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Long thread alert. ⚠️ I'm definitely spend most of my bird app time messing around. But in a previous life I served in the Army , in particular military intelligence. I happen to know a few guys that are lifers that are still in. I don't claim to have any real inside info but...
I was given info from a guy who's never led me wrong. I didn't ask where he got the info and I have no way of confirming it in any way. So take it as you choose! So the info;

Reports inside US intelligence circles indicate that #Pedoputin is stepping down due to illness.
The wheels are moving and recent changes near the top are in preparation for the successor to seamlessly take over. The time table is within the next 60 days.
Read 5 tweets
#NAFO this is a tweet about bot accounts. I do not know the actual principals of coding one, but I've made some observations. @P_Kallioniemi might be interested.
This will be a long 🧵
There are several categories of bots that Russians use. They are probably programmed in Russian troll factories and given followers and accounts to be followed. They boost pro-Russian messages with likes and sharing.
One easy to detect is an "attack bot".
These bot are like kamikaze drones, they are programmed to send threatening messages. They usually have a very small vocabulary and few images they share constantly. Usually recently created, with 1 follower 10 followed.
Read 28 tweets
Was passiert gerade mit der Berliner Zeitung?
Die Zeitung stand ehemals gut dar in der Hauptstadt neben dem Tagesspiegel.
Wer schreibt nunmehr munter pro-russische Beitraege, die den jeweils tagesaktuellen #Kreml Narrativen entsprechen?

Ein 🧵
Auffaellig ist hier zunaechst der Lieblings-Vorzeigeprofessor der pseudointellektuellen Briefeschreiber und #pedoputin - #putinversteher
Zum Thema Varwick und Wissenschaft wurde schon alles von allen dargelegt, weiteres eruebrigt sich.
Fehlt nur noch Ulrike Guerot.

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Auch hochkaraetige "intellelle" Prominente der Szene hat man an Bord, so bspw.Michael von der Schulenburg.
Wer ist denn das?
Einer der "Friedensbringer" fuer RuZZland.
3/ Image
Read 16 tweets
Before believing in russian propaganda - always try to google the exact opposite. You'll be surprised. 🫠

#Pedoputin and Russian Nazi 🧵 ImageImage
Before invading any country, being a member of the UN (useless nations), you need NAZIS!

Add nazis WHERE and WHEN you need it.

And repeat. Many-many times flood social media, so at least when you invade - people say: "wheel... it all not that clear"…
Glad some people are bored enough to do proper deep research on this topic.

Usually, "independent journalists" (a profession extinct in russia for obvious reasons).
Read 26 tweets
"breve" thread sulla possibile opzione nucleare di #PutinWarCriminal, alcune descrizioni, spiegazioni a cura di @jmkorhonen di cui cito il suo thread in lingua inglese e a cui aggiungo miei pensieri personali.
Per prima cosa, cosa si intende per Nuke tattica? Un ordigno di bassa potenza (anche al di sotto del kilotone)
Un KT equivale a mille tonnellate di tritolo ovvero 4184 terajoule per i più esperti.
Fatman, la bomba di nagasaki, aveva una potenza 10-30Kt
Metodi di impiego: Possono essere lanciati da artiglierie standard 155mm, obici da 8", missili a medio raggio da postazioni terrestri o lanciati da bombardieri strategici e cacciabombardieri
Read 19 tweets
Dies ist der zweite Teil des Threads, der die Frage d.Fakeferenden und dem drohenden russ.Atomschirm behandelt.

Der erste Part - RU droht mit Atomschlag ist hier:

Dieser zweite Part behandelt d.Fall:

👉RU fuehrt e.Atomschlag aus☢️

Es geht los:

1/ 🧵 Image
Angenommen: es ist passiert, man geht in Twitter rein, macht die Glotze oder das Radio an und bekommt die Message:

RU zuendet einen Atomsprengkopf in UKR.

Schock, Entsetzen, Ohnmacht, Grauen.

Doch was kommt jetzt ?
Sind wir RU ausgeliefert?
Hat der Bastard gewonnen?

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Zunaechst: RU hat dafuer vermutlich einen taktischen Nuke genutzt, ein strategischer hat in UKR keinerlei Sinn. Ein taktischer Nuke ist auch fuer RU leichter zu transportieren.

Der tac nuke connectete auch und wurde nicht etwa durch techn. Gegenmassnahmen verhindert.

3/ Image
Read 24 tweets
Ich habe gestern die aktuellen Auswertungen von Yuri Shvets und Arestovich zur Fakeferendum-Situation im UKR-Krieg aufgenommen und moechte die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse mit euch teilen.
Ein (laengerer) zweiteiliger Thread m. Szenarien d.russ.Bedrohung ohne u. mit Atomschlag.
Die nachfolgenden Szenarien gehen davon aus, dass
RU die Scheinreferenden dazu nutzt,um zu erklaeren, dass die gegenwaertig umkaempften Gebiete im Osten und Sueden nunmehr russ.Staatsgebiet seien und somit eine Aggression darauf gemaess RU-Doktrin mit Nukes beantwortet wuerde.
Kraft der Praesenz der UKR dort, wuerde dieser Fall sofort eintreten.
I. Erster Teil (dieser 🧵):
RU droht e.Atomschlag an
II. Zweiter Teil:
RU fuehrt e.Atomschlag aus.
Unterstellt sei, dass RU tatsaechlich funktionierende Atomwaffen hat (sehr fraglich, aber moeglich).
Read 15 tweets
a #pedoputin non funziona il videoregistratore rubato, è un po' in ritardo col discorso preregistrato
Secondo me ha sbagliato il canale SCART
Read 4 tweets
Un breve (spero) thread sulla possibilità di una mobilitazione di massa nello stato terrorista ruZZo, mie opinioni sul perché difficilmente avverrà, perché è una pessima idea per #pedoputin e perché non risolverà niente.
#UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineWar #RussiaIsATerroristState
è notizia di questi giorni quella secondo cui i territori occupati LPR e DPR vogliono indire dei referendum per annettersi alla ruZZia e che tale notizia sia un preambolo per una mobilitazione di massa. L'obiettivo sarebbe raggiungere un milione di coscritti. ma... 1/n
abbiamo visto in questi sette mesi di guerra le difficoltà logistiche, organizzative e tattiche riguardo meno di 200mila soldati in un teatro di guerra alquanto vasto. La ruZZia vuole solo moltiplicare questi problemi. Tanto per iniziare, non puoi creare una certà quantità di 2/n
Read 16 tweets
Will Kherson surrender (today) or not? Its still trapped regardless and this has taken another 1/3rd of the Russian combat power in Ukraine off the table. That leaves the troops in the Donbass. They have the best logistics, terrain and most of the remaining combat power left to
the Russian Army. What they still don't have is competent leadership, good training, espirit de corps or unification of will and purpose. Would you want to be a Russian soldier there? Pressure from the North, the ZSU is still fighting hard around Bakhmut and now word that the
ground combat power in Kherson is about to go belly up and start smelling like a bad fish. Tick tock, tick tock M'fer the time is coming. Its really hard for authoritarian regimes to survive this kind of repeated shock to the system. Will the fall of Kherson and another major
Read 18 tweets
So information has been coming at us firehose style and it can be difficult to build a comprehensive picture. We know things look good but how good is it really? There are a few video posts and a Russian messaging campaign that viewed together and in context say a lot. I will
walk you through what I see. First, Russia is claiming that her "pullback" from Kharkiv was done to further her own war aims. I mean survival can be a war aim, but what does the evidence say. Adding to this Denis Pushilin is claiming his troops have it under control. Really?
Read 26 tweets
I wake up to the rumor mill going full tilt that Lyman and Izium have also fallen adding to the prize of Kupiansk. If true we have gone straight past Yay Go Ukraine! territory straight into OMG this is ludicrous territory.
True? I sure hope so. While I don't think my read that Ukraine would pursue a bite and hold strategy was wrong per se, the gains are still within a single fuel tanks range of the start lines, it appears I gave the Russians way too much credit for being able to mount a credible
defense near Kharkiv. This was part of a discussion last night on @MriyaReport when I got off work. @ChuckPfarrer, @RealCynicalFox, @Teoyaomiquu, @YAmzallagh and @Battlemoose01 and another guy whose name I did not catch (insert name here) if someone can tell me who it was.
Read 17 tweets
OK guys, with things happening so quickly, I am not even going to try and keep up. Instead, I am going to go back in time from a few days to well over 2000 years in an attempt to show just how shambolic the Russian Army has become. So why is this flag important? Image
That is the divisional flag of the 150th Rifle Division. In 1945 that Division is the one who raised the Soviet banner over the Reichstag signifying the final defeat of Hitler and the fall of Berlin. Image
The unit has history even though it was only reformed in 2016. And here is where it gets interesting. Soldiers are always entitled to the battle honors they themselves earned, but any honors they earn also belong to the unit and become part of the unit mythos. The unit never
Read 20 tweets
Good morning, ready for a run down as I understand the situation? Well you're gonna get one anyway. The big focus right now is obviously on Kharkiv. Lots of videos, reports of Russian telegram channels going nuts liberated territory Yay! But is that Ukraine's focus?
Perhaps all the videos and reports are just misdirection aimed at influencing Russian decsion makers and taking their eyes off the real ball. After all Ukraine is practicing extreme opsec elsewhere so the info-flood here is perhaps deliberate.
Is Kherson the focus? Maybe something else. For Ukraine what is the biggest prize they can win before winter? Liberating all of Kharkiv Oblast will provide a serious morale boost and hopefully push the last of Russia's conventional artillery away from the city and its suburbs.
Read 22 tweets
Voglio dedicare l'inizio della domenica sera, per rispondere alle numerose dichiarazioni politiche sul tema ⛽, tendo conto anche dell'ignoranza dell'italiano medio (mai da condannare). Ed ecco che inizio il discorso sul gas: 1/n
Partiamo dal mercato TTF, un mercato finanziario in cui viene scambiato il gas naturale. In questo mercato è possibile comprare un futures sul gas, in altri termini, mi impegno a comprare una determinata quantità di gas, ad un prezzo determinato. 2/n
Supponiamo che firmo un futures sul ⛽, con scadenza 01/09/22. A data raggiunta, il ⛽ potrà essere depositato oppure no. BTW, esistono contratti dalla durata mensile, trimensile etc. Qui dobbiamo citare una delle dinamiche del TTF: più ci si avvicina alla scadenza di un... 3/n
Read 14 tweets
Anyone else celebrate #NationalCinemaDay by taking the family to see #jaws3D? Movie going is something I rarely got to do as a kid. I grew up poor so I saw ET and then right before I went to MEPS my mom took me to see Hunt for Red October. It is nice having the resources to treat
my own family to the theater experience. My problems are all first world now. Such is life for most people in America. Oh, we argue about various issues but end of the day very few of us go to bed hungry, or scared of random missile strikes and most of us can be 99.99% certain
that our loved ones will make it home each day. Speaking of #jaws you have to go back to WWII and stories like that relayed by Quint about the sinking of the #USSIndianapolis to find an America where, "will they make it home" is a community wide fear. If only that were true for
Read 16 tweets
I'm tired guys, daily essays plus the grind of work, a wife going through menopause and a sick cat is all catching up with me. I'm not getting much interaction on here anymore with my essays which makes me think ya'll are bored with them. Should I stop writing them? I know trying
to hit all the bases every day gets tedious. Obligatory tag of @JohnBoozman, @SenTomCotton and @RepFrenchHill followed by pumping the @MriyaAid and the @georgian_legion with a reminder to visit @MriyaReport to stay informed... It's all pretty formulaic and at this point it is not
an easy task to come up with some new and interesting to write about. Especially as everyone is waiting for news out of Kherson. Do I branchout? I have avoided US domestic politics to keep this feed as a leave your personal politics at the door everyone who supports Ukraine
Read 9 tweets
So reports are the IAEA has reached the NPP, but that Russia is also reporting that Ukrainian SOF tried to seize the plant likely as an excuse to explain away military assets inside the plant. I think Russia will go for a mix of Potemkin Village mixed with Wizard of Oz-ish don't
look behind the curtain. Obviously, Russia lies so hopefully the IAEA can get Ukrainian workers alone to receive messages or intel discreetly without endangering the plant workers who are already subject to rape, torture and murder. Then again, that is also an increasingly common
fate given the slip fall (out a window) death of Ravil Maganov VP of Lukoil. Regime losing its grip or ladder climbers making moves in unsettled times? Speaking of making moves, a Russian telegram channel asked people to report on Ukrainian movements. #WeAreNAFO spammed the F out
Read 13 tweets
So yesterday saw a great man exit the world stage. Mikhail Gorbachev died at 91. Reactions have been mixed with a bit of hostility and accusations that us "westerners" just don't know the truth. Maybe, but lets dive into this a little bit. First I said he was a great man
This is not to mean he was good, effective, or grandiose. Rather its a historical tool to describe someone who changed the course of history through his actions. Before he came to power in the USSR the US and Soviets had reached their absolute nadir of relations. Able Archer is
perhaps the most dangerous moment of the Cold War era even more so than the Cuban Missile Crisis because a paranoid cliché ruled the USSR. Yet within just a couple of years of coming to power he and Ronald Reagan had managed to turn the downward spiral into one that was generally
Read 20 tweets
Welcome to the fog of war. You can hear the guns firing and see distant flashes on the horizon but very little else. Ukraine obviously needs OPSEC and to help conduct successful operations and Russia lies. FIRMS data can provide some insights but that is only the vaguest of
picutures. Your own commander is in the dark and can't raise anyone on the radio. There is little fuel, little fresh food, everyone is scared shitless and the men just want to go home except there is a giant ass river behind you and no bridges across it. This is the current
picture. This is the information situation facing many Russian invaders this morning. It is going to compel commanders to do something very stupid: transmit. Whomever finds themselves in charge of a part of the battle is going to have to transmit and that makes them vulnerable to
Read 19 tweets
The @georgian_legion gave #Fellas a shout out
and #WeAreNAFO now has a prime-time anchor for our media ops with the arrival of @JRewinski because expansion is non-negotiable. All kidding aside, it really is something profound when private citizens all
over the world now have the ability to affect the battlefield via private donations of money, goods and services and individual acts to counter dis-info and propaganda online are successful enough to gain the recognition of a nation fighting for its survival.
Read 23 tweets
1/ I would like to take a couple tweets to promote the #Ukrainian #film #archive preserved by the Dovzhenko Centre. The archive includes tons of historical information as well as the legacy of many Ukrainians that are no longer with us.
2/ I do this for three reasons. Firstly, to fight against #Russians attempts to eliminate #Ukrainian culture. We know now that #Pedoputin aims to destroy #Ukraine legacy, history, and culture. He won’t succeed. Furthermore, he already lost. Ukraine will prevail, #UkraineWillWin.
3/ Secondly, to request all #Ukrainians and all friends of #Ukraine in possession of films in danger of deterioration to consider the Centre Film Fund as a possible repository. Your films could be safeguarded there for future generations.
Read 7 tweets
As my readers know, over the weekend I went to a couple of exhibits that included sharks with the family on a mini-vacation. Apparently going to look at strange and vaguely menacing looking beasts was all the rage globally. From Arkansas to Crimea a run down...
In Kyiv the Russian armored columns finally reached the city center. The BTG there was Burned, Toasted, and Gutted and proved to be a hit. It would be kind of cool to see if they did anything about the smell.
A little bit farther east some Russian beach goers in Occupied Crimea found out what, "air defense doing" it was sunbathing like them. Pretty sure those shorts are a war crime btw eewww.
Read 14 tweets
Next Tuesday will mark the 83rd anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, where Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia formed an alliance to each occupy its respective half of Europe.
2 years later Germany broke the pact, which is why Russia is still mad at Nazis - for betraying them.
Russia is the last colonial empire on earth, which started dislocating in 1990. It might have held on for a few more decades if not for #Pedoputin gloriously misreading the room & attacking Ukraine with his rag tag army of alcoholic rapists with wooden teeth & 50 year old tanks.
Russia might have managed to hold up its empire if not for comical levels of mismanagement, trying to apply the principles of communism. They really tried. But the impotence of central planning coupled with depriving people of private initiative led to a collapse of everything.
Read 11 tweets

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