Day 579 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 369 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now a staggering 12,800.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"
"I had no place to put my head, but under the sink. I slept, though I couldn't find a place to put my feet. Other people were squeezed next to a smelly toilet." @disolis and @ajcorchado report on overcrowding at immigration holding centers…
“That’s old footage, old footage!” Graham shouted.
Trump saw a clip of North Korean missiles on Fox & literally thought it was a live nuclear launch.
Trump relies on Fox over government intel he receives.…
The US tax code largely operates on the honor system. If high-profile people like Trump don’t behave honorably — by cheating, axing the cops who could catch cheating, and rigging the tax code further in their favor — that entire system falls apart…
A Russian official accused of directing the foreign operations of Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer from the Trump Tower meeting, has plummeted to his death in a helicopter crash.
Follow the money. Follow the dead Russians.…
Brian Schatz was visibly troubled after reviewing the FBI report, saying, "I love the Senate, and I've never been so appalled at this institution."…
Protesters held "confirmation kegger" outside Washington home of Sen. Mitch McConnell this morning.
Kavanaugh's Yale classmates and drinking buddies: "None of this is what we wanted, but we felt it our civic duty to speak the truth and say that Brett lied under oath while seeking to become a Supreme Court justice."…
Salt Lake Tribune Ed Board: "The despicable attack launched by Sen. Orrin Hatch & Senate Judiciary Committee...on one of the women who has accused ... Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault is a textbook example of why more victims do not come forward."…
Maria Gallagher, who confronted Flake: "To the senators about to vote yes: I can't get into an elevator with all of you and beg you to look at me. You say you listened to Dr. Blasey, but you have given few indications that you heard her."…
Chris Coons on GMA: "There were a dozen, two dozen other witnesses who were not interviewed. So I was disappointed in the scope of this interview...scope of the materials. This is not the investigation that I thought the FBI would do and that the American people deserve."
Trump accuses sexual assault victims of being Soros-funded operatives.
As Trump calls anti-Kavanuagh protesters "paid professionals", it's a good time to remind that Trump's campaign paid people $50 each to cheer for him at his presidential announcement in 2015.…
Ana Maria Archila responds to Trump: "No one can pay for someone's lived experiences. The pain, the trauma & rage that I expressed when I spoke with Senator Jeff Flake in an elevator were my own, and I held it for more than 30 years to protect the people I love from it."
Maria Bartiromo asked Chuck Grassley this morning if he thinks George Soros is paying the elevator protesters. "I have heard so many people believe that. I tend to believe it," Grassley said.
Trump tweeted the accusation about 80 minutes later.
Chuck Grassley: "I hope we can say no to mob rule by voting to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh."
You say no to mob rule by voting 'NO'
WaPo Ed board has not opposed a Supreme Court nominee, liberal or conservative, since Robert H. Bork in 1987, on grounds that presidents are entitled to significant deference. This time is different.…
USA Today editorial board: Vote no on Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation…
Two days ago, 650 law professors had signed an open letter saying that the Senate should not confirm Kavanaugh. Now, that number has jumped to more than 2,400.…
Lisa Murkowski is a NO on advancing Kavanaugh's nomination.
Collins, Flake, and Manchin are YES.
Lisa Murkowski: "I did not come to a decision on this until walking into the floor this morning."
Murkowski: "I believe we're dealing with issues right now that are bigger than a nominee & how we ensure that our institutions, not only the legislative branch but our judicial branch, continue to be respected. That's what I've been wrestling with."…
Murkowski said institutions need to be "viewed as fair, but "if people are victims, if people feel there is no fairness in our system of government, particularly in our courts, we’ve gone down a path that is not good and right for this country."…
One note on Murkowski's decision: Alaska Public Radio asked her last month if she had a #MeToo moment.
Murkowksi answered with an immediate and emphatic "yes." That's all she would say about it.…
@JeffFlake told @GarrettHaake he’s a yes on Kavanaugh unless something big changes his final vote. Says he doesn’t see, at this point, what would.
Chris Coons said he'd make a final appeal today to Flake, Collins, and Murkowski to consider "my sort of closing arguments."
"One of the things you have to do as a Senator ... is make your best case, help them see how you see it, and what the concerns are for the Court."
Susan Collins says Dr. Ford's testimony was "sincere, painful, and compelling."
"Nevertheless, the four witnesses she named could not corroborate."
Susan Collins on the sexual assault allegations: "I do not believe that these charges can fairly prevent Judge Kavanaugh from serving on the Court."
GOP Sen. Susan Collins: "I will vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh"
Susan Collins, it seems, attempted to say the MeToo movement matters, "we must listen to survivors," Ford delivered "sincere, painful and compelling" testimony, but because Ford's allegation could not be corroborated it therefore cannot be disqualifying for Kavanaugh.
Joe Manchin is a YES on Kavanaugh.
"I believe Dr. Ford," says Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV). "Something happened to Dr. Ford. I don't believe that the facts show it was Brett Kavanaugh."
Every senator who says this actually means they don't believe Dr. Ford.
Quite a remarkable scene that was broadcast on @MSNBC. Joe Manchin was speaking to reporters and, in the background, protesters were loudly chanting "Shame! Shame!" and "Look at us! Look at us!" as he spoke.
Behold the rewards of voting with Trump Republicans on something they want.
Chuck Grassley suggested that the Judiciary Committee's workload deterred women senators from joining the panel. "It's a lot of work - maybe they don't want to do it," Grassley said.…
Two Yale classmates tell NBC News they've made several attempts to share texts raising questions about whether Kavanaugh tried to squash the New Yorker story about Deborah Ramirez & say the FBI did not respond to their calls and written submissions.…
A Yale roommate to Deborah Ramirez says Judiciary staffers called her Thurs & asked about Ramirez's drinking habits & whether there was a student known for dropping his pants. She says they suggested Ramirez's allegation was a case of mistaken ID.…
The Yale classmate of Kavanaugh's who tried to deliver a memo to the FBI questioning whether Kavanaugh & his friends tried to conceal or discredit Ramirez says she sent 3 emails to the Judiciary's chief counsel pleading with him to speak with her.…
Donald Trump, Kim Jong Un & Moon Jae-in did NOT win the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize.
Denis Mukwege & Nadia Murad share the prize for their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict.
US unemployment rate fell in September to 49-year low of 3.7 percent amid steady hiring.
A 3.7% unemployment rate is great news indeed.
How did we get there?
FACT: From a high of 10% after the Great Recession, the rate fell under Obama to 4.7%, a drop of 5.3 points. Since Jan. 2017, the rate has fallen from 4.7-3.7%, a drop of 1 point.
Average monthly job creation in @BarackObama's last 18 months: 206,000.
Average monthly job creation since Jan. 2017: 190,200
Experts are warning that gas prices could soon hit the highest level in four years. - @TODAYShow
Trump replaced the @USOPM director and no one noticed because it was announced during Susan Collins' floor speech…
Ginsburg denies Justice Dept request to block Trump Commerce chief deposition in 2020 Census case

Still Anonymous: White House hunt for op-ed author fades (from @AP)…
32 Days until midterm elections.
We've got great candidates, great energy, and great issues. Take nothing for granted -- we can't let up.
To power a 🌊 this November, make SURE you're registered, help others register & vote early!
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
Don McGahn stopped the FBI from carrying out a fuller investigation, according to NYT.
McGahn told Trump a wide-ranging inquiry like some Democrats were demanding would be potentially disastrous for Kavanaugh's chances of confirmation.…
McGahn instructed the FBI to do an additional background check exclusively on the sexual misconduct charges.
The inquiry would not include questions about whether Kavanaugh was frequently drunk or had been misleading in his Senate testimony.…
Robert Cromwell, an ex-FBI agent who oversaw sensitive background investigations, doubted that agents decided not to interview Ford and Kavanaugh on their own.
"It would be frustrating as an investigator ... You'd want to talk to both of them."…
He should've been forced to recuse himself. This should've been an independent investigation.
This was completely rigged!