DrDG: “Cohen wants to tell Mueller that Trump discussed the release of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta e-mails – stolen by #Russia🇷🇺 – during the weekend when the Access Hollywood "grab ’em by the p***y” tape dominated the news”

💣Manhattan D.A. Eyes Criminal Charges Against Trump Organization
💣NYAG May open a criminal probe into whether Mr. Cohen has violated state tax law, unrelated to the federal tax evasion charges that he pleaded guilty to on Tuesday,
@GOP hired Elliot Broidy, a convicted 4 fraud, as the Chair for the RNC
In 2009 Broidy entered a guilty plea in fraud case tied to NY pension.& gave nearly $1M worth of illegal gifts to state officials
AU bans China's Huawei from 5G mobile network, China 👿
White House blocks bill that would protect elections. WH & Senate GOP opposed a proposal for a paper audit trail requirement, according to congressional sources.
Trump Claims ‘Large Scale Killing’ of South Africa Farmers, Without Evidence
📌Record instances of fraud by Nogueira in the Trump project.
Links made between Ivanka, the Russian mafia, Daphne Galizia, the Panama Papers and Alexandre Nogueira. Ivanka was working with Russian mafia; Galizia uncovered it; Galizia was assasinated
Firefighters battling CA’s largest fire hit by crippling data slowdown, slam Verizon's tactics
📌Manafort Brothers Construction offered to demolish the Lanza (Sandy Hook shooter) home for free.
Cohen would not accept and does not want a pardon from Trump,
📌A fed GJ in Las Vegas indicted AZ resident Douglas Haig with one count of engaging in the business of manufacturing ammunition without a license #StephenPaddock #LVS
Officials defend a plan to close almost all polling places in majority Black GA county.
SDNY office is may pursue criminal charges against the Trump Org and two senior company officials in connection with Michael D. Cohen’s hush money payment to an adult film actress, according to two officials with knowledge of the matter.
If Trump won by illegal means, can he be indicted or impeached?
@GOP hired Elliot Broidy, a convicted felon, as the Chairperson for the RNC
In 2009 Broidy entered a guilty plea in fraud case tied to NY pension.& gave nearly $1M worth of illegal gifts to state officials
H/t @Agenthades1
Vincent Tchenguiz also helped controversial 'private intel agency' apply for Israeli government grant for developing dual-use technologies; Economy Ministry won't say if it got one
Davis says there are more revelations to come.🍿
Michael Cohen's attorney Lanny Davis on Wednesday claimed Cohen witnessed a discussion between Trump and Donald Trump, Jr., that was apparently related to the 2016 Trump Tower meeting between campaign officials and a Russian lawyer.
Sessions defends his performance in advancing Trump’s agenda
A new attorney general could take control of the Mueller probe
Publishing executive met with prosecutors to describe involvement of Cohen, Trump in hush-money deals to women ahead of 2016 election
National Enquirer's safe held damaging Trump stories
The Nat Enq kept a safe containing docs on hush money payments and other damaging stories it killed as part of its cozy relationship with Trump leading up to the 2016 presidential election.
The newly revealed memo seems to provide the most direct evidence yet of a possible link between Trump aides & Black Cube’s operation to discredit proponents of the Iran Deal during the same timeframe.
Trump says longstanding legal practice of flipping 'almost ought to be illegal' 🤣🤣🤣
Counting on pardons? Donald Trump’s allies shouldn’t hold their breath.
H/T @leesgirl9
Ivanka and the ‘businessman’ in business with a money-launderer and two criminals from the former Soviet Union is now a fugitive from Panama.
H/T @ManchuCandidate
Re: Pardons:
A bill that would have significantly bolstered the nation’s defenses against electoral interference has been held up in the Senate at the behest of the White House, which opposed a paper audit trail requirement, according to congressional sources.
Donald Trump Jr. has a direct, personal connection to the central figure in multiple money laundering cases involving RU, Latvia, Ukraine, UK, Seychelles Islands, New Zealand, Vanuatu, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico & the US
H/T @ManchuCandidate
If Trump shot Cohen in broad daylight, here's what GOP would say
You can just imagine the tweets, denials & equivocating that would follow a murder committed by Trump on 5th Avenue, can’t you?
H/T @ManchuCandidate
Prosecutors had reams of evidence and a long list of counts, which also could have included the lawyer’s wife
Betsy DeVos Is Said to Weigh Letting School Districts Use Federal Funds to Buy Guns
Teachers don’t have funding for supplies which teachers supplement buying supplies out of their own modest pockets but DeVos opens the purse strings for guns?
Adams Lanza, killed his mother on 12/14/12, before heading to Sandy Hook School where he fatally shot 20 students and six educators and then committed suicide.
👉🏼Manafort Bros Construction offered to demolish the Lanza home for free.
Why Stocks Would Soar On Trump Impeachment
What don’t we know yet that’s making them speak up?
And what don’t we know yet that’s making Trump so furious at them?
Barbara Underwood Approved as State Attorney General; First Woman to Hold Post
H/T @ManchuCandidate
The company Oakes founded, SCL Group and its off-shoot Cambridge Analytica (CA) are at the center of a raging discussion over its involvement in Trump's win in the US presidential elections and in UK re Leave.EU.
Cambridge Analytica boss Nigel Oakes went from ‘aromatics’ to psyops to Trump’s campaign
Alexander (Bertie) Nix was the CEO of S.C.L. Elections & Cambridge Analytica, and is currently suspended from the companies.
H/T @ManchuCandidate
Now More Than Ever, Manafort Looks Like a Kremlin Agent
By @20committee
Local officials say they need to close seven polling places because they aren't accessible to people with disabilities. The ACLU says that doesn't make sense.
The study highlights how social media-based propaganda efforts from Russia were not solely focused on the 2016 election and now include public health issues.
👉🏼Turnbull Out!
Scott Morrison, a Pragmatic Conservative, Is Set to Be Australia’s New Leader
. Don’t judge each day by the harvest of your reap, but by the seeds you plant. – RLS
To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain, and play with it. – CC
Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose. – BG
Inspiration and genius, one and the same. – Victor Hugo
If no body hates you, you’re doing something wrong. – House
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. – Friedrich Nietzsche
Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. Mark Twain
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal. – H. More
We can do no great things; only small things with great love. – Mother Theresa
Apologies in advance if I don’t respond to your reply- my notifications clog & don’t load. DM me or @ me again to get my attn if important. Thank you.
August 23, 2018
Rest well #TeamPatriot #USVIA