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Mar 7th 2019
Here's another very interesting happening 👇👇👇

The DOJ announced that it is creating a revamped unit to crack down on #FARA violations and they appointed former #Mueller/Special Counsel prosecutor Brandon Van Grack to oversee it.

They even mentioned #Skadden as a reason.
Yes, yes, I know it's CNN (Ughhh) but supposedly John Demers from DOJ spoke to them about this. Here is the source:…
And, of course, I forgot to add - #ButNothingsHappening
Read 3 tweets
Jul 31st 2018
🔥Mueller referred a "collection of cases" to SDNY federal prosecutors of several high-profile US lobbyists & operatives who failed to register as *foreign agents*.

~ Tony Podesta
~ @GOP fmr Rep Vin Weber (Mercury)
~ Fmr Obama WH counsel Greg Craig

Craig worked w/van der Zwaan at #Skadden👉🏼paid >$5 million via Manafort/Gates’ bank account in CYPRUS (but worked for pro🇷🇺#Ukraine gov't) to write a "report"/smear of a jailed opposition leader.

Weber & Podesta lobbied Congress using the report.🤨

Weber and Podesta are alleged to have knowingly performed lobbied for the #Ukraine government w/o filing #FARA...and while being paid via Manafort's OFFSHORE bank accounts in #Cyprus.🙄

Read 4 tweets
Mar 29th 2018

THREAD: Months *before* Rick Gates pleaded guilty, Mueller told Gates he had *plenty of evidence* to NAIL Manafort.🤗

Instead, Mueller wanted Gates' help to investigate ties btwn Trump campaign & #Russia🇷🇺to make a case for “collusion”‼️1/

Here is a written version of the story👇🏼 2/…
Gates was indicted for MULTIPLE serious crimes, yet received a relatively lenient plea deal, as did Misha🇷🇺Flynn (at least thus far).🤨

Meaning: Gates & Flynn have LOTS of dirt against BIGGER fish‼️😎 3/

Read 10 tweets
Mar 29th 2018
THREAD: here’s a breakdown of the JUICY details in the sentencing memo filed by lawyers for Alex van der Zwaan (“v.d.Swamp”), the son-in-law of #Russian🇷🇺oligarch, German Khan (AlfaGroup/AlfaBank co-founder)‼️1/


Link to court document👉🏼…
In this thread, we will focus on what v.d.Swamp said about his case, specifically what info he tried to COVER UP.🤨

For details on the CRIMES that convicted felon v.d.Swamp committed, see👇🏼this thread👇🏼on Mueller’s sentencing memo.😎 2/

Of course, van der Zwaan’s attorneys try to spin a sob story about how v.d.Swamp’s “world has collapsed” and “his career has been destroyed.”🙄

Well, yeah. That’s what happens when you LIE to the Feds and DESTROY EVIDENCE‼️3/
Read 20 tweets
Mar 28th 2018
THREAD: breakdown of the juicy bits in Mueller’s “Sentencing Memorandum” of convicted felon attorney, Alex van der Zwaan‼️ 1/

Reminder: the disgraced former Skadden lawyer, Alex van der Zwaan pleaded GUILTY to lying to the Feds (a felony) and he also DESTROYED & failed to produce requested documents.🤨

And van der Zwaan is a LAWYER, so he *knew* his actus were ILLEGAL‼️ 2/

van der Zwaan LIED & tried to cover up CRIMINAL acts by Manafort & Gates (money laundering, #FARA violations, etc) relating to their unreported work as foreign agents for Ukraine, specifically regarding Yulia Tymoshenko.🤔 3/
Read 25 tweets

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