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Jun 25th 2022
All these folks back-pedaling away from their anti @HillaryClinton stance in 2016 is beyond infuriating.

Calling for grace & “kumbayah”singing.

Where’s the self-righteous bluster?!

You whined about Bernie🥀, screamed “Stay home!” & voted for #JillStein w/your chest in ‘16.
Call them all out!

Remind them that just like elections have consequences, encouraging folks to vote against their best interests or not at all has consequences, too.

I care about their feelings & comfort about as much as the Supreme Court & the Republicans care about women.
… and voting rights, and Black and Brown people, and LGBTQ+ rights, and gun control, and covid-prevention, and affordable healthcare and medicines, and Black Lives Matter and…and…and…

They’ve proven time & again that that amount is ZERO.

The self-righteous can kick rocks!
Read 7 tweets
Dec 22nd 2021
You know what would help Students that I know who are dealing with #StudentLoan/#StudentDebt?

Actually use #Executive Order & Abolish All #StudentLoanDebt with a swivel of a pen.

That's what would help them & strengthen the #Economy!

Seriously #Democrats, it's not hard to do!!
Seriously! The only time he Eliminated #StudentDebt was for #ForProfit College Scams & other stuff, yet he promised to eliminate $10,000 #StudentLoan Debt he didn't do! But put aside $10,000 to Abolish, We have $1.73 Trillion of Student Debt in America which can all be abolished.
The @POTUS can use #Executive Order to Eliminate #StudentDebt with ease to help Americans who are being held back from debt that's god knows how long.

So forget abolishing just $10,000 of #StudentLoan, abolish all $1.7 Trillion of the #StudentLoanDebt!
Read 7 tweets
Sep 9th 2020
We don't need Socialism to fix the environment.

AOC's Green New Deal (nice of #JillStein to let her use that name w/o mentioning that it was "her" idea back in 2016) would cost $100 TRILLION over the course of 10 years. When asked how we'd pay for it, she said "Take it out of...
... the Defense Budget."

Which is less than $1T/yr.

Never mind that she's a Congresswoman, I thought bartenders and waitresses could do better math than that!

$100T / $1T/year = 100 years.

Her objective has NOTHING to do with the environment - Her goal is Socialism...
Since #Bernie fizzled out, they became "Progressives" and "Justice Democrats" (as opposed to...?).

So the "half-a-loaf" option kicked-in: If you're all working on the same $100T program for the same employer, what's the difference between that and Socialism?

No difference...
Read 5 tweets
Aug 19th 2020
@dallasnews @PressHerald @IdahoStatesman @JournalStarNews Here is an observation of the #SenateIntelReport this information was known by the intel committee & @RepAdamSchiff during the impeachment trial presented this yet
who are up for re-election acquitted a person that was known to have lied to federal investigators which proves once again @GOP including @senatemajldr who is also up for re-election who has his own entanglements with Russian oligarchs (#OlegDeripaska) choose to have a rule of
law for them and another for the people of America. THe swamp is in Washington and it has been proven by there own report the swamp is the 5 people above and then you must include the rest of the members of that committee who all voted to acquit someone they knew was GUILTY of
Read 10 tweets
Jul 23rd 2020
Please look at this picture.

It's a kick-off meeting of the people PUTIN selected for the 2016 Election.

I've identified some of the people who have since demonstrated TREASON, yet only MANAFORT is in prison.

Key point to note: PHIL "But her EMAILS!" GRIFFIN runs #MSNBC, STILL Image
Also, please note that TAD DEVINE was #Bernie's $1M/month Campaign Advisor is sitting next to MANAFORT, and, yes, they worked together undermining Ukrainian democracy since this photo was taken.

When the 2016 Election started, they worked together vs Hillary, but SO DID #MSNBC!
You may recall that #MSNBC gave Trump an hour/day during "Morning Joe's" daily show.

PHIL GRIFFIN was their boss.


Their main shows STILL support "Justice Democrats", who are just PUTIN PUPPETs.


#Bernie split Hillary's support. ImageImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Feb 13th 2019
As a Brit looking in on #American politics with some interest and concern for the environment, peace and human rights there are presidential candidates pr potential candidates that have drawn my attention.
#TulsiGabbard #AnfrewYang #AlexandriaOcasioCortez #JillStein #BernieSanders #MarianneWilliamson So I have some democrats & a Green Party candidate now could they all work with each other in a cabinet? So here i go with my suggestion for a potential #USA 2020 government cabinet:
President #TulsiGabbard
Vice President #BernieSanders
Secretary of State #AlexandriaOcasioCortez
Secretary of the Treasury #AndrewYang2020
Secretary of Health & Human Services #JillStein
Secretary of Education #MarianneWilliamson
Read 7 tweets
Jan 29th 2019
. @MTPDaily @MTPDailyTweets @MSNBC The discussion about #HowardSchultz missed the point. Schulz is running as an independent. That makes him an opponent to any Democrat. Given that the odds of Schultz winning are small, all he may do is siphon votes from a Dem. Dems aren’t.../1
...necessarily afraid of Schultz winning. They’re afraid of him losing & pulling votes away. Let’s face it. #JillStein (perhaps at #Putin’s request) sucked votes from #Hillary. We don’t need another 4 yrs of #Trump so #BillBurton can line his pockets. And Bill knows it./2
...Bill’s rationale & attempt to distinguish Stein from Schultz is RIDICULOUS. His Op-Ed didn’t split hairs. And he fricken’ knows it./3
Read 4 tweets
Oct 19th 2017
1/ Did you wake up on Nov 9, 2016 with a gnawing disquiet in your gut?

Me too.

Something wasn't right. It still isn't.

2/ Did you seriously question how in the hell election "results" could vary so widely from poll results?

Me too.

So did @mikefarb1.
3/ While the gov't was doing whatever it was doing, in a quagmire of political bullshit, @mikefarb1 + his Unhackthevote team stepped up.
Read 23 tweets

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