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Oct 20th 2020
Harley Edwin Rouda Jr. is an American lawyer and politician from the state of California. A member of the Democratic Party, he serves in the United States House of Representatives from California's 48th congressional district 1/17 #Congress #CA48 #VoteHarley #Elections2020
“In the middle of a pandemic, the Trump Administration has worked to dismantle protections for Americans with pre-existing conditions, eliminate Medicare, and threaten women’s reproductive rights.” ~ Harley Rouda #CA48 #Election2020 #Congress 2/17
“We need to improve and expand health care coverage — not dismantle it.” ~ Harley Rouda #CA48 #Election2020 #Congress #healthcare 3/17
Read 15 tweets
Jul 28th 2018
.@AlexVASheriff, @AlexandriaVAGov officials, and a couple that lost a child to opioid addiction, talk about the importance of proper disposal of unused or expired prescriptions #AlexandriaVA #DelRayVA #OpioidEpidemic
A Navy admiral lost his son to opioid addiction. Now he’s marshaling support to end the epidemic.… @SAFEprojectUS #SAFEUS #OpioidCrisis #OpioidEpidemic
Read 3 tweets
Jan 21st 2018
1) Today's story is called The Brink.

They never thought she'd lose, now we understand the #NWO plan to destroy America, see 1991 Bush I vid. Obama took over the process from Bush II and embarked on an 8 year wrecking ball. #QAnon #GreatAwakening @POTUS
2) For years rogue operatives have been getting installed. Shadow government/#DeepState. All centers of #Government. Controlled by the wealthiest on the planet, most rogue was the CIA. Goal was complete control to dismantle. Check Out Barry's Book: Post American World #QAnon
3) The systematic leaking of classified intel was everywhere, so was exposure of #military assets. Instead if de-funding military (bad optics), you starve thru corruption. Notice #Mattis has a massive audit of DOD? Think why.……
Read 17 tweets
Dec 6th 2017
Democrats are simply asking for action on the broad set of bipartisan priorities before the Congress:/1 #ABetterDeal #DemPartyPlatform #Democrats #DemForce #DemPriorities
Keep government open: While Republicans control the House and the Senate, and President Trump said earlier this year that ‘our country needs a good shutdown,’ Democrats want to keep government open./2
#ABetterDeal #DemPriorities #Democrats
Raise the caps: Democrats want a strong national defense. We also need an equal increase in our domestic budget, which includes critical national security functions and commitments to hard working families. #ABetterDeal #DemPriorities #DemsWork4USA
Read 12 tweets

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