“I see.”
“Michelle Obama’s a man.”
“Tell me more.”
“Tom Hanks is a pedo.”
“How interesting.”
“Hillary worships Satan in baby blood.”
“I love hearing this broad spectrum of ideas.”
“San Diego is under Sharia Law.”
“This is such a healing conversation”
If you want to tell me those two aren't driving thought leadership in the Republican base right now, I've got a bridge for sale.
One side thought Donald Trump—the obviously dumb mean shout-mouth from TV—should be president, and they still think so, and they think he's doing great.
And to hell with them.
Those children *are* being abused on every level
He *did* break up families to sow fear and discord
He *said* that's why he wanted to do it.
"Grab them by the pussy" is a *direct quote*
They aren't analogous to Qonspiracies.
If you want to do bad shit, introduce absolutely insane lies along the same lines as what you want to do.
That way, the people telling on you sound like crazy conspiracy theorists.
The problem isn't that we won't engage with the lies. The problem is the people who keep asking us to.
They're just perfectly willing to make use of it it while pushing it on us so they can pursue their own agenda.
That's not better.
Yes. Yes. A thousand times, yes.
America is founded on the notion.
Notice those who present both as equal.
It's on purpose.