🙂 I'm a Venture Capitalist
👤 What is it ?
🙂 The best job in the world
👤 How's that ?!
🙂 It's is cool, easy & profitable...
🗣️ Unfair !
🗣️ Shut up !
🗣️ WTF !
🗣️ No way !
🗣️ ...
😬 Easy: Those people do all the hard work while we watch & try to support.
🤑 Profitable: It's a secured model of guaranteed management fees regardless the performance + carried interests.
🙂 Live up by the founders' expectations
👤 Meaning ?
🙂 Be polite
🙂 Provide answers
🙂 Be honest
🙂 Provide thorough thinking
🙂 Be reliable
🙂 Provide decent feedbacks
🙂 Be humble
🙂 ...
It's because the downsides are so little in Venture Capital that we can and should take risk 🤺
The best arises from the impossible 🚀