #6?) is @AMEBexams, which is run by unis and several state gov'ts. Its e-commerce system breach coincides with a nasty XSS software vulnerability in Adobe Commerce/Magento:… #auspol #infosec
To recap, @AMEBexams says its AMEB online shop database was attacked between Oct. 12-18. Says transaction/credit card data at risk. Also names, emails, phone numbers, addresses were exposed and possibly before Oct. 12 as well: Notice here:
In that notice, @AMEBexams writes: "Security solutions (patches) to defend against this type of attack have since been released by Adobe and applied to the AMEB website and shop."
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#Infosec || Ciberseguridad: los ataques de la semana 🕵️

En apenas dos semanas se filtraron datos de cuatro entidades estatales en Argentina 🇦🇷

Afuera, passwords débiles (otra vez), instituciones de salud en la mira y arrestos de bandas de ciberdelincuentes 🧵 Image
#DataLeak || Esta semana recopilamos tres filtraciones recientes: Aerolíneas Argentinas, Ministerio de Salud y Justicia de Santa Cruz ✈️

Acá @santiago_pe1 cuenta qué dicen vender los lakers (y regalar en el caso de AR -está para descargar-) 👇…
#DataLeak || La cuarta víctima de la semana es una dependencia del Gobierno de Mendoza 👇

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Someone is claiming responsibility for the recent hack of MyDeal, the online marketplace owned by Aussie grocery Woolworths Group. The price for the data is at $600. CAUTION: I haven't verified the data yet or if this is legit. #infosec #auspol
To recap, Woolworths said on Friday that 2.2 million people were affected after its CRM system was accessed. For 1.2 million, only email was exposed. For the rest, names, email addresses, phone numbers, delivery addresses, sometimes birth dates. PR here:…
This is the first screenshot that the person claims is proof of access to MyDeal's AWS. Sean Senvirtne is the founder and CEO of MyDeal. Anyone have thoughts on what this may or may not show? #infosec
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This is your forewarning. #TikTok has reportedly suffered a #data #breach, and if true there may be fallout from it in the coming days. We recommend you change your TikTok #password and enable Two-Factor Authentication, if you have not done so already.
The types of information accessible haven’t been confirmed.

A security team *has* claimed responsibility, but are currently working privately so we’ll hold off on the disclosure without a go-ahead.

#CyberSecurity #databreach #social #tiktok #security #cyberattack
Checked, they’re no longer private. Researcher Credit @AggressiveCurl 🫡
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According to the report published in 2022 by Identity Theft Resource Center, 1,789 data breach incidents have been recorded. #WorldPasswordDay
According to the White House Council of Economic Advisers, the United States economy loses approximately USD 57 - USD 109 billion each year to harmful cyber activity.

#cybersecuritytips #WorldPasswordDay2022
In Dec 2021, a huge security breach at Bitmart, a crypto trading platform, resulted in hackers removing about USD 200 million in assets. A stolen private key was the major source of the security compromise, which affected two of its #Ethereum and #Binance smart chain hot wallets.
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🧵 🪡 Focused on #privacy? Do you use a paid #VPN? According to Norton only 65% of paid VPN services don’t track their users.

#privacy #databreach #dataprivacy #dataprotection #scandals #Blockchain
What is the solution? #dVPN or Decentralized VPN can fix the negatives of using a centralized VPN like ( data collection ) How does a #dVPN do this?
All #dVPN’s built on @Sentinel_co use bandwidth provided by a global community of node hosts. This global network of nodes brings a new level of security and energy efficiency to your #dataprotection needs.
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As the frequency of data breaches increases, the threat to your data becomes more real every day — even if you've done your threat modelling & implemented digital security hygiene.

What can you do in the aftermath of a data breach? #CybersecCharcha ⬇️ 1/n…
First things first, confirm the breach and don't fall for rumours on Twitter! Verify the news from 3-4 trusted sources.

Beware of scammers moonlighting as company reps & try to gather more information. Speak to the company via official channels if you have to! #databreach 2/n
Next: Change your passwords if your credentials were leaked. Password tips:

➡️ DO NOT repeat the same passwords everywhere
➡️ DO NOT include Personally Identifiable Information (like birthdates, parents' names etc) — this will make them easy to crack.
➡️ DO enable 2FA! 3/n
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WTF?!? 😳😳😳

Company That Routes Billions of Text Messages Quietly Says It Was Hacked

"#Syniverse handles billions of text messages a year, and hackers had unauthorized access to its system for years."

#DataBreach /1…
"...quietly disclosed that hackers were inside its systems for years, impacting more than 200 of its clients and potentially millions of #cellphone users worldwide." /2
""Syniverse has access to the communication of hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people around the world. A five-year breach of one of Syniverse's main systems is a global privacy disaster," Karsten Nohl..." /3
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On this I can agree with @Dominic2306, and go further.

#SW1 #IT and #IG has been in a parlous state for well over a DECADE, and more.

A year and a slew of inquiries after the @HMRC #ChildBenefit #DataBreach in 2007, we #FOIed every Government Department about the #databases...
..of #PersonalData they held. (Initially just the ones containing over 1 million records.)

I'll have to dig up the responses, but I clearly remember only 4 or 5 (out of 24) even had an #InformationAssetRegister, i.e. just a basic list of all the #databases for which they were...

The responses from @cabinetofficeuk & @10DowningStreet were even more appalling; they admitted allowing officials to routinely make copies of #population-scale data "for policy reasons" with no #oversight, no #audit, no defined #IG processes, and no idea of...
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Attention tenez vous bien... il semblerait qu'un GROS #leak émanant de @pole_emploi tourne sur un forum (à vendre, 1,2 millions de profils, formatés comme un dump)... @pole_emploi s'est fait pwn ! Image
On me souffle dans l'oreillette que a été mis à jour hier...
Moralité :
Mise en prod du vendredi, fatality !
Plus sérieusement, la présence de données de géolocalisation et l'absence de password peuvent faire penser à un dataset de données de l'application pour smartphone (mes 2ct)
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They Told Their Therapists Everything. Hackers Leaked It All | WIRED #privacy…
10/2020 #Vastaamo announced catastrophic #databreach : “exposed its entire patient database to the open internet—not just email addresses and social security numbers, but the actual written notes that therapists had taken” #privacy #counselling #tech
“After each session, Jere’s therapist typed out his notes and uploaded them to Vastaamo’s servers. “I was just being honest,” Jere says. He had “no idea” that they were backing the information up digitally.” #counselling #tech #privacy
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Ciberseguridad México
En este hilo compartiremos todo lo relacionado en #ciberseguridad de #Mexico

#DataBreach #DataLeaks #Ciberseguridad #Sin_ciberseguridad #hailredbird Image
Venden en foro de internet acceso a una #WebShell en un servidor comprometido con acceso a bases de datos del de @INEMexico

- Base de Datos 2018
- Base de Datos 2019
- Base de Datos 2021 ImageImageImageImage
En 2019 se filtraron 2GB de datos de @censia_salud
- Algunos datos aun están disponibles en sitios como pastebin, ghostebin y anonfiles

#databreach #mexico #dataleak ImageImageImageImage
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NOT AGAIN ! A member of a #hacking forum has allegedly breached @dominos_india and got access to 13TB of internal files (from 2015-21), which he threatens to sell if a #ransom of 50 BTC is not paid 😨
#india #databreach #infosys #gdpr
Acc to him, he has internal files of 250 employees from IT, Legal, Finance, Marketing, Operations etc. Also customers details and 180M order details (name, ph number, email, delivery address, payment details) and 1M credit cards used to purchase on the @dominos app.
The post made by him mentions that, he will be selling the #breached data for 2 BTC or 8 BTC (according to the package one chooses). However if @dominos_india wants to prevent the data from getting sold, they will need to pay him a ransom of 50 BTC💰
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It's October! And that means it's

A #CyberAware Poem

Hard to believe it is the 17th time
October is chosen to address risk of cyber crime
Despite all the tech thrown at securing us online
We are as insecure as ever
Tech can't solve human problems, without in some part leveraging human solutions. Changes to how we use passwords, has exacerbated issues associated with human tendencies and rather than solve problems, they created new and more complex problems.…
Complexity breeds vulnerabilities as systems become more difficult to understand and patch together. This is where criminals thrive. And where companies struggle to manage the risk and the cost of identifying when these vulnerabilities are exposed and result in a #databreach
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