I'd like to take my regularly scheduled #SundaySoapbox and do a last minute swap to focus on Susan Collins.
Let me preface by reminding you I am not running against Susan at this time, but I do have an election in a month that I could use support for.
Though she is a consistent conservative vote, she is able to focus all eyes on her.
Susan is truly brilliant. Absolutely amazing. She captures the hearts and minds of moderates repeatedly despite pulling the football every time.
It's horrific for most constituents, and a blasphemy to representative government.

She manipulates media like it's no big deal. She is the epitome of a slick politician...she's so slick, she's de-slicked herself for Maine folks.

She gets super duper confused and whatnot that people try to lobby her when she plays like she might be open to other possibilities.
Phenomenal attention grab.
More press. Brilliant.
Cold as ice, but very effective for more press.
Drawing protests, energy writing letters, phone calls, the donations, media of Maine away from 2018 races...while the GOP has continued to door knocking and fundraising for their candidates.
How much ridiculous, insensitive garbage has she spewed making you angry at 2020?
How many people are finding it cathartic to donate to her opponent?
It's for all the wrong reasons and nasty causes...and I say this as an actual moderate. Whether GOP or Dem, constituents deserve a good faith ear. They deserve representation, not an operative.
If this makes you angry, grab a 2018 race in Maine to support. Mine is available, but there are others.
Pick a great candidate, any party or no party that doesn't do this. That's how you change politics.
Let's pick people who are sincerely, kind, measured and listen to people that despise their point of view with grace.
Let's pick those who work with others for better not bend over.
Even if someone did not vote for you, they matter. It is a responsibility of the job. If you can't effectuate that job without making it a competitive sport instead of a collaborative one, you are simply unfit.
Twitter, if you want people who don't pull this BS in office, you have to use your power and float us up. If you focus 10% of the energy on my race you've focused on Susan's shenanigans, I will win.