Those "evil" Words that no pregnant woman wants to hear..
But why is it so bad?
Why is it "not my portion"?
Why do we need to do an Operation?
What are the complications?
What are the other options?
Ladies and Gentlemen...

There are a LOT of reasons, why your Doctor would recommend a C-Section and not all of them can be covered in this thread (That's how many there are).
But lets look at a few.
Maternal Reasons (For the sake of the Mother)
*Previous C - Section- In our Clime, your chances of having a C-Section is Increased after a prior operation . This is because a C section leaves a Scar on the Womb, which has a significant risk of tearing....
*Pelvic abnormalities - Some ..
Fetal Indications( For the sake of the Baby)
Fetal Distress- This is one of the more common indications and one of the more difficult to explain..
Fetal Macrosomia- In some situations, especially in Women in thier ...
Fetal Malpresentation - Baby not well.....
The ideal way is for the Baby to be coming"Head First" and if this isnt the case, depending on other factors, (Skill of the ....
*Placentation- The placenta, is the babys connection to the mother.the "life plug". In most Women, it is High...
Abnormal Labour - i.e Poor progress in Labour.
Labour is mostly a natural process, with the managing team there to....
Maternal Health, - In Some Conditions like Pre Eclampsia, ...
Like we said at the beginning these dont even begin to scratch the surface of "reasons" for CS ...but it is important to note that, it is your right to know why and be informed before making a decision.
Also note that a C-S might....
CS is done to Save Mother And Baby.
A C-S is a relatively "Short" operation , 30mins to 50 mins on the average, and has very good prognosis.
It doesnt impede the mother from Breastfeeding!
1 Why do some Doctors cut Vertically? - This is usually indicated by the reason for the CS. There a quite a number of reasons for any of the "styles"
3 Why do women suffer "womb gumming" - i am not quite clear ,what you mean by this but ....
When a CS is done, as the incisions heal, they might heal while "adhering" (gumming) to....
4 How long should a woman wait after CS to conceive.- Generally the WHO recommends women wait 2 yrs, between births, whether CS or Normal Delivery,
But generally, any....
5 Does CS cause painful periods- CS , without any complications doesnt affect the "periods" .
If you experience such after CS, see your gynaecologist
7 Does CS limit the No of Children,- Because of the increased risk of complication with each CS , The Usual "Limit"...
This thread doesn't do justice, to the CS topic cos its too expansive, but please note that there are many reasons for a CS and they are done mostly for the...
Any further questions will be gladly entertained in the comments.
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Thanks for reading.