Day 578 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 367 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

Suspect in custody after seven law enforcement officers were shot in a residential neighborhood in South Carolina, authorities say.
One officer died in the shooting.

In a rare White House press briefing, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders claimed that Democrats had victimized both Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now a staggering 12,800.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"
Texas detention camp swells fivefold with migrant children - The Tornillo camp originally had a capacity to house 400 children temporarily, now it has 2,400 beds and will remain open at least until the end of the year, by @EdwinDelgado13…
Dick Durbin called for Kirstjen Nielsen to step down this morning: "We've created these orphans at the border by government policy, and it's time for Secretary Nielsen to go." @Morning_Joe
Sarah Sanders was asked about her misleading statement, according to WSJ reporting, that Michael Cohen was acting alone to silence Stormy Daniels when the Journal says that Trump directed the effort.
Sanders said she wouldn't get into a back and forth on the matter.
Last night
"defamatory" =>
White House statement
"misleading" =>
Tump tweet today
"often told"
The statements are rapidly evolving from denial to acknowledgment
NYT on the tax report: "Increasingly, Mr. Trump's willingness to bend the truth — and the rules — in the service of his myth looks less like innocent exaggeration than malicious deception, with a dollop of corruption tossed in for good measure."
Ranking member Senate Finance Commitee
New York City is "looking to recoup" any unpaid Trump taxes, according to Bill de Blasio.…
Based on the figures provided in the Times article, the Trumps could be on the hook for $210,000,000 in unpaid gift or estate taxes and a similar amount in unpaid interest and penalties, according to CPA Fred Slater.…
Trump's attorney has threatened the @nytimes over its tax story. If history is any guide, nothing will ever come of it.…
Jeff Merkley is asking for a court order to disclose more than 100,000 pages of documents about Brett Kavanaugh's time in the White House, according to Politico.…
WaPo reports that the FBI has interviewed Kavanaugh friend Chris Garrett, AKA 'Squi,' who went out with Dr. Ford in high school, and Tim Gaudette, whose house was the site of a July 1, 1982 party that Kavanaugh referenced on his calendar.…
Frank Figliuzzi believes there's "increasing concern the W.H. & Senate will use the FBI as an excuse to say, 'this has been fully investigated,'" when it actually hasn’t been. Figliuzzi says the FBI may have ignored walk-ins and tip line calls.…
More than 40 people with potential information for the investigation into Brett Kavanaugh have not been contacted for interviews by the FBI, NBC News has learned.…
Nearly 20 people with potential information about Dr. Ford's allegation, including Ford herself, have not been interviewed by federal investigators.…
Current and former FBI officials confirmed to NBC News that dozens of witnesses have come forward to FBI field offices who say they have information on Brett Kavanaugh, but agents have not been permitted to talk to many of them.…
The FBI hasn't interviewed Brett Kavanaugh or Christine Blasey Ford because it doesn't have clear authority from the White House to do so, Bloomberg reports.
The White House hasn’t asked the FBI to do a full-throttle probe of Kavanaugh’s use of alcohol or whether he intentionally gave false testimony to the Senate…
Feinstein: "The White House confirmation that it will not allow the FBI to interview Dr. Blasey Ford, Judge Kavanaugh or witnesses identified by Deborah Ramirez raises serious concerns that this is not a credible investigation."
Two former law school classmates of Brett Kavanaugh's who previously vouched for him wrote to the Senate Judiciary Committee to now say they are withdrawing their support for him because of 'the nature' of his recent testimony, HuffPost reports.…
"The reason for our withdrawal is ... the nature of Judge Kavanaugh's testimony," they write. "In our view that testimony was partisan, and not judicious, and inconsistent with what we expect from a Justice of the Supreme Court."…
650 law professors and counting have refused to endorse Brett Kavanaugh over his "inflammatory" manner before the Senate.…
'Brett Kavanaugh displayed a lack of judicial temperament that would be disqualifying for any court, and certainly for elevation to the highest court.'…
A massive coalition of U.S. Christian churches attended by 40 million people wants Brett Kavanaugh to withdraw his Supreme Court nomination.…
Jeff Flake on Trump's remarks about Dr. Ford: "There's no time and no place for remarks like that. To discuss something this sensitive at a political rally is just not right, it's just not right and I wish he had not have done it. It's kind of appalling." @TODAYshow
Susan Collins on Trump mocking Dr. Ford: "The president's comments were just plain wrong." (via CNN)
"I am taking everything into account," Lisa Murkowski told reporters when asked about Trump and Dr. Ford. "[Trump's] comments yesterday mocking Dr. Ford were wholly inappropriate."…
Kamala Harris: "I'm embarrassed that the President of the United States would do that to this woman."
Connie Chung:
"Dear Christine Blasey Ford, I, too, was sexually assaulted — not 36 years ago but about 50 years ago. I have kept my dirty little secret to myself. Silence for five decades. The molester was our trusted family doctor ... I'm 72 now."…
Trump isn’t trying to pressure senators. He’s starting a political gender war.…
45% of Americans believe Dr. Ford
33% believe Judge Kavanaugh
In 1991 (CBS):
58% of Americans believed Clarence Thomas
24% believed Anita Hill…
Tentative plan for how senators will read Kavanaugh FBI report, per a senior Senate official:
--Only one copy of the report is available
--Senators will have to read report in SCIF in the CVC, will get briefed by cleared committee staff ....
The Senate expects to get the FBI report on Kavanaugh late tonight &, per person briefed, each party will *alternate* between having access to it tomorrow (versus only 1 hour total):
GOP can access 8-9am
Dems from 9-10am
GOP from 10-11am
"It alternates and continues."
Is there not a photocopier in the Senate?
Why can't they make copies of the report and provide to each Senator?
Oh, because they don't want the FBI report leaked to the media and shared with the public before the vote. #ShamInvestigation
In a victory for Iran, the international court of justice has reprimanded the US over its re-imposition of sanctions on Iran, ordering Trump administration to lift restrictions linked to humanitarian trade, food, medicine and civil aviation.…
Bolton announces termination of the 1955 Treaty of Amity with Iran.
"The Iranian regime has systematically pursued a policy of hostility toward the United States,” Bolton says after the US pulls out from a 63-year-old friendship treaty with Iran
National Security Adviser Bolton says U.S. is withdrawing from optional protocol to Vienna Convention

At a private fundraiser just days before reaching a trade agreement with Canada, Trump, without using her name, said Canada's Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland "hates America."
Trump later said, "we don't like their representative very much."…
Ex-U.S. Amb. to Estonia James D. Melville Jr. (resigned in July): "I'm extremely uncomfortable with the trade policies the U.S. is pursuing.
I also believe it's a historic mistake to cozy up to Vladimir Putin ... 'America First' is a sham."…
"I had no choice but to resign. I have no sympathy or understanding for those who remain in government service while claiming to be ignoring or otherwise violating their instructions."…
The top federal official responsible for enforcing fair lending laws has a 14-year history of racially charged comments about the "N-word" and the birther movement.…
Senators @SenBlumenthal & @SenWarren demand probe of FEMA awards to inexperienced bidders after Hurricane Maria - following reporting on the topic by @KevinGHall @benbwieder @ceostroff at @McClatchyDC…
Here's the original report that prompted senators demand the probe - Why did FEMA give big Hurricane Maria contracts to such inexperienced bidders?…
35 Days until midterm elections.
We've got great candidates, great energy, and great issues. Take nothing for granted -- we can't let up.
To power a 🌊 this November, make SURE you're registered, help others register & vote early!
Sarah Sanders says she's not aware of any plans for the White House to release any of Trump's tax returns.
Sanders claimed they're "still under audit".
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
McConnell says the "Senate will receive the results" of the FBI report tonight. So it appears it hasn't arrived, but he's filing cloture tonight.
McConnell has filed cloture on Executive Calendar #1127 – Brett M. Kavanaugh, of Maryland, to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
Under the provisions of Rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the Senate, tomorrow is the intervening day on the Kavanaugh nomination. The cloture vote on the nomination will occur one hour after the Senate convenes on Friday.
Dr. Ford's counsel: "We are profoundly disappointed that after the tremendous sacrifice she made in coming forward, those directing the FBI investigation were not interested in seeking the truth."
What a sham!
White House finds no corroboration of sexual Misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh in FBI Report
Is anyone shocked?…