The UNHRC has never promoted Human Rights. Only the rights of our enemies, including the global Islamic National Socialism network, Iran & Russia.
>protects human rights abusers
>allows them to serve on council
>shows bias in decisions
>enables countries like China, Egypt & Russia to undermine U.S. reform efforts
>has passed more resolutions in 2018 condemning Israel than Iran, Syria & NoKo combined.
In 2017 the US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley slammed the UNHRC for its “relentless, pathological campaign” against Israel.
But when the US government merely enforces its laws and borders, that is condemned by actual human rights abusers.
Decades of talk of reform are now replaced by the #TrumpDoctrine of #PrincipledRealism.
The same animus toward the Jewish people in 1948 has continued ever since through the global Islamic National Socialism network that now dominates the UN generally & the UNHRC in particular.
The USA proudly stands with Israel against terrorism, war and Iranian regime imperialism in the Middle East. We stand with the people of Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Iran.
Enough. It is time.
Sustained human rights can only be enforced in countries that respect the rule of law.
But when organizations undermine... "