"Climate Change: Why Should I Care?"
a wonderful lineup of speakers — climate and energy experts, and candidates for #hawthorn at the upcoming state election. #LFForum
i'll be live-tweeting in this thread.

• joelle gergis — climate science
• sarah barker — legal
• oliver yates — finance
• @markwakeham — community
…in conversation with @VictoriaMcKMcH of @CAN_Australia.
• @JohnPesutto — @LiberalVictoria
• nicholas bieber — @VictorianGreens
• john kennedy — @VictorianLabor
tune in here:

"50% of the great barrier reef’s corals are now dead with just 1°C of warming."

(maybe i should send you a copy, @laurieatlas.)

as a lawyer, she talks with her clients about 3 climate risks:
• physical risks
• economic transition risks
• liability consequences


• 78% of #victorians think climate change is an issue requiring urgent action, now
• 93% of victorians believe state government should be acting on #climatechange
why would anyone go into the election with no climate policy?
eg. bleaching of the great barrier reef was 175 times more likely because of anthropogenic climate change.

"play the man, not the ball."
globally there are claims on foot against directors of oil companies, investment funds, etc. here next.
"find the pressure points, and push those buttons."
2°C is the upper bound of the paris agreement. we can see from the historical record that the climate starts to get very unstable above that level.
the victorian election, followed by the NSW election and the federal election are critical.
governments seem to be happy to live with their hands dirty, hands in the till.
"why do we have to have a fiscally conservative liberal who doesn't care about climate represent us locally?"
• @markwakeham get involved for the election — contact @EnviroVic
• @joellegergis 1.5°C is possible, no time for apathy, take a stand for your values and ethics
• sarah barker: #babyboomers protect your nesteggs! write to your super!
• @VictoriaMcKMcH sign up for @LiteFootPrints, switch your power company, switch your bank!
…thanks panel, now on to the candidates…
• health impacts of #climatechange are significant
• heat waves cause more loss of life than any other natural event
• bushfires in winter, lakes drying up, farmers struggling, risks to food security
• you can't buy rain

• goethe "as knowledge grows, so does doubt" — #climatechange is an exception. the science affirms what we know
• vision: an victoria that is fair, productive and compassionate
• need all three to solve this challenge
• #CC a party priority

• start with what we agree upon — #climatechange is real, we have to transition to renewables, we have to do these things
• where we might differ is how we get there
• want to preserve the environmental heritage

• sometimes despair at the quality of debate, we descend into tribes
• great respect for @LiteFootPrints
• aiming for more respectful conversation
• party has been explicit in opposing #CSG
• current gov spending $42m on gas studies
• opposition has announced solar on all schools
• local content laws for renewable developments
• always prepared to engage
• stands as a candidate who thinks we should act on #climatechange
next events:
• jane morton, darebin climate action network — 28 november
• @simonahac 😬 — 27 february 2019
it's a wrap!