But even more, this is a thread about my friend, my honored client, and my hero, @JosephJFlynn1.
Do you know any unsung heroes?

It is my belief in that mandate that drove me to write the book, and recruit @KateScopelliti to make it worthy. I believe we have succeeded and that...
While I will be quoting his review in full, below, it will be one part at a time. I urge you please...
Read Joe's review in full.
Vote that it was helpful, please, and then post a response to Joe in comments.
It is a hidden power of Amazon's reviews that we can build phenomenal conversations there. Phenomenal!
"As I read this great book, I could only think of how incredibly precise and accurate the message that Pat and Kate Scopelliti created for the MAGA Movement as we head into 2018 mid- term elections."
How did we allow ourselves, I ask, to become a nation of apathetic, passive, forgive me, losers? We lost our greatness, our sense of a nation of laws that we write through those we Congress. Isn't it time we reclaim what we lost?
"It is not about one candidate or one President, it is about a political revolution in thinking that provides the American People with a vision not of what could be but what NEEDS to happen for the future of our democracy."
1776 was about throwing off the forces of a distant King who refused hear us, or to honor our liberty. 2018 is about redirecting a distant congress that refuses, still, to hear us, or protect our liberty from those who have stolen it.
"The MAGA movement is spelled out in perfect detail in this seminal work and it answers the fundamental question of how WE THE PEOPLE can take back our Govt. from the Political Class in both parties that has ruled over us for many decades since WWII."
When Joe and I first started discussing this project, its historical view, placing the MAGA movement in the sweep of America's destiny, wrested his attention. The very idea of making America great AGAIN, demands we look to see what was lost, when, how, why...
"It is a book to be read by Americans on the Left and Right who are starving for a vision of what they know America can become and what America's true potential is about."
I predict that by 2024 the left will be STUNNED and in SHOCKED amazement by agreement. The term "liberal" roots in the word "liberty." We have the basis of agreement. But, we must show them the power of our ideas by the strength of our vote.
"Having had personal experience in working with Pat as a business advisor, I have have been the recipient of his incredibly concise analytical mind...
"...which along with Kate's linguistic fluency makes this book nothing less than a masterful political roadmap for our time."
Thanks, Joe, I accept on my own account, first. It was @GenFlynn who taught me, in 2016, that my analysis was worthy at the highest levels. Serving you has taught me more, as does serving each and every client. You are my teacher.
More importantly, our project had no hope of worthiness on the basis of my analysis alone. Kat'e "fluency of language," as you so rightly term it, reveals itself on every page and in the entirety of the book. She is a genius.
A political roadmap for our time, you say. I believe so, Joe, I truly do. Much of it hearkens directly to the vision of @realDonaldTrump. But much is attributed to America herself, as she showed up in rallies and to vote. Yet, we must punch forward...
We must punch forward all the way - ALL THE WAY - to and through 2024. We #MAGA supporters must find our American fighting spirit to save our nation, and to do so at the voting booth.
"The Foreword from Lt. Gen (R) Michael Flynn, one of the founding fathers of the MAGA Movement and one of the earliest supporters of Pres Trump with whom, Pat worked on the Trump campaign as an analyst, further solidifies the seriousness of this work."
The story of working with @GenFlynn in 2016, one of the greatest honors of my life, is for elsewhere. His role as a Founding Father of MAGA could NOT be MORE important. His vision to explode mid-term participation spurs me forward on this mission everyday.
"If you care about the future of our nation, you need to buy this book and encourage all of your friends, neighbors and family members to do the same."
Joe, you're more than a friend or brother or even fellow traveler. You are a true patriot, and a key member of America's greatest family. I'm lucky to have met you, and honored to know and work with you. I will not let you down, or disappoint your expectations.
With Joe, I ask you all to consider this offering for your consideration, for America's, and for...