I highly recommend everyone give Anna a follow for high quality illuminating tweets!
As directed by Soros, Obama, Clinton & The EU.
#cdnpoli #NAFTA

Scheduled for Trudeau on this day? Another PERSONAL day..."busy", sure.
Strategic anti Trump campaign for the election.
Power > Canadians #Globalists
Unimaginable incompetence or strategy?
Unnecessary discord w Trump admin = Soros, globalist cabal strategy.
No matter the cost to Canadians for Trudeau's anti Trump campaigning. #TrudeauMustGo #WakeUpCanada
"Hurt" feelings, globalist rhetoric & Dogma.
Welcomes back ISIS jihadis to "reintegrate" post art therapy & poetry...
A concession on dairy is one of the few cards Trudeau government has left to play at the bargaining table after U.S. & Mexico reached their own side deal Monday.
He is another Soros minion, globalist based hard liner - particularly on climate spinning.
Tides Deposits Huge Chunk of Cash Into FN Chief's Bank Account To Oppose Oil Sands.
End Foreign Funding NOW. #cdnpoli #Globaliats #Soros #Pipelines