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Apr 2nd 2019
While I wait for a train, let's just run through where we are:

Art.50 ends on 12 April

The default outcome - i.e. the one that happens if there's no other action taken - is that the UK leaves without a deal

Parliament has repeatedly expressed its view that a no-deal exit is not acceptable

So what options are there instead of this default?

Read 17 tweets
Apr 1st 2019
Parliament is looking at alternative deals AFTER we were scheduled to leave.
The EU-Norway model is one of them. So @OFOCBrexit is doing Parliament's work for it.

Szilárd Gáspár-Szilágyi - Post Doctoral Fellow, specialising in EU external relations / trade. #IndicativeVotes
So what does that tell us?
▪️Norway follows EU rules in many areas but doesn't have any voting power, whereas the UK has 3x the average EU voting power.
▪️Food would be more expensive.
▪️Even if we got cheaper food, which would need specific trade deals, UK farmers would suffer.
For example: Listen to Damien McGenity, a farmer on the border in Northern Ireland. He is NOT looking forward to ANY Brexit.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 1st 2019

We’re on to Round 2 of #IndicativeVotes today so I’ve updated my explainer #IV2

🗳 What are #Brexit Indicative Votes?

🤔 How will the process work?

💡What ideas have been tabled?

⏳ What might happen next?

🚨 Hopefully it’s worth a couple of minutes ☕️ 🚆 🚌
Last week MPs debated alternatives to the Prime Minister’s #Brexit plan.

This happened because MPs backed an idea by Conservative MP & former Minister, Sir Oliver Letwin, to give control of Commons business to backbench MPs so they could put forward their visions for #Brexit
Parliamentary procedure is full of quirks, but giving backbench MPs control of the Commons in this way isn’t the norm.

MPs chose to disapply a Commons rule - Standing Order 14(1) - which says that the Government usually (largely) controls what business is debated in the House.
Read 25 tweets
Mar 31st 2019
Haven't seen anyone on here run thru' the options on the Order Paper for HoC #indicativevotes tomorrow (Mon 1/4), so, for your info... (apologies if people have & I've missed it): There are 8 motions tabled for possible selection by Speaker: 1/
A) Baron, unilateral backstop exit; B) Baron, if no WA by then, no-deal Brexit on 12/4; C) Clarke, permanent UK-wide Customs Union as UK negotiating objective in primary legislation; 2/
D) Boles, support for #WithdrawalAgreement Bill conditional on it including, as UK future relationship negotiating mandate, a Political Declaration revised to include Common Market 2.0 (EEA+CU); 3/
Read 7 tweets
Mar 29th 2019
This diagram shows how each MP voted on Wednesday. Small bubbles = MPs, in their party colours. The lines link MPs to the motions they voted for - the big blobs, whose sizes are proportional to their # of votes. We can see clear voting clusters... (1/5) #indicativevotes
Among the Conservatives, there are two main clusters: a majority who want a harder Brexit (top right), and those keen on something softer (bottom left). This is the most divided party - and the previous chart shows it has a voting pattern distinct from the rest of Parliament.
Labour's chart shows that the majority of the party's MPs are unified in preference for a soft Brexit in the #indicativevotes. Just a few outliers in the top right.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 28th 2019
There seems to be some confusion about why @theSNP MPs abstained on #Boles & #Clarke amendments last night but it’s really very straightforward so here’s a thread explaining why #Brexit #IndicativeVotes
So @theSNP preference in line with the majority of #Scottish voters is to #Remain in the EU but v early on @scotgov put forward a compromise position in #ScotlandsPlaceInEurope to stay in the #SingleMarket & a #CustomsUnion & it was endorsed by @theSNP conf
It’s important to appreciate that to benefit from freedom of movement is vital for Scotland’s economic & demographic needs & to benefit from it you have to be a member of the single market.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 27th 2019
Off to give evidence to @CommonsEUexit this morning on #EUCO, but since #IndicativeVotes is likely to come up, let's run through the options to consider the EU's probable view on them

A) "Constitutional and accountable government" is about not changing Standing Order 14, so not an EU concern per se

B) "No deal" is what it says and raises no technical issue for the EU, especially in light of recent statements that prep from this is all set

Read 19 tweets

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