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Dec 5th 2020
"LNG Canada workers complained about unsafe conditions prior to COVID-19 outbreak" @TorontoStar
Sounds like #SiteC too, based on employee reviews...… #covid19bc #bcpoli @BruceRalston @jjhorgan
@TorontoStar @BruceRalston @jjhorgan ."The outbreak at #LNGCanada started on Nov. 19 & there are now 54 cases. In the months leading up to the outbreak, workers raised concerns about #COVID19BC cleaning procedures in common areas, rooms & work spaces, prompting inspections by WorkSafe BC on Aug 28 & Oct 19." #bcpoli
@TorontoStar @BruceRalston @jjhorgan ..Get this: "The documents also reveal that a WorkSafe BC inspection of the #SiteC work camp’s sewage treatment facility in northeast BC on March 19 found the facility did not have a plan to sufficiently protect workers from pathogens, body fluids, human waste, mould & COVID-19."
Read 7 tweets
Feb 21st 2020
THREAD: over the past month we’ve been covering the #Wetsuweten crisis from inside police lines, and across the country. In case you missed some of it, we’re highlighting a few of our favourite pieces. Our goal is to inform, but also contextualize. #cdnpoli #bcpoli
On Feb. 5th we published a context piece (or explainer) on how the oft-discussed ‘rule of law’ applies to the #Wetsuweten stand off with the Coastal GasLink pipeline. It’s our most popular article of the year.…
On Jan. 17, we published journalist @GitxsanJt’s first report from #Wetsuweten territory. It focused on the RCMP roadblock and how it was effecting Wet’suwet’en people, as well as media trying to report from the area.…
Read 24 tweets
Feb 16th 2020
For settlers just coming to terms with the consequences of colonialism in Canada, I offer this free documentary screening series to get you up to speed... 1/5 #unistoten #wetsuwetenstrong
There is no better introduction to the history of the Unist’ot’en Camp and the Coastal Gaslink pipeline than #Invasion a film made in the urgency of the current crisis 2/5 #unistoten #WetsuwetenStrong
For a comprehensive look at the full scope of Canada's colonial history and the history of indigenous resistance watch Alanis Obomsawin's masterpiece "Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance" 3/5 #unistoten #WetsuwetenStrong…
Read 5 tweets
Feb 10th 2020
1/2 Please don't comment until you've also read part 2/2

This video of Hereditary Chief Helen Michelle is being circulated today by #CoastalGasLink that suggests #Wetsuweten Nations support the project & protesters aren't her people #BCpoli #CDNpoli

2/2 The same #Wetsuweten hereditary chief is quoted by verified #Indigenous news (last week) that further explains the #BCpoli & #CDNpoli NDP are aiming to help #CoastalGasLink proceed

All of this conflicts with the #Unistoten narrative via social media…
3/2 Postscript #BCpoli #CDNpoli

I'm not taking sides in the #Wetsuweten/#Unistoten dispute RE #CoastalGasLink, or implying any sentiment about the #ClimateCrisis

My only point is keyboard activists require legit info from several #Indigenous sources to have an informed debate
Read 4 tweets
Jan 11th 2020
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chiefs Ask RCMP to Stand Down.

Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chiefs met with senior RCMP officials and issued the following directives:

#unistoten #wetsuwetenstrong #landback ImageImage
1. That police stand down and refrain from enforcing the injunction order until nation-to-nation talks can occur with the provincial and federal governments to address infringements to Wet’suwet’en rights and title.
2. That the remote detachment established by the RCMP on Wet’suwet’en territory be immediately removed.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 9th 2020
This tweet (from a year ago) is going viral again as tensions in #Wetsuweten territory amp up with the threat of police action this week, so I wanted to get out in front of it. As a historian, I stand by the tweet and want to reshare additional information for further context.
2. My tweet was (and is) one of solidarity; I intended it as an intervention into the emerging discussion by Canadians about the RCMP’s 2019 action against the #UnistotenCamp that was treating this kind of operation against Indigenous peoples as an anomaly, a one-off. It is not.
3. As a historian, I can tell you it is part of a longer pattern going back to the North-West Mounted Police's formation (later the Royal NWMP, later RCMP). Indeed, the origins of the "Mounties" are very much connected to colonization, sent out by John A. Macdonald no less.
Read 19 tweets
Jan 16th 2019
my name is zaagasige giizis and I came to wet'suwet'en territory in early december as an ojibwe land defender in solidarity w #unistoten. I was one of fourteen arrestees during the violent RCMP raid of the gitdimt'en checkpoint.
our time at the gitdimt'en 44km checkpoint was great until the fucking pigs showed up. we ate moose eyes, tongue, and cheeks. drank water from the wedzinkwa. and shared so many laughs and memories together.
one of my favorite memories was the night we had a fireworks show off the bridge checkpoint during the last day of the gregorian calendar. so many wows! and oohs! lol.
Read 17 tweets
Jan 10th 2019
To recap: meeting here is to talk about the interim injunction Coastal GasLink has received from the BC Supreme Court to go do pre-construction activities in the #Wetsuweten traditional territory. Hereditary chiefs are in ongoing convos with RCMP about enforcement
Now today Coastal GasLink is here to talk about next steps. Today could result in some kind of agreement for CGL to access the territory. Though none of this could be considered a permanent outcome
The injunction application isn't resolved in the courts. This is just an interim injunction. CGL said it needed access as soon as possible for pre-construction/so it could hit construction deadlines
Read 9 tweets
Jan 9th 2019
1. It seems this tweet is hitting a nerve. I'm having a hard time keeping up with up the comments, questions, + threats. Now that the #Unistoten solidarity actions have finished for today, I wanted to take just a few moments to reflect +offer some further thoughts as a historian.
2. My tweet was one of solidarity; I originally intended it as an intervention into the emerging discussion by Canadians about the RCMP’s action against the #UnistotenCamp that was treating this kind of operation against Indigenous peoples as an anomaly, a one-off. It is not.
3. As a historian, I can tell you it is part of a longer pattern going back to the North-West Mounted Police's formation (later the Royal NWMP, later RCMP). Indeed, the origins of the "Mounties" are very much connected to colonization, sent out by John A. Macdonald no less.
Read 17 tweets
Jan 8th 2019
Meanwhile in Canada: Check out #Unistoten #Gidimten #Wetsuweten for RCMP dismantling First Nations pipeline blockade, complete with mass arrests & limited media because we do so love hiding it when we silence protests.

#bcpoli, but also indigenous rights & climate change.
Add on #ShutDownCanada #TheTimeIsNow to hashtags to explore on the conflict going on in Canada right now, especially as it’s expanding beyond the pipeline blockade arrests.

I don’t think I can fairly summarize, but I do think we need eyes on this. #bcpoli #canpoli
Q: ...uh, I’m going to need at least some context.
A: This doesn’t get at any historical context, but does solidly cover current events. CBC’s @pieglue is on-site.…
Read 8 tweets
Jan 6th 2019
Violent police action against #Unistoten & #Gitdumten is imminent. If you care about the future, the time to act is now. If you don't know what we're talking about watch this short video about these brave folks who've been stopping pipelines since before #StandingRock
An international day of action is planned for Tuesday January 8th.
Deets here -…
Donate to @UnistotenCamp -…
Donate to #Gidumten -…
Read 4 tweets
Jan 4th 2019
So... @jjhorgan @GeorgeHeyman @scottfraserndp et al. @bcndp just going to turn a blind eye to #Unistoten situation or are you going to step up and act like leaders on this? #BCpoli #CdnPoli #Deescalate #UNDRIP #NoConsent #NoPipelines
...there's an aching silence right now that for #BCNDP folks in particular should smell a lot like the days leading up to August 18, 1995. #BCpoli
also - I think @jjhorgan @SohiAmarjeet @DonaldsonDoug @GeorgeHeyman @michellemungall @lanapopham & @BruceRalston should withdraw from the @BCNRF #BCNRF19 until the conflict is resolved in order to show respect. #BCpoli #UNDRIP
Read 6 tweets

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