By 14pts (56/40), voters want a generic Dem for Congress who supports ACA & wants to improve it over over a generic GOP candidate for Congress who
wants to repeal it.
Lead grows to 19pts (56/37) w/
65+ voters.…
Voters trust Democrats over Republicans and President Trump on health care by 13
points (55/42).
This lead grows to 26 points (60/34) with women and 22 points (57/35) with independents.…
By an overwhelming 25 points (59/34), people want Congress to "keep what works and fix what doesn't" in the ACA, not repeal it.
That margin grows to 32 points (62/30) with independents…
64% oppose Trump joining lawsuit to strike down ACA’s protections for pre-existing
When voters learn Kavanaugh would likely support that lawsuit, 56% are less likely to support confirmation…