@drawandstrike @HNIJohnMiller @catesduane @rising_serpent @_ImperatorRex_ @Debradelai @GodlessNZ @almostjingo @tracybeanz @TheChiIIum
THE PRESIDENT: Well, you’re going to have to see that. I have reports. And they have a lot of everybody in that group. It’s a horrible thing. And it’s a lot bigger than 5,000 people. And we got to stop them at the border.
Q Have you spoken to the leaders of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador about —
Q Have you spoken to the leaders, Mr. President?
Q (Inaudible.)
Q (Inaudible) a month (inaudible) investigation, will you give them —
THE PRESIDENT: I think that’s a long time. You said they want a month?
THE PRESIDENT: That’s a long time. There’s no reason for that much. Be faster.
Q What about your promise to protect transgender Americans? Are you giving up on that?
THE PRESIDENT: I’m protecting everybody.
Q Transgender Americans say you’ve given up on them.
THE PRESIDENT: You know what I’m doing? I’m protecting everybody. I want to protect our country.
***The questions really are shotgun pattern. Random spaghetti at the walls type***
***I wonder if that physically hurt to say***
Q Beto O’Rourke is now calling him “Lying Ted.” Who started that? Do you regret it?
Q Have you buried the hatchet with Senator Cruz?
THE PRESIDENT: To me, he’s not “Lyin’ Ted” anymore. He’s “Beautiful Ted.”
*** #BeautifulTed ***
*** BWAHAHAHA! I love it***
THE PRESIDENT: He’s Texas — I call him “Texas Ted.” No, Ted Cruz and I had a very, very nasty and tough campaign. It was a very competitive — it was a very tough campaign.
*** #TexasTed ***
***That's better. That fits.***
And, in fact, right now, I guess they said they’ve never seen it. It’s like a big tailgate. It goes on for miles; it’s over 100,000 people.
THE PRESIDENT: I think Nellie Ohr is a disgrace, and I think her husband is not much better. Maybe he’s worse. I think Nellie Ohr is a disgrace,
THE PRESIDENT: Hey, look, I can’t tell you. I can only tell you this: We give them hundreds of millions of dollars. They do nothing for us.
THE PRESIDENT: You know what? Maybe it will and maybe it won’t. But it certainly hasn’t affected. They can do a lot better job. If you look at the three countries in particular —
THE PRESIDENT: You know what, Jon, I’m going to know very shortly, because I have a great group people in Turkey right now and a great group of people in Saudi Arabia.
THE PRESIDENT: Look, Rand has some ideas. I agree with Rand on a lot of things. I don’t want to lose all of that investment that’s being made in our country.
I don’t want to lose a million jobs. I don’t want to lose a $110 billion in terms of investment. But it’s really $450 billion if you include other than military. So that’s very important. But we’re going to get to the bottom of it.
THE PRESIDENT: No, we’re going to be passing — no, no. We’re putting in a resolution sometime in the next week, or week and a half, two weeks.
THE PRESIDENT: We’re going to put in —we’re giving a middle-income tax reduction of about 10 percent. We’re doing it now for middle-income people. This is not for business; this is for middle. That’s on top of the tax decrease that we’ve already given them.
THE PRESIDENT: No. No. No. I’m going through Congress.
***No pen and phone?***
Q But Congress isn’t in session though.
THE PRESIDENT: We won’t have time to do the vote. We’ll do the vote later.
THE PRESIDENT: We’ll do the vote after the election.
Q Mr. President, there’s two weeks until the midterms. What’s your level of confidence about holding on to the House?
I think we’re going to do very, very well in the race.
THE PRESIDENT: I don’t regret anything, honestly. It all worked out very nicely.
THE PRESIDENT: You shouldn’t have — take a look. They want to get out of sanctuary cities. Many places in California want to get out of sanctuary cities.
THE PRESIDENT: Yeah, it is rioting in some cases.
Q Where are the riots, sir?
THE PRESIDENT: Who’s an activist? Who?
Any more?
THE PRESIDENT: You know what you should do, Jon? Go into the middle of the caravan, take your cameras, and search. Okay? Search.
***Do YOUR job***
THE PRESIDENT: No, no. Take your — Jon, take your camera, go into the middle, and search. You’re going to find MS-13, you’re going to find Middle Eastern, you’re going to find everything.
*** *Emphasis added ***
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I think it’s going to happen. I’m not saying (inaudible). But I think we’re doing really well. I have never seen such spirit, except for maybe ’16, (inaudible) the big election. I have never seen the spirit that we have right now.
THE PRESIDENT: I think the Republicans are going to do very well. I have never spirit like we have. Now, whether it’s Kavanaugh, whether it’s tax cuts that we gave, whether it’s common sense — I’ve never seen it.
THE PRESIDENT: No, they didn’t. No. No, they didn’t. Not at all. That’s all fiction.
Q Mr. President, Saudis are going to get to the bottom of (inaudible)?
THE PRESIDENT: We’re going to see what happens. And I’m going to know a lot in two days.
Q Mr. President, are you prepared to build up the U.S. nuclear arsenal? You said you’re going to pull out of the arms deal.
THE PRESIDENT: Until people come to their senses, we will build it up. Until people come to their senses.
THE PRESIDENT: It’s a threat to whoever you want. And it includes China, and it includes Russia, and it includes anybody else that wants to play that game. You can’t do that. You can’t play that game on me.
Q (Inaudible.)
THE PRESIDENT: Until people get smart. Until they get smart. They have not adhered to the spirit of that agreement, or to the agreement itself — Russia.
Q But have you talked to Putin about it?
THE PRESIDENT: No, I have not. I have not.
THE PRESIDENT: I don’t have to speak to him. I don’t have to speak. I’m terminating the agreement because they violated the agreement. I’m terminating the agreement.
Thanks everybody. Thank you.