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Dec 17th 2021
1/ THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4628: Marjorie Taylor Greene's response to Jim Banks testimony regarding past bombing and domestic terrorism.…

#BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage #EmotionalIntelligence #MarjorieTaylorGreene #January6thCommission
2/ In the above short video, Rep. Jim Banks (R-03) is speaking regarding a past event (1983) of domestic terrorism. Banks's statement here was given on December 14, 2021 in the U.S. House Chamber during the House Select Committee Hearings regarding the January 6th Attack.
3/ Banks's behavior here demonstrates two examples of 'Whataboutism' (a common method of attempting to discredit another person/group by accusing them of hypocrisy). Banks does this in an effort to distance Republicans from any involvement in the January 6th Attack.
Read 23 tweets
Oct 4th 2021
@LeaderMcConnell and the majority of the @SenateGOP voted to suspend the debt ceiling on 8/1/2019. On that day, the US national debt was $22.023 trillion dollars. Donald Trump was President and Mitch McConnell was Senate Majority Leader.
Joe Biden became President and the Democrats took control of the Senate on 1/20/2021. On that day the National Debt was $27.752 trillion dollars.

The debt had risen by $5.729 trillion since McConnell and his Caucus voted to suspend the debt ceiling 538 days earlier.
The debt is now $28.429 trillion dollars - just below our debt ceiling. But 89.43% of the debt we incurred since the GOP cooperated with suspending the debt ceiling on 8/1.
/2019 was borrowed during the time when Donald Trump was POTUS and @LeaderMcConnell controlled the Senate.
Read 10 tweets
Jul 26th 2021
Do @GOPLeader and his closest allies realize that the more they try to diminish or dilute the #January6thCommission (by attacking Cheney and Kinzinger or by trying to include members of the Carnival Barker Caucus to gum up the works), the more they look like they fear discovery?
They had a chance to have a completely bipartisan commission, with the ability for @GOPLeader to pick whoever he wanted to be on it. But guess who who whipped his members to vote against it? Yup. The same guy who is whining now.

You created your own problem, Kevin! Image
@HouseGOP, if you wanted to have more control over what happens on the committee, you had the opportunity to have that in May when you voted on it. But 175 of you voted “no.” Don’t complain about what you voted for.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 7th 2021
Today marks 6 months since 1/6, when our nation suffered a violent & deadly assault on our democracy.

We at @bradybuzz are proud to unite with @TrumanProject, @TrumanCenter, @CAPActionGVP/@amprog, @NAACP & @ADL to demand action and answers.

We represent organizations with different goals & issues:

national security
gun violence
racial justice
combating antisemitism & hate
defending democracy

But we agree: January 6th can never happen again.

@bradybuzz @TrumanProject @TrumanCenter @CAPActionGVP @amprog @NAACP @ADL
Our 4 organizations have come together united with the conviction that we must recognize #January6th as a direct attack on the very fabric of our country.

@bradybuzz @TrumanProject @TrumanCenter @CAPActionGVP @amprog @NAACP @ADL #January6thCommission
Read 21 tweets
Jun 23rd 2021
Sicknick’s partner: “To know that some members of Congress—along w/Trump who Brian & I once supported but who can only now be viewed as the mastermind of that horrible attack—are not acknowledging Brian's heroism that day is unforgivable & un-American.”…
“Only a handful of @SenateGOP showed that they possessed the moral compass to do the right thing by voting yes (on the #January6thCommission), putting America first, and showing warmth and compassion for the officers (as well as their families) who protect them daily.”
“By denying or downplaying the viciousness and trauma that occurred on January 6, (@GOP) members of Congress & the people who continue echoing their false narrative are engaging in a specific kind of psychological harm…known as ‘secondary wounding.’"
Read 6 tweets
Jun 22nd 2021
#BackToSchool With all the investigations & talk about Congressional Committees, it’s important to review some history & understand the impact CC’s have had in the past? Why is it so much harder to get accountability today? (Hint: Think elephant)… 1/13
Conducting investigations is one of the most public activities in which congressional committees engage. 2/13 #JusticeMatters #investigation #accountability #TheBigLie #demswork4usa
During the Progressive Era of the 1890s through 1920s, members could gain the attention of muckraking journalists by holding investigative
hearings to expose corruption in business and government. 3/13 #Corruption #accountability #Congress #TheBigLie
Read 13 tweets
Jun 18th 2021
#NotLetIn - A thread. The police were not just eagerly letting in the crowds.

After overwhelming the police in the West Side scaffolding, Proud Boys and others, smashed through windows to get into the Capitol and let in the masses.

/2 People were additionally trying to breach other doors on the West side. #NotLetIn

As the masses swarmed through the Capitol from the West side, people had overwhelmed the stairs on the East side and were also trying to break in.

Read 21 tweets
Jun 8th 2021
As I’m reading the Senate Rules Report on #January6th I will tweet some observations.

I am struck by the statements in the early pages on bureaucratic incompetence, decision-making paralysis & inter-agency communications and intelligence breakdowns.
Free speech & actionable credible threats of violence are not mutually exclusive

It boggles the mind that an excuse for inaction from FBI and DHS is not being able to discern enough between speech and actionable intelligence... and blame the “intelligence community”. Hmm
FBI, DHS and USCP have their own authorities and intelligence shops. Look internally for blame. USCP should have the confidence, resources, capabilities & expertise to release their own intelligence bulletins/reports. Mobilizing resources should be contingent on that expertise.
Read 32 tweets
May 28th 2021
.@SenateGOP republicans voting against the bipartisan #January6thCommission are marked with a Scarlett Letter. They failed to hold Trump accountable after impeachment, were complicit in the deaths of 600,000 & participated in an insurrection that threatened to end US democracy.
Extremist is @SenateGOP voting against US national security. A moderate response would be to reevaluate the filibuster. @SenateDems need to seriously consider this option.
Also, institutional donors still support anti-American politicians. Why? Why are they funding anti-American political campaigns & activities? Let’s start circulating vetted information on corporate interests funding @tedcruz @HawleyMO and the like. This a part of accountability.
Read 3 tweets
May 26th 2021
🔥TREASON- Aiding and abetting the Russia in a war against the United States‼️
🔥Read the embedded tweets- but here’s a shortcut to @RudyGiuliani’s indictments👇
Read 4 tweets

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