"I am unnerved by the anecdotal correlation on the desk of those who voted for POTUS + not getting flu vaccines"
Apparently some supporters who have had enough.
If its not on Fox News, he has no power over it !
If something is reported on CNN or CBS/NBC/ABC or MSNBC but gets little or no coverage on FOX NEWS -- and that includes a lot of factual + policy issues, he's powerless over that topic. No patented Jiu Jitsu media flips from him.
He does not go where electoral help is desperately needed -- that would be a rational political/electoral process
BEST ECONOMY EVER gets falsely said.
They love him, he loves them, and they revel in the moment as the House and possible Senate slip away. Its an astounding display in so many ways
But if only a small percentage of Trump voters come to regret the deal they made with him, it could be very interesting indeed.
Regardless of who you support, PLEASE GO VOTE
Thats how Democracies function