To be read, commented, liked and retweeted 😇
Equal equity split among founders, infinitely, is a non-sense.
And not talking about it is a big mistake.
Go with radical, truthful transparency.
Because there is no autopilot mode for relationships and execution.…
Best practices for board meetings.
Help yourself, most of your investors won't,
Take the driver's seat because no one else will...
Governance requires as much commitment as Company building.…
Obvious things that all our best CEOs do.
It is frighteningly simple to understand,
Arguably harder to apply.
Don't settle, there is always a way around our own limitations.…
This is why and how I have become a Venture Capitalist.
We should all reflect on the reasons of our path and choices,
It's how we go after noble expectations for ourselves and others.…
I've also come to reflect on the mission as a whole.
Venture Capital is deficient in excellence,
Due to the lack of meritocracy probably.…
I'm an optimistic investor, with an excessive critical view for sure,
I think this is how we overcome the lazy and greedy aspects of this industry.…