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Dec 26th 2018
Yesterday early morning a convoy of Iranian Revolutionary Guards entered Syrian territory through #Iraq with trucks loaded with military equipment and missiles.1/9
#Syria #Israel #IDF #Iran #IRGC #Russia #USA
The convoy headed towards the city of #Palmyra and then moved towards the Syrian capital #Damascus.At 16:00, the convoy passed from the vicinity of the American base of #AlTanf, under the protection of #Assad forces.2/9
#Syria #Israel #IDF #Iran #IRGC #Russia #USA
With the arrival of the convoy to the Syrian capital Damascus, the contents were distributed to a number of military sites belonging to the IRGC, the #Assad regime and the militia of #Hezbollah in the vicinity of #Damascus.3/9
#Syria #Israel #IDF #Iran #IRGC #Russia #USA
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