thread here following John McDonnell's appalling statement this morning where he said in effect it doesn't matter if Banks carried out illegal activity
- there's investigations into illegal funding
- the Gov. are a mess
- the leaders are deeply compromised
- 700k marched for a #PeoplesVote
- public opinion is turning…
McDonnell is also echoing the right wing line - "doesn't matter if Russian money was involved, campaign didn't matter"
Meanwhile, the benefit cuts would continue, Labour Leadership says little on this…
You know the membership don't want #Brexit.
You know that the "northern leave voters" story is a scam
You know in your heart that JC&JMcD will do everything in their power to push Brexit…
This isn't a new kind of politics, it's straightforward authoritarianism
This is not what Labour stands for.
This betrayal of UK Labour voters is far, far worse than the worst imaginings of the "anti new Labour" movement
I would never have believed the party machinery could have crushed the Labour #PeoplesVote movement on policy, but it has
He loves being popular with the members. If you will not depose him you must find some way of hitting him where it hurts
That might mean leaving Labour
What really are you voting for?