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Quando ho cominciato a scrivere un libro sulla fine della democrazia in #Polonia e #Ungheria, lo scorso autunno, mettendo insieme le interviste, i reportage, le letture e le esperienze degli ultimi otto anni, l'ho fatto per timore che l'Italia di #Meloni e #Salvini potesse

fare la stessa fine. Per mesi, però, ho sperato che tutte le analogie e i legami, palesi e nascosti, rintracciati tra #Orbàn, #Kaczynski e #Meloni non significassero per l'#Italia una condanna automatica all'involuzione verso un'autocrazia o una tirannide. Ma il governo

sta attuando passo passo il disegno eversivo messo in atto dall'Ungheria nel 2010 e dalla Polonia nel 2015. È un piano che punta a scardinare l'ordine repubblicano annientando il principio di Montesquieu della tripartizione dei poteri che regola ogni democrazia moderna. Ma

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#Kaczynski: Ziel erreicht.

Germanophobie - Deutschen-Hass der PiS (Polen)

Ein Mini-🧵über polnische Gehässigkeiten gegen Deutschland bis hin zu Germanophobie.

Ergebnis - sie schaffen Dissonanzen. Image

Der Tage lies man immer wieder über Polen und PiS, seltener über Kaczyński, genauer: Jarosław Kaczyński.

Was ist da nun wirklich los? Zur Einführung, wer mag, zur Person auf Wikipedia:…

Zentrale Aussage:
"Engeren Beziehungen zu Deutschland und Russland sowie einer fortschreitenden Integration Polens innerhalb der Europäischen Union steht er skeptisch bis feindselig gegenüber."

Dazu die "nackte, polnische Seele" - lesenswert:…
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1. Yesterday, during the #Economic #Forum in #Karpacz #Poland, Jaroslaw #Kaczynski uttered categorical words: "Western #Europe is culturally alien to us".

Let us take Kaczynski's words as an opportunity to recall an extremely important thread.

Let us recount what he said.
2. You can see #Kaczynski during discussion panel together with MEPs @ZdzKrasnodebski and Ryszard Legutko, his two main informal advisors on ideological and international issues.

"The threat to our sovereignty from the West is greater than from the East." - claimed Krasnodebski.
3. A lot of attention has been paid to #Kaczynski's shoes, but - let's face it - while embarrassing, that's not what's most important

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I had an interesting conversation on #Polish-#Hungarian relations yesterday under #ChathamHouse rule. I would like to share my key conclusion without further details. It will be highly disturbing from a #Polish perspective, but may contribute to a reflection process.
#Polish foreign & security policy talks from an intellectual and moral high ground to previously more #Russia-friendly partners, especially #Germany, because PL & the Baltic states correctly predicted Russia's aggressive behaviour,
while #German & other Western European stakeholders were reluctant to give credit for their correct analysis. As disturbing this lessoning behaviour might be from a German perspective, history demonstrated that #Poland & Baltics have a better understanding of #Russia ...
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1. It’s April 29, 1998. Jaroslaw Kaczynski, currently serving as Poland's Supreme Leader, gives an interview to @TomaszSakiewicz, now editor-in-chief of the far-right Gazeta Polska. The interview was never published on Twitter in English. This is, by all means, a major oversight. Image
2. Today, in Europe and around the world, many who follow politics cannot explain why extremely anti-Russian Poland is pursuing the agenda of Putin's ultra-conservative ideology, and - on the international stage - surrounds itself with putinophiles.

3. Few can explain why, in declaratively so anti-Russian Poland, members of the ultra-Catholic @OrdoIuris - as @KSuchanow exposed - linked to Russian oligarch Malofeev, occupy key positions in the Polish state apparatus.

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Local media reports that the UAF troops from the territory of Ukraine launched a rocket at #Belgorod, which is a Russian city near the border with Ukr. It was reportedly shot down
Captured UAF Manpad and #NLAW in the #Kiev area ImageImageImageImage
The Rus Army captured a large UAF field camp in the #Kherson region with large quantities of supplies and equipment
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🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania (día 9) - Novena jornada de combates. Como cada día, recogeremos aquí las novedades más importantes y cerraremos por la noche con un informe diario.

Gracias a todos por compartir 🙏
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania (día 9) - Incendio en las instalaciones auxiliares de la central #nuclear de #Zaporizhia (#Energodar) por los combates. No tiene por qué pasar nada, pero si quedan sin refrigeración, podría ocurrir como en #Fukushima.

🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania (día 9) - De los combates en la central nuclear de #Zaporizhia (#Enerhodar) llegan estas imágenes. Se sabe que han sido atacados edificios destinados a la formación del personal y también edificios de administración. Los reactores no, hasta el momento.
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European #RadicalRight jamboree soon resumes in #Warsaw, without @matteosalvinimi & his #Lega. Maybe I am wrong, but considering the recent fallout between the host #PiS & #Lega, it is rather unlikely that today's meeting will result in anything else than #PR pure.
The union of European #RadicalRight doesn't appear to be an actual political reality and showcasing close coordination and joint plans for the future is perhaps more difficult for #Lega, #RN, #PiS, #Fidesz & #FratellidItalia than ever since 2019.
IMHO we won't see similar multilateral gatherings of leading #RadicalRight parties for a while. The main reason that #LePen & #Orbán are present is face saving to avoid the public perception of a total collapse of cooperation.
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Polen will massiv aufrüsten.
In einem Interview gegenüber dem Radiosender RMF FM erklärte #Kaczyński , dass eine "radikale Stärkung der gesamten Armee" bevorstehe.
Entsprechende Pläne werden demnächst den beiden Kammern des Parlaments zur Abstimmung vorgelegt.
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Die Armee solle sowohl personell als auch materialtechnisch massiv aufgerüstet werden.
Es handle sich um "weitreichende Veränderungen", so #Kaczyński weiter.
Zum Vorwand für die neuen Pläne wurde eine Migrantenkrise an der polnisch-weißrussischen Grenze.
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Demnach hätten die derzeitigen polnischen Sicherheitskräfte erhebliche Schwierigkeiten, die Krise zu bewältigen.
Wenn man schon nicht in der Lage ist, die Migranten aus Richtung #Belarus aufzuhalten, wie solle man eine potentielle russische Invasion stoppen, so das Narrativ
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Oggi al parlamento polacco (il #Sejm) era in calendario la votazione della cosiddetta #lexTVN , un disegno di legge promosso da #PiS (Diritto e Giustizia) per cambiare il criterio di concessione delle licenze radiotelevisive. 1/
Esso prevede di non concedere la licenza a quei canali la cui proprietà appartenga a soggetti extra #UE. La legge colpirà #TVN, la maggiore emittente televisiva privata del Paese, di proprietà dell'americana Discovery Channel. 2/
TVN è considerata la principale antagonista di #TVP, la tv pubblica diventata un organo di propaganda del governo. Questo pomeriggio, a sorpresa è stata approvata una mozione presentata dall'opposizione per il 3/
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Il premier polacco #Morawiecki ha chiesto al presidente #Duda di firmare il licenziamento del vicepremier Jarosław #Gowin. La motivazione ufficiale è che Gowin avrebbe ostacolato l'attuazione del cosiddetto "Ordine polacco" importante pacchetto di riforme fiscali e finanziarie.
Ma domani il parlamento si occuperà di qualcosa di altrettanto importante, la cosiddetta #lexTVN , una proposta di legge che potrebbe portare alla chiusura della più importante emittente privata del Paese, spesso critica nei confronti del governo.
Di questa legge si discute da tempo. L'idea è quella di non concedere la licenza alle emittenti in cui la maggioranza del capitale sia in mano a soggetti extra UE. La maggioranza di #TVN è in mano all'americana Discovery Channel.
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Pacjenci błagają o leczenie, koczują pod sekretariatem szpitala żebrząc o ratowanie życia.
XXI Polska. Europa. W całej Polsce nawet prywatne zrobienie badań przeciąga się zabójczo dla chorego. #PIS #Kaczyński #TsunamiOnkologiczne
Onkologiczne ofiary bezwładu #PIS podczas #Covid są kalekami, a ich życie zostało skrócone wyrokiem państwa.
Propaganda, wyliczanie łóżek, zniesienie limitów nie dało onkopacjentom NIC,
#Kaczyński #TsunamiOnkologiczne
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Tal día como hoy, 22 de enero, de 1998 Teodor Kaczynski se declara culpable de 10 cargos de manipulación y envío de material explosivo por correo y de 3 cargos por asesinato, siendo condenado a 8 cadenas perpetuas no revisables.

Unabomber, una historia de este #mundoignoto Image
Teodor nació en #Chicago en 1942. Desde joven destacó por su excepcional capacidad intelectual, siendo elegido para estudiar en Harvard con una beca con tan sólo 16 años, en 1958. Image
Sus carrera en Harvard fue excepcional, lo que le permitió acceder con 22 años a a la Universidad de Michigan para sus máster y doctorado. En 1967 defiende su tesis doctoral en funciones limítrofes, descrita por el comité examinador como excepcional y magistral. Image
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