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Feb 24th 2023
Annnd here we have the typical #NevrePoilievre & his comms team, trying to have it both ways. Neo-Nazi (& pro-Putin disinformationist) Christine Anderson, supports & meets with the same people in 🇨🇦 that Polievre boosted. #FreeDumbConvoy #cdnpoli
In a July video, Christine Anderson made reference to #NevrePoilievre being called “a terrorist” (he wasn’t called that, but Anderson is incapable of avoiding lying) for bringing the convoy occupationists, coffee.

#CPC members have supported & fuelled far right extremists.
So trying to pretend that #CPC MPs “didn’t know” who Anderson is & what she stands for, is nonsense. There is one degree of separation between what she supports & what CPC members support. #NeverVoteConservative #cdnpoli
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Feb 22nd 2023
Why is far right German member of European Parliament & Russian asset, Christine Anderson, posting pictures of herself with Tamara Lich & #JCCF’s Keith Wilson yesterday?

Interesting to note, Lich helped start #WEXIT. The global far right is Putin’s ace in the hole. #cdnpoli
But here’s ADF’s Christine Anderson with another man. A Quebec resident named Kim Tsoj. He posts about Christine Anderson a lot. #FreeDumbConvoy #cdnpoli #CdnFarRight
Read 12 tweets
Jan 25th 2023
A disturbing trend I’ve noticed from the right with Ardern and now with Trudeau boils down to an underhanded way to undo democracy. After winning her last election by a landslide and still being within her term, Jacinda Ardern stepped down, citing stress. It’s a strong guess
That the huge numbers of death threats and insults to her and her family, plus the mobs harassing her, had something to do with it. Now, they seem to be trying to do the same to Trudeau in Canada. They even talk about this as a plan and celebrate Ardern stepping down as
If it’s the peoples will, when the reality is that the propel’s will is shown through the elections which they won, and these mobs are trying to undo their will through threats. While I understand the temptation to step down and they have to be aware of their safety, this
Read 5 tweets
Dec 31st 2022
As 2022 comes to a close, here’s a brief #cdnpoli year in review. In January/22 we saw the launch of a destabilization op (that just *happened* to coincide with the lead up to Putin’s attack on #Ukraine). #FreeDumbConvoy #FluTruxKlan
#FluTruxKlan #FreeDumbConvoy was pushed hard by multiple malign players & boosted by inauthentic activity, including by foreign threat actors. #Cdnpoli #CdnpoliYearInReview #goodbye2022
Feb/22 #NevrePoilievre officially launched his “prime minister” bid using #FluTruxKlan op, even though we’d just had an election months earlier & O’Toole was still #CPCldr.

#Cdnpoli #CdnpoliYearInReview #goodbye2022
Read 17 tweets
Dec 21st 2022
When one makes the choice to be an activist, the first rule is "if your activism is ego-driven, then get the fuck out."

Not only does Caryma Sa'd break that rule, she also jeopardizes the safety of communities she says she protects.

A thread 🧵:

#cdnpoli #CarymaNgo #caryma
The first indication that Caryma was suspicious was when she invited fascist anti-vaxxer and Holocaust-denier Chris Sacciocca to a "debate" in Toronto. This was done while ignoring safety concerns of racialized people. #CarymaNgo #caryma…
Not only was the event an unmitigated disaster, she doxxed those who called her out. #CarymaNgo #caryma
Read 17 tweets
Dec 8th 2022
I gave testimony to the Ottawa People’s Commission (@ottpeoplescomm), which is examining the impacts of the horrid (anti-)#FreedomConvoy that terrorized our neighbourhood last winter. I also listened to other testimonies. Some takeaways.
(A thread)
#FreeDumbConvoy #FluTruxKlan
I shared the story of my near-death experience at the hands of a red-light-running “F*ck Trudeau” trucker, and the debilitating impacts on my wife’s anxiety of the senseless honking. I am humbled by the messages of sympathy I received afterwards, many had similar experiences.
The executive director of a local community health centre, situated in the middle of the area of the illegal occupation last winter, told heartbreaking stories from their clients who were desperately needing services...
Read 21 tweets
Nov 27th 2022
A Poem
A not so long time ago
I can still remember how that convoy used to make me sigh
And I knew that if they had the chance
They would cause a disturbance and maybe disrupt our nation for a while
But the leader of the opposition
Despite the flags of Nazism
Supported their foolish mission
She even broke bread with them
They tried to block our chains of supply
People of Ottawa were forced inside
Finally, we saw a turn in the tide
The day the freeDUMB died
Read 11 tweets
Nov 26th 2022
1. Nazi Flag and Claims of "False Flags": Brendan Miler's Accusations Amplified By Extremists and Conspiracy Promoters
2. On November 21, the big news emerging from the inquiry was that CSIS had advised that the Prime Minister invoke the Emergency Act in response to the occupation in Ottawa and the border blockades in BC, Alberta, Manitoba, and Ontario.…
3. However soon a lawyer representing the "Freedom Convoy" made a bombshell claim in which he implicated an executive with Enterprise Canada in an incident that occurred in the early days of the occupation.
Read 40 tweets
Nov 3rd 2022
1. When I did the timeline on Pat King's involvement in the #OttawaOccupation (link below) I didn't include a lot of what I had.

In retrospect there was a lot that I should have included, thus here are with Part II

2. And once again to set the mood and contradicting the "ah shucks, I'm really a nice guy" and "teddy bear" persona Pat has cultivated, here he is during a summer a few years back telling people he is not a nice person and saying he has a record the size of his arm.
3. Based on a redacted intel report during the occupation which is clearly Pat King, this admission might be one of the few things he has said about himself that is accurate.
Read 46 tweets
Nov 3rd 2022
“Spontaneous”? “Grassroots”? No.

Here’s former O&G management, James Bauder’s post from Aug 30, 2021.

Bauder’s testimony is an absurd litany of entitlement, lies & religious bafflegab.

#EmergenciesActInquiry #POEC Image
Giving people like James Bauder a platform to spew his delusional nonsense & then listen to him rationalize it all with religion…because “Christian”, is at once tedious & exhausting. #EmergenciesActInquiry #POEC #FreeDumbConvoy #CanadaUnity Image
Just like Pat King, Bauder - who spews the most vicious lies & hate about Liberals, esp Trudeau, is complaining about he has been “defamed” and “viciously attacked by this government”. Then he goes on to defend his MOU. #EmergenciesActInquiry #POEC #FreeDumbConvoy Image
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Nov 2nd 2022
1. So.

I just finished watching Pat King's testimony.

And it was... something.

Suffice to say I don't have time to deal with everything he said, but I thought I would put out a thread to provide context.
2. Let's get one thing out of the way right away.

In late 2021, Pat was prevented from boarding a flight due to his vax status. He was upset, hence the "catch a bullet" comment.

Since I would hate to take it out of context, her is the video he posted in it's entirety.
3. In early January he got wind of the planned convoy. Here on January 14 he talks about the Memorandum of Agreement that a faction of the participants was going to submit and suggested something would happen if the Senate rejected it.
Read 42 tweets
Oct 30th 2022
1. As the Emergencies Act Inquiry continues we need to remember that most of the individuals who participated in the #OttawaOccupation and border blockades are still planning further actions.

And that includes a "convoy" planned for Lethbridge in support of the Coutts arrestees.
2. This week occupation organizers such as Tamara Lich and Pat King appear before the Emergencies Act Inquiry, however we have to remember the EA wasn't only enacted due to the situation in Ottawa but also because of the border blockades.…
3. Borders were shut down in BC, Alberta, Manitoba, and Ontario. The most economically damaging was likely the closing down of the Ambassador bridge but the longest and perhaps most dangerous blockade was at the Coutts, AB border crossing.…
Read 31 tweets
Oct 24th 2022
I continue to make my way through #POEC #EmergencyActInquiry.
I am continuously struck by the normalization of an act of extremism based on #InfoOps radicalizing those on the right (& some on the left). Taking some legitimate grievances & weaponizing them.
If a large group of non-white people with 400 large rigs, shut down the core of the nation’s capital, continuously blaring deafening air horns, amassing containers of fuel alongside open flames & fireworks, endangering children present, harming residents….
…getting #ConvoyFinancing for their op from foreign extremists like far right Republicans. Shutting down major border crossings costing billions in losses, engaging in conspiracies to, at the very LEAST, sabotage the workings of gov’t, providing fodder to foreign adversaries… ImageImageImageImage
Read 9 tweets
Oct 20th 2022
1. If you are following me odds are that has been since January 29, 2022 when I started composing some epically long and frequently snarky threads on the "Freedom Convoy" which I often characterized as the #OttawaOccupation.
2. The occupation in Ottawa eventually inspired anti-vaxx/anti-mandate people to block border crossings in BC, Alberta, Manitoba, and Ontario, slowing and in some cases stopping international trade.
3. The convoy attracted a number of participants, many of whom subscribed to outlandish conspiracy theories, and a number of whom adhered to extremists ideologies.
Read 60 tweets
Oct 19th 2022
Child abuse occurred during #FreeDumbConvoy. Majority #CPC MPs supported & promoted this malign influence op that cost 🇨🇦billions, shuttered businesses, caused harm to residents. It should be disqualifying from holding public office. #NeverVoteConservative #EmergenciesActInquiry ImageImageImageImage
Kids were used as props and human shields. They were endangered on multiple fronts by parents who believed radicalized nonsense. All used & exploited by bad faith actors like #PierrePoilievreTheCoward. It is disgraceful. #FreeDumbConvoy #EmergenciesActInquiry ImageImageImageImage
The trolls and bots that showed up on this post reveal that #FreeDumbConvoy was never about truth, freedom, rights or “mandates”.

Disinformation bots & trolls are never about any of those things. Don’t engage, just report & block these toxic accounts. ImageImageImageImage
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Oct 18th 2022
.@nationalpost is garbage. It is a propaganda rag that used to also do reporting & now only occasionally throws actual reporting in to disguise what a deception publication it is. Its attempts to carry water for #FreeDumbConvoy is a case in point. #EmergenciesActInquiry #cdnmedia Image
Carson Jerema is a propagandist. His job is writing propaganda “opinion” pieces, not journalism & certainly not informing the public. In fact, he misinforms the public. His claims are directly contradicted by evidence & testimony. He begrudgingly acknowledges the harm, then… ImageImageImage
Claims the harm wasn’t sufficient. That it was somehow all under control by other levels of government, when the evidence clearly shows this was not the case. That the unwillingness & failure to act by provincial & municipal governments forced the use of #EmergenciesAct. #cdnpoli
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Oct 18th 2022
As I make my way through the #EmergenciesActInquiry (& I strongly encourage everyone to listen to it themselves rather than relying on spin in #cdnmedia reports), a few things stand out.

Bylaw officers were intimidated & didn’t feel safe to do their jobs re #FreeDumbConvoy 1/ ImageImageImage
2.Tow truck companies were unwilling to risk their safety or their business & vehicles by towing the trucks, aside from tow operators who refused b/c they bought into propaganda of the occupation. (CTV’s reporting leaves out the lack of safety reasons, highlights the “sympathy”) Image
3. But what is most troubling perhaps, is the intelligence failures on the part of @OttawaPolice. I can’t imagine it was out of incompetence, I also can’t imagine it was because INSET, CSIS, FINTRAC didn’t provide #OPS with intel. #EmergenciesActInquiry Image
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Aug 16th 2022
I have a message for the #FreedomFighters #FreedomConvoy #FreedomConvoyCanada2022 #FreeDumbConvoy #Freedumbers #FluTruxKlan
I have realized why I'm so angry with you and your inane claims that we are not free in Canada. Because I KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO NOT BE FREE. I lived under
the authoritarian Communist dictatorship of Nicolae Ceausescu until I was 13. Loss of freedom meant you could not criticize out leader in public, as there were special security agents everywhere. Most people who did criticize Ceausescu disappeared in state jails forever.
In Canada you #FreeDumbConvoy can criticize Justin Trudeau all you want, even threaten him with death, and you are lucky enough to only be charged and get out on bail. You know fuck all about freedom.
Secondly in Romania against the dictator Ceausescu were quashed with gunfire
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Jul 31st 2022
A little more #TUPOC (or #TUPC). See embedded attached threads to catch yourself up. Let’s meet another director of “The United People of Canada”, Diane Nolan. She was most definitely a participant of the #FluTruxKlan op, including livestreaming from #OttawaOccupation. #cdnpoli
#TUPOC gaslights routinely about its ties to #FreeDumbConvoy. Yet all of the directors participated in the op in one form or another. The #ChristoFascist element of #FluTruxKlan didn’t get as much attention as some other elements, yet the religious Right was very a factor.
Diane Nolan is also a “Power Ministry” Canadian director. A fundamentalist global religious network. #TUPOC #FluTruxKlan #FreeDumbConvoy #cdnpoli
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Jul 22nd 2022
Some more on #TUPOC or TUPC, aka “United People of Canada”. ICYMI see attached thread.
Their attempts to pretend they aren’t related to #FreeDumbConvoy are as empty as the meaningless marketing speak on their website. Tamara Lich’s husband Dwayne has been involved since the start ImageImageImageImage
Dwayne Lich posts about TUPOC a lot. “The United People of Canada” sure had lots of💰right from the jump. It was registered on March 24/22 & had merch + an expensive heritage property (#StBrigids in #Ottawa - the former church was also the site of #PMJT’s confirmation as a child) ImageImageImageImage
Dwayne sure seams involved….🤔
#FreeDumbConvoy #FluTruxKlan #CoupTruxKlan #cdnpoli #fascism ImageImageImageImage
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Jul 20th 2022
Scam alert! I’m going to start a new thread since I’ve just found something interesting re “United People of Canada”. See this thread for some background. #FreeDumbConvoy #Ottnews #cdnpoli
“United People of Canada” registered as a nonprofit in March 24/22 under the name “Les Peuple Unis du Canada”.
Even though the $6M property this group supposedly operates out of is in Ottawa, the registered address is 533 Clarence St, London, Ontario. #ottnews #OTTpoli #cdnpoli
Something interesting about that address. Not only is it the office building of St Peter’s basilica in London Ontario, turns out, #TUPOC’s director, William Komer, registered a whole bunch of businesses from that same address, including some on the very same day. #FreeDumbConvoy
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Jul 19th 2022
A group calling itself the #UnitedPeopleOfCanada or TUPC, has only existed since March 24, yet somehow has $6M to purchase a heritage property in #Ottawa. Oh, & they call it the “embassy” & have ties to #FreeDumbConvoy - which they gaslight about… #cdnpoli
I’ll highlight this part again because it’s significant. TUPC has already retrained legal counsel, stating they plan to be litigious towards people calling them out.

Now why would an organization not quite 4 months old, feel the need to retain legal to “intervene”?🧐🤔 #cdnpoli
Interesting thread delving into the fascist symbolism of TUPC.
“The United People of Canada” is also registered as a “nonprofit”. I smell grift & a way to launder foreign money & funnel it to domestic political campaigns (ie Polievre, perhaps?) #cdnpoli

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Jul 2nd 2022
It’s noteworthy #NevrePoilievre marched with ubiquitous & extremely dodgy character, Paul Alexander. Many have heard his name by now, but it’s important to note how Alexander keeps turning up. He wasn’t just a Trump appointee, he was handpicked by Michael Caputo. #Freedumbers
Michael Caputo created controversy, even within the Trump administration. Caputo has ties to both Putin & Roger Stone. So how he came to personally pluck Alexander, an obscure part-time instructor in 🇨🇦, to help him bully scientists at #HHS, is still a mystery to me. #cdnpoli
Paul Alexander shows up again & again. He was a central figure in #FluTruxKlan 1, & shows up again in #CoupTruxKlan 2.0. #cdnpoli #FreeDumbConvoy
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Jul 2nd 2022
Anybody who thinks that Skippy's little march with James Topp yesterday will backfire on him is deluding themselves. We here in #cdnpoli mostly know who the yahoos in the #FreeDumbConvoy really are, but the vast majority of #CPC voters don't. "But James Topp is a VETERAN. .../2
He must be a HERO. Good for Pierre."

The MSM doesn't inform your parents/grandparents about the truth on the 6:00 news. They are going to vote PP in as #CPC leader and will vote for him in the next election. We must take it on ourselves to inform family, neighbours, .../3
co-workers about what is really going on. Don't hold back for fear of conflict. Inform them. Make them think. Most are good people who are uninformed or misinformed. Don't waste your time on the #FringeMinority... they can't be reached. Ignoring this trend toward .../4
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