Inequitable treatment continued.🙈🙉🙊
Homelessness continued.🙈🙉🙊
Black people were being brutalized & killed by the State.
Injustice continued.🙈🙉🙊
Mediocrity maintained the status quo.🤷🏼♂️🤷🏼♀️
Wilful oblivion
I never understood this wilful oblivion when I was with my white people.
My white people were my family, including literal actual family.
👉🏿 over 400 years of slavery
👉🏿116 yrs of residential schools
👉🏿48 yrs of apartheid
👉🏿35 yrs of the Chinese Head Tax
👉🏿5 years of Auschwitz
👉🏿our current gov’t
#TOpoli #TORONTO #ElectionTO
Even white people know this about themselves.
#TOpoli #TORONTO #ElectionTO
“The white people [I] challenge are afraid of [my] authority & confidence; they’re not sure what to do when I hold them to account for their actions/inaction; when they retaliate &/or act aggressively towards me...
#TOpoli #TORONTO #ElectionTO
I would ask, “What are white people afraid of?”
I never understood this oddity before, but it has become more evident to me.
Why does it take some white people so long just to admit, correct themselves, do right by people?
#TOpoli #TORONTO #ElectionTO
Of course, you as the white voting majority population of Toronto will decide who we choose to represent us, who we choose to inspire us who we choose to ensure that we all have the ability to live & thrive.
Choice is yours.
Even though we could, we still haven’t decided to use proportional representation strategies on our ballots. You know why.
The majority of TORONTO’s population are PoC many of whom are ineligible to vote so our voice remains in your vote
No matter the absence/loss of colour, joie de vive and/or vitality the grasp of power is more important.
More important than life.
#TOpoli #TORONTO #ElectionTO
Yet, why wouldn’t you retweet if you agreed with what was said?
A retweet speak to the connections on your own twitter account & alerts them to a perspective not used to.
Most white people are awkward about confronting, challenging, admitting the things they know, experienced and have witnessed concerning privilege and white supremacy.
For many of the aforementioned reasons, many white people will not come to themselves.
We will continue to be examples of love. We will continue to share, welcome, help. We will continue...
#TOpoli #TORONTO #ElectionTO
They’re with us on the front lines confronting & calling out to end:
👉🏿white supremacy
👉🏿white privilege
👉🏿white mediocrity
👉🏿status quo
This is exactly what we need- truth to be confronted so that we can effect #CommunityWellness!
Respecting, honouring, empowering
#TOpoli #TORONTO #ElectionTO
Vote D!ONNE Renée on Election Day for Mayor of TORONTO!
#TOpoli #TORONTO #ElectionTO
👉🏿a healthy society
👉🏿a wealth of opportunities
👉🏿the ability to just be
👉🏿an engaged citizenry
👉🏿inclusive mindsets
👉🏿a thriving society
👉🏿a thriving economy full of innovation, creativity, LOVE!
Look back & note some improvements in #Toronto but not the ones necessary that ensures that we all have the ability to live & thrive!
“Change is slow” for people who choose to do things slowly.
Think about the decision makers we keep putting into office. Some are absolutely amazing, but you need a majority of amazing folks elected to office to get things done to benefit society.
#CommunityWellness #inclusion #TOpoli #TORONTO #ElectionTO #OurTorontoToo #OurCityHallToo #OurCityHall
4 out of 44 Council Members Elected in 2014 are PoC
and 13 out of 44 Elected in 2014 are women?
Vote D!ONNE Renée on Election Day for Mayor of Toronto!
#TOpoli #TORONTO #ElectionTO
White people must stop expecting to be the default.
White people must stop choosing each as the default.
Default is never a solution.
Media won’t help you so you have to make efforts.
Candidates are making efforts without the aid of media.
We are.here.
We’re in service to you and all Torontonians.
Act on what you say!
Let your actions translate into the outcomes we all want.
We know where white supremacists stand they’re public about their position.
Your impact should be greater right?
In fact, most white people say they’re for everything I’m saying, doing & am about...yet, somehow, the words of white people being the majority voting population (particularly white women) don’t seem to translate into their votes & actions
Are we wanting to go into it quietly, passively, timidly?
Think of the type of leadership we want and need for Toronto- the type of leadership that has Toronto’s back 100% no matter what!
Stop this sophistry.
Do better.
Vote D!ONNE Renée on Election Day for Mayor!
#TOpoli #TORONTO #ElectionTO
#TOpoli #TORONTO #ElectionTO
Respecting, honouring, empowering
#TOpoli #TORONTO #ElectionTO
As Community we acknowledge needs & go from there.
Vote D!ONNE Renée on Election Day for Mayor of TORONTO!
👉🏿a healthy society
👉🏿a wealth of opportunities
👉🏿the ability to just be
👉🏿an engaged citizenry
👉🏿inclusive mindsets
👉🏿a thriving society
👉🏿a thriving economy full of innovation, creativity, LOVE