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I find the collective, deliberate amnesia, as well as the refusal to acknowledge the many nuances & complexities, that both birthed & raised this tragic #UkraineRussia war, quite simply - absurd.
In this video from April 2014, acting #Ukrainian president Turchynov announces the #ATO against his own citizens in Eastern Ukraine prior to the Geneva Summit.
Consider this for a moment, why was it a Revolution of Dignity in the #Maidan yet a Terrorist Uprising in #Donbass?
On April 16, the 2nd day of the campaign, Ukrainian military moving into Sloviansk, the focal point of the pro-Russia forces, gave up their equipment. The armory was brought to the center of town where it had become a local amusement. Elsewhere, crowds of pro-Russia protesters stopped a column of Ukrainian troops in Kramatorsk and made them disarm.
I believe that most people, including the army that was sent to carry out the ATO in the east, were in utter disbelief of what was happening. Those that disarmed and switched sides didn't wish to go to war against their own people.
On April 16, the 2nd day of the campaign, Ukrainian military moving into Sloviansk, the focal point of the pro-Russia forces, gave up their equipment. The armory was brought to the center of town where it had become a local amusement. Elsewhere, crowds of pro-Russia protesters stopped a column of Ukrainian troops in Kramatorsk and made them disarm.
I believe that most people, including the army that was sent to carry out the ATO in the east, were in utter disbelief of what was happening. Those that disarmed and switched sides didn't wish to go to war against their own people.
Read 25 tweets
[ Analysis ] 3 weak spots of Ukraine's Avdiivka Front that can cause operational encirclement

#War #Military #UkraineWar #Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussia #RussianInvasion #UkraineRussianWar #RussianUkrainianWar

Russian forces are currently stepping up their Avdiivka Offensive, where OSINT reports bigger and heavier bombs being used on the city targets.
Russian forces are also attacking across the entire front, from Pervomaiske all the way to Avdiivka itself on the western flank, and from Kamyanka all the way to Novokalynove on the northern flank.
Read 5 tweets
[ Battle of Bakhmut ] Ukraine to STAY & FIGHT for Bakhmut; Zelenskyy throwing Generals under the bus

#War #Military #UkraineWar #Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussia #RussianInvasion #UkraineRussianWar #RussianUkrainianWar

In a curious turn of event, Zelenskyy puts out a very public video, claiming that he accepted his generals' decision to stay and fight for Bakhmut; instead of the tactical/organised withdrawal that is reportedly underway.
This could either be Zelenskyy throwing the generals under the bus; or perhaps the generals indeed is responding to the Wagner PMC's ammunition woes; to ride on the effectivenss of the counteroffensives thus far, to retake the surrounding regions of Bakhmut.
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Ukraine counterattack to cover tactical withdrawal from Bakhmut - [ Ukraine SITREP ] Day 374 (4/3)

#War #Military #UkraineWar #Russia #Ukraine #UkraineRussia #RussianInvasion #UkraineRussianWar #RussianUkrainianWar

Mass Ukrainian withdrawal reported from the central and western districts of Bakhmut, and the withdrawal conducted along the country roads between Khromove and Ivanivske. Image
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"Years in the planning, the campaign is responsible for many of the unexplained explosions and other mishaps that have befallen the Russian military industrial complex since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February, according to three former U.S. intelligence officials
"The former officials declined to identify specific targets for the CIA-directed campaign, but railway bridges, fuel depots and power plants in Russia have all been damaged in unexplained incidents since the Kremlin launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February."
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"The Royal Marines have taken part in covert operations in Ukraine, a senior general has admitted for the first time. Lieutenant General Robert Magowan said the commandos supported “discreet operations” in a “hugely sensitive environment.”" #ukrainerussia…
"In April, 350 Marines returned to the country to re-establish the diplomatic mission, providing protection to personnel. During both phases, the commandos supported other covert operations in an extremely sensitive environment and with a high level of political and military risk
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"From 24 February 2022, when the Russian Federation’s armed attack against Ukraine started, to 21 August 2022, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights recorded 13,477 civilian casualties in the country: 5,587 killed and 7,890 injured." 1/…
"OHCHR believes that the actual figures are considerably higher, as the receipt of information from some locations where intense hostilities have been going on has been delayed and many reports are still pending corroboration. This concerns, for example, Mariupol..." #Ukraine 2/
My research-based estimate is about 8-10 thousand civilians killed in #Ukraine during #UkraineRussia war, about 70-80% in #Donbas. Estimate is based on UN confirmed 5,587 casualties plus unaccounted casualties in Mariupol & other Donbas based on 3 thousand graves in #Mariupol. 3/
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We had a fascinating discussion in the comments, and it turned out that the two languages conversation is common in other countries too.
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Exactly. Unfortunately, we have to say that it partly worked. Russia has assimilated millions of people. /1
For example, let's talk about the Kuban region in south Russia. It used to be populated by the Ukrainian population. In this video from 1992 (NOT 1956), people call themselves Ukrainians and talk in beautiful Ukrainian. /2
Ukrainians also populated the far east due to immigration. They even proclaimed the republic Green Ukraine in 1918. I recommend reading the Ukrainian novel "Tiger Trappers" about the life of Ukrainians there. It is one of the best books I've read.… /3
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Russian and Ukrainian languages. Thread
As a Ukrainian, one of the most often questions people asked me before the war was about the language. Is Russian and Ukrainian the same? How do you know Russian? Are they similar? Image
Before answering these questions, first, let's look at the historical background.
The Russian language arrived in Ukraine only in the middle of the 17th century (Pereiaslav Agreement). Before that, no one spoke Russian there. /1
At that time, Russian-speaking soldiers and merchants from the Moscow tsarist empire were settled in Ukraine for the first time. /2
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As I predicted: "The progress was notable, but the introduction of superior Western systems has not brought radical changes in Russian superiority. Russian artillery is still extremely overwhelming and deadly." #Ukraine #UkraineWar #Russia #UkraineRussia…
"Russia's numerical superiority, and its endless munitions stock ... have had a devastating effect on the course of the war... The disproportion between the number of Russian and Ukrainian pieces deployed to a particular front line area can go as far as 10 to 1." #Ukraine #Russia
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In an article denouncing on-going Russian investigations into Ukrainian captives for "crimes against peace," @NYTimes correspondent @MarcSantoraNYT offers a full-throated tribute to the fascist Azov Battalion. He writes: 1/ #UkraineRussia #Nazi
"Those being investigated include members of the Azov regiment, who are widely regarded as heroes in Ukraine for holding out for weeks underneath a Mariupol steel plant as Russian forces bombarded the city at the end of one of the bloodiest battles of the war." 2/
Though acknowledging that the Azov Battalion "started out as a far-right militia" which "is now part of the Ukrainian National Guard," Santora, contradicting himself, denounces Russia's "unfounded claims about the influence of Nazism in the country." 3/
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#Russia Huge explosion at the military airport in Novofedorivka in #Crimea, Russia. About 200km (over 120 miles) from the frontline.

#Crimea #BreakingNews #Breaking #UkraineRussiaWar #Russians #Russian #UkraineUnderAttack #UkraineRussia #Ukraina ImageImageImageImage
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1. While our national debt stands at more than thirty trillion dollars, our country goes under, and Joe Biden maintains crooked investments, our government will now give $1,700,000,000.00 to the Ukraine.…
2. Meanwhile, Biden has deliberately created the gas shortage, by ending the pipeline, not granting new leases, and cutting us off from Russian oil, while he depletes our national reserve….…
3. No wonder his ratings are so low, but since his masters fixed the election with the modern equivalent of stuffed ballot boxes, crooked voting machines, I guess he figures he can do anything.…
Read 13 tweets
Det kan virke som om norske myndigheter fortsatt befinner seg i en fordums tid med utdaterte utenrikspolitiske hensyn som tas overfor Russland.
Det må endres. Russland må stoppes. De fortjener ikke vår respekt.
… en 🇺🇦🇷🇺TRÅD
Norge har siden krigen startet misbrukt nær sagt alle muligheter til å si tydelig fra at vi kommer til å bruke våre muskler til å sørge for at Ukraina vinner og Russland taper. /2
I stedet har vi tatt alle anledninger som har kommet til å hinte til Russland at vi «forstår» dem og vært forsiktige slik at vi ikke «sårer». Sist, absurd nok, ville vi ikke hjelpe sårede ukrainske soldater av den grunn. /3
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Article reports findings of my scholarly studies about overwhelming evidence of involvement of oligarchic & far-right opposition elements in Maidan massacre of protesters & police to overthrow government in #Ukraine. #Ukraine️war #Ukrainian #UkraineRussia…
"His latest article, which can be accessed for free, reviews all the evidence he’s collected to date – including witness testimonies, weapon ballistics and medical forensics. It’s based on hundreds of hours of footage of the Maidan massacre trials..."…
My peer-reviewed article "The far right, the Euromaidan, and the Maidan massacre in Ukraine."…
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"Since Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine, cable news networks have routinely called on defense officials-turned-consultants to offer analysis and help the American public make sense of the crisis."
"Often, these analysts have used their TV time to call for greater U.S. involvement and bolder moves that could ratchet up tensions between two nuclear-armed superpowers. The networks have consistently failed to disclose these analysts’ ties to defense contractors..."
"The Defense Industry’s Ukraine Pundits. To explain the crisis, corporate news networks are leaning on hawkish ex-military officials — without disclosing their current defense industry ties." #UkraineWar #Russia #Ukraine #RussiaUkraineWar #UkraineRussia…
Read 3 tweets
Fransız ve İtalyan enerji devleri ENGIE ve ENI Rusya'dan aldıkları gazı ruble ile ödemeyi kabul ettiler. ENGIE'nin %33'ü Fransız devletine, ENI'nin %30'u İtalyan devletine ait. Yani özel(!) şirketler vasıtasıyla Avrupa kendi koyduğu ambargoyu deliyor.
Oysa Avrupa Komisyonu'na göre Rus para biriminde hesap açmak yaptırımların ihlalidir ve Brüksel tarafından cezai işlemlere yol açar. Yani Avrupalılar Putin'i soykırım dahil her türlü insanlık suçu ile itham ederken Rusya'dan gaz almak için GazpromBank'ta ruble hesabı açıyorlar.
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Update #Ukraine .
Im Überblick:
- weitere Hunderte ukrainische Kämpfer ergeben sich in #Azovstal ;
- russisches Parlament will Gefangenentausch von Azow-Kämpfern verhindern;
- zahlreiche westliche schwere Waffen an der Frontlinie angekommen.
Details im Thread👇
Die Waffenniederlegung von ukrainischen Soldaten und Azow-Kämpfern in #Azowstal geht weiter.
Nach Angaben aus Donetsk sollen sich seit dem 16.Mai bereits über 960 ukr.Kämpfer ergeben haben.
Über 50 davon sind schwerverletzt und kommen nach #Novoazovsk zur medizinischen Behandlung
Der Rest wird in riesigen Buskolonnen zunächst nach #Olenivka gebracht.
Beide Ortschaften befinden sich auf dem Territorium der "Donezker Volksrepublik".
Es wird vermutet, dass zumindest die Azow-Kämpfer danach nach Russland transportiert werden.
#Azovstal #Azov
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Update #Ukraine .
Im Überblick:
- Hunderte ukr.Kämpfer ergeben sich in #Azovstal und verlassen das Stahlwerk - Gefangentausch wird erwartet;
- Erdogan will NATO-Beitritte von Schweden und Finnland nicht zulassen;
- Süd-Ossetien nennt Datum für Beitrittsreferendum.
Hunderte ukr.Kämpfer, darunter anscheinend sowohl Azow-Kämpfer als auch Soldaten der regulären Armee, haben sich in #Azovstal ergeben und werden nun aus #Mariupol evakuiert.
Die Rede ist von über 260 Kämpfern, von denen 53 schwerverletzt seien.
Die Schwerverletzten werden zunächst ins zentrale Krankenhaus von #Novoazovsk gebracht, wo sie medizinisch behandelt werden.
Die anderen kommen nach #Olenivka .
Beide Ortschaften befinden sich auf dem Territorium der "Donezker Volksrepublik".
#Mariupol #Azovstal
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There are #Ukrainian and #Russian reports of agreement to surrender of either wounded or all members of far-right-linked #Azov regiment and other Ukrainian units in besieged #Azovstal in #Mariupol

#UkraineRussianWar #UkraineRussia #Ukraine️ #Russia #NeoNazi #RussiaUkraineWar
Some 20 heavily wounded have been already reportedly transported from besieged #Azovstal to hospital in separatist-controlled part of #Donbas. There are reports of agreement between #Russian & #Ukrainian government to exchange them for Russian POWs in #Ukraine. #UkraineWar #Azov
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#FakeNews: Popular British @Daily_Express newspaper publishes my fake interview about #Putin's health & cites my real @SkyNewsAust interview about Putin's Victory Day speech & annexing parts of #Ukraine as source. Find 10 differences between two interviews by "Ivan Katchanovski." ImageImageImageImage
@Daily_Express @SkyNewsAust My fake interview: "VLADIMIR Putin looked "rather frail" after being seen huddling underneath a blanket during the Victory Day parade, political analyst Ivan Katchanovski noted as he pointed out his top brass was excluded from the event." #UkraineWar…
My actual Sky News Australia TV interview: "Political scientist Professor Ivan Katchanovski says Russian President Vladimir Putin’s ‘Victory Day’ speech suggests Russian plans to “annex” parts of Ukraine." #Russia #UkraineWar #Putin #UkraineRussia
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