Those are children in those cages. Ripped from their parents.
Many qualify to stay in the US. There is *no* reason to separate them from their parents.
Unless cruelty has become policy.

Kids have been detained - incarcerated- for years. Family detention is a blight on our national consciousness.
What's new is separating children from parents.
But both are evil and we must do better.
He bought the xenophobic narrative of the parasitic immigrant.
They're refugees. He blew it. Hard.
Trump has added a new level of cruelty.
The picture of kids in cages is iconically representative of the nativist nonsense peddled by the anti-immigrant movement (FAIR, CIS, and NumbersUSA) for decades.
When they plead for lenience, their words often qualify them for asylum.

Remember the officials voted in who allowed this to happen.
This is mass incarceration, immigration style. Different laws, same result.
Hard not to notice all the brown faces.
We could learn a few things from our black brothers and sisters.
School to prison pipeline?
Debtor prison?
Felon disenfranchisement?
Flip side:
Deportation triggers.
Expanded enforcement.
We can't resist one policy at a time.
You don't put out fires, you take out the flamethrower.