Day 591 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 381 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

Marsha Blackburn claimed the House had voted on a bill to ban bump stocks; she blamed the Senate for not acting.
No such votes have been taken in Congress and bump stocks remain legal a year after the Las Vegas mass shooting:…
California Air National Guard member killed in Ukrainian fighter jet crash
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now a staggering 12,800.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"
@ACLU: This is not the kind of country we want to live in.
That's why we're fighting back against this administration's anti-immigrant policies.

“This year [North Korea] has probably built 5-9 nuclear weapons, the exact opposite of denuclearization.”…
Michael Cohen and his attorney reportedly met today with a group of state and federal law enforcement officials investigating various aspects of Trump's family business and charitable organization.…
Michael Cohen's attorney, Lanny Davis, told USA TODAY his client had "two words" for the Trump's claims that Cohen lied to prosecutors: "audio and tape." He said the president should be worried.…
The Trumps misled investors over and over about the viability of their businesses in order to make money, according to a new investigation.
Over multiple deals around the world, key sales numbers were repeatedly overstated to fool investors.…
Ivanka Trump is described as giving false sales figures for projects in at least 4 locations to mislead potential buyers.
Donald Trump allegedly misled buyers about the amount of his ownership in projects—sometimes he had none whatsoever.…
The judge in Paul Manafort's Virginia trial denied his request to wear a suit for his next hearing — and "all subsequent hearings" — arguing that Manafort should be treated no differently than other defendants in custody.
Prosecutors from Mueller's office have been asking Paul Manafort — their newest cooperating witness — about his friend and former business associate Roger Stone, multiple sources familiar with the matter tell ABC News.…
“Nine times.” That’s the number of times Manafort and his attorneys have visited Mueller’s office in the last four weeks. In addition, witnesses keep shuttling through the grand jury. A quiet time that’s not very quiet. @evanperez @kpolantz…
Rosenstein is pressuring Mueller to wrap up the Russia investigation shortly after the midterms, per Bloomberg.…
Rosenstein to WSJ: "At the end of the day, the public will have confidence that the cases we brought were warranted by the evidence"…
Twitter released millions of tweets showing Russia's influence campaign -- and how it supported Trump.…
NYT reports that Don McGahn is officially OUT as White House counsel. McGahn's departure was confirmed by two people close to him, according to NYT.…
Turkish officials say Saudi operatives beat, drugged, killed and dismembered journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the presence of Saudi Arabia’s top diplomat in Istanbul, WSJ reports…
Audio recording shows Saudi forensic specialist asked witnesses to listen to music while he dismembered Khashoggi’s body inside the office of the Saudi consul general, per WSJ…

One note: Turkey hasn’t necessarily shared the audio recording itself with U.S. and Saudi officials, but has shared “details of” the recording, per @WSJ report.…
WaPo Editorial Board: Why is the Trump administration cleaning up Saudi Arabia’s mess?…
Pompeo after his meetings with Saudis:
Q: Did they say if Khashoggi is alive or dead?
Pompeo: "I don't want to talk about any of the facts. They didn't want to, either."…
Mike Pompeo has spent years crafting an image as a tough straight-talker. But his trip to Saudi Arabia, where he sat smiling with royal leaders suspected of involvement in the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, offered a different picture.
Trump, questioned why he hasn't asked the FBI to help investigate Jamal Khashoggi's death, says "well, he wasn't a citizen of our country for one thing."
Nevermind the fact he's a U.S. resident.
Chris Van Hollen on Khashoggi: "If the president is not going to do his job, and if he is going to undermine our credibility overseas by being complicit in a cover-up, then the United States Congress has got to act." @MSNBC
"Hogwash. The members of the interrogation-murder squad included several members of the Royal Guard ... They don’t do anything without [the crown prince's] direct oversight and approval. The notion that this is a rogue operation is preposterous."…
The United States received a payment of $100 million from Saudi Arabia on Tuesday, the same day Mike Pompeo arrived in Riyadh to discuss the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi, a State Department official confirmed to WaPo.…
The Trump admin & Saudi royal family are searching for a mutually agreeable explanation for the death of Jamal Khashoggi, WaPo reports — one that will avoid implicating Mohammed bin Salman, according to analysts and officials in multiple countries.…
The residents of a Manhattan condominium called 'Trump Place' have voted to remove Trump's name from the tower's facade, the latest in a string of properties that have distanced themselves from the Trump brand since the election.…
Will other Trump-branded buildings take his name down now? Others had been afraid of legal action from Trump Org., but this building went to court and got a precedent that could protect them.…
Sally Yates: Don't let Trump's use of celebrities distract you from his criminal-justice failures.…
The Department of Veterans Affairs has spent millions of dollars paying for private security at several Confederate cemeteries following the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, the AP reports.…
Trump offered today’s “cut-the-budget-5%” baloney because of momentary embarrassment over demonstration that last year’s “tax-cut-won’t-increase-deficit” baloney was in fact baloney.…
Mitch McConnell on the $779B nat'l deficit (17% increase) and $21T debt.
"It's very disturbing."
"It's driven by the 3 most popular entitlement programs: Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security."
We pay into these...we must protect our entitlements!
Mitch McConnell: Republicans could try again to repeal Obamacare if they win enough seats in next month's elections.
Just another reason to VOTE DEMOCRAT!…
A mysterious paralyzing illness is spreading across the U.S., the CDC warns. It's called acute flaccid myelitis, or AFM
Senate Judiciary Committee is hearing from 4th Circuit Trump nominee Allison Rushing today. She’s only *36* years old, Federalist Society member, Gorsuch & Thomas clerk, worked for anti-LGBTQ group Alliance Defending Freedom.
Lining them up.
Trump: "I think California ought to get their act together and clean up their forests and manage their forests."
Trump defends stance on climate change: "I have a natural instinct for science"

AP FACT CHECK: Trump touts his science instincts in @AP interview, but his remarks on climate change, hurricanes & clean air don't quite measure up to science reality.
20 Days until midterm elections.
We've got great candidates, great energy, and great issues. Take nothing for granted -- we can't let up.
To power a 🌊 this November, make SURE you're registered, help others register & vote early!
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
The Manhattan DA failed to bring felony fraud charges against Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr after meeting with a Trump lawyer who was a campaign donor.
The FBI is now investigating the DA’s office.…