Morley Minto Reforms(1909, separate electorate for Muslims, recognising them as a separate section of 🇮🇳 triggering the cancer)
encouragement to Muslim League ensured that Muslims remained on their side.
Met traveling expenses of M delegates to Congress sessions
Lodging-boarding(Mess fee 10/-)was free for Ms dressed in silk embroidered chogas & gold who ate delicacies & enjoyed at the expense of a struggling nation!

Only voice of disapproval was #MadanMohanMalviya
LP started race between British & #Congress of #MuslimAppeasement
He moved resolution calling for Non-Cooperation movement on the issue of Khilafat in Aug 1920!!
30 December 1906, All India Muslim League was formed.

This medium of Expression was polluted by #Congress for #MuslimAppeasement assuring
“Hybrid, half Hindi & half Urdu=Hindustani, written both in Nagri & Urdu would be National language!

1992, #Congress had already adopted Iqbal’s, ‘saare jahan se accha..’
(pan-Islamic thought of his poetry is still unknown to us: ’Muslim hain hum watan hai sara jahan hamara’)

Congress further gave
‘freedom to sing any other song in addition to/ in place of VM’
to its organizers, taking away the Emotional position of Vande Mataram as #NationalAnthem !

We weren’t
‘A new nation in the making’,
Bhagwa would’ve kept alive heroism & martyrdom in the cause of freedom!
The Spring of National Inspiration was dumped by #Congress just for #MuslimAppeasement