LT:”In Doe Tarlow v. DC (6/12/07), Judge Kavanaugh wrote an opinion mocking claims by intellectually disabled women to at least be CONSULTED before being subjected to INVOLUNTARY SURGERY, including forced abortion.“
Obama jumps into Dem fight to reclaim Ohio
It's not just FEMA: Trump Adminquietly gave ICE an extra $200M. Anti immigrant policies are costing tax payers enormously.
Catch & release is more humane & fiscally responsible.
Audio Reveals Potentially Illegal Coord’n Between NRA & MT Senate Hopeful Rosendale
📌Putin offered to sign a peace treaty with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to formally end WWII hostilities.
Rising EU fear: Strongman-dominated (TOC) global "jungle"
Senate Democrats Have Referred A Secret Letter About Brett Kavanaugh To The FBI #MeToo
The State Dept announced a temp recall of U.S. ambassadors to the Dominican Republic, El Salvador and Panama for consultations in DC. Re: decisions by Latin Am countries to no longer recognize Taiwan.
Jeff/MacKenzie Bezos create $2B fund to fight homelessness
Members of the New England Family of La Cosa Nostra Former Mafia Boss Francis “Cadillac” Salemme & Assoc Sentenced to Life in Prison for 1993 Murder
Vatican OKs investigation of US Bishop Michael Bransfield over sex harassment allegations as US cardinals meet pope……………
Exclusive: The Trump-Russia scandal has been a cover-up in search of a crime… until now. This is how Trump and Russia stole the US election.
👉🏼Hacker Peter Levashov & the Kelihos Botnet…
Puerto Rico the truth, plus receipts.…
"All during the investigation we have an open communication with them," 🤔…
If truth is not truth, as Trump's legal consigliere Giuliani says, then it inevitably follows that he is a rhinoceros.………
Saudi likely paid off Trump to look away.
Russia is damaging its long-term reputation with its macabre method of going after opponents.…
Trump calls Mattis “Moderate-Dog Mattis," a riff off of Mattis's famous "Mad Dog" moniker.………
“I think it is a moral requirement to make money when you can -to sell the product for the highest price😱…
Two Russian Tu-95 "Bear" bombers and two Su-35 "Flanker" fighter jets entered the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone, NORAD said in a statement.…
Jet sales soar as business owners take advantage of new tax write-off
While retirees are warned they can expect a higher tax bill this year. 😱…
Rumors about the letters’ contents have flooded Capitol Hill over the last week, but Sen. Dianne Feinstein has declined to share its contents.……
Richard Cordray's campaign for governor has become a rallying point for Democrats focused on rebuilding the party.…
📌TrumpRussia Summary
Summary of Indictments and Plea Bargains Filed So Far (with links)…
Since 1997, authorities have been barred from holding migrant kids more than 20 days, but a new rule would change that.…
Nationwide injunctions have become a favored tool by states and other groups who have staunchly opposed many of the Trump administration's more controversial policy initiatives.……
There are more parallels right now between Watergate and the Trump White House than ever before
H/T @ManchuCandidate…
Woodward and Bernstein: Watergate echoes loud in Donald Trump era
Veteran journalists may have thought their biggest story was behind them, then Trump came along. ‘This is worse than Watergate,’ says Bernstein
H/T @ManchuCandidate…
Big TrumpRussia/Kremlingate story in the pipeline!
Tick, tick, tick....
“Let us form one body, one heart, and defend to the last warrior our country, our homes, our liberty, and the graves of our fathers.” — Tecumseh
We are in this boat together.
And heed these wise words:
“If ever the time should come, when vain & aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”—Samuel Adams

The time is now!
We must end tribal Us vs. Them intractability.
RU inflamed & encouraged polarization.
It is up to each of us to reject divisive & paralyzing intractability
We must #Unite for the common good of all US citizens.
Rest well! #TeamPatriot
Apologies in advance if I don’t respond to your reply- my notifications clog & don’t load. DM me or @ me again to get my attn if important. Thank you.
September 13, 2018
Rest well #TeamPatriot #USVIA