Day 641 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 431 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injuring 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

Trump and the NRA used the same consultants to spearhead TV ad blitzes during the '16 election, possibly in violation of federal law.
"This is very strong evidence, if not proof, of illegal coordination," said an ex-FEC general counsel.…
Still Searching: 5 U.S. Marines Missing After 2 Warplanes Crash Off Coast of Japan…
Cutting out the middleman: "On Thursday afternoon, Fox News Corp. took a rare step of endorsing the bill, in the first news release issued by former White House aide Hope Hicks."…
So, the guy in charge of White House communications is a former Fox executive.
The woman in charge of Fox communications is the former communications director at the White House.
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now more than 14,000 are in U.S. custody.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"…
Prosecutors drop case against border agent who fatally shot Mexican teen through a border fence
North Korea is expanding an important missile base that would be one of the most likely sites for deploying intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the U.S., two experts said, citing new research based on satellite imagery
Three weeks before Jamal Khashoggi was murdered, Trump Org’s business partner in Indonesia inked an agreement with a firm in which the Saudi government owns a large stake for an Indonesian development that will include Trump-branded elements…
A bipartisan group of senators has introduced a resolution that says the Senate has "a high level of confidence that Mohammed bin Salman was complicit in the murder of Jamal Khashoggi."…
Dick Durbin: "I said it months ago and I will say it again: we should formally expel the Saudi Ambassador to the United States given the Crown Prince's direct involvement in the kidnapping and murder of Jamal Khashoggi."
This demands attention!
U.S. citizen Layla Shwekani who had been held in Syria by the Assad regime for nearly three years was killed in its custody, according to a human rights group and the State Department.
Trump last month: "I have answered [Mueller's questions] very easily."
Giuliani this month: "Answering those questions was a nightmare."
Trump: My popularity would be sky-high if not for "presidential harassment" by Mueller
Trump aide's appearances on RT channel are focus for Russia inquiry - Ted Malloch, a London based American academic who is close to Nigel Farage, was questioned by Mueller about relationship with RT which is also close to Assange.…
Assange rejects deal between UK, Ecuador for him to leave embassy
In potential blow to Paul Manafort, the Supreme Court is unlikely to change the double jeopardy rule.
A presidential pardon could keep Manafort out of federal prison, but it would not free him from being prosecuted on similar state charges.…
Trump has told advisers he will nominate William Barr to be the next attorney general; announcement could come in days…
What William Barr has said:
1) More Clinton probes needed
2) Uranium One more worthy of investigation than collusion
3) Comey firing was A-OK
4) Mueller team's donations are too left-leaning
5) It's okay for Trump to request specific investigations…
"Assistant attorney general with ties to Russian bank recused from Mueller investigation"…
Top Dems -- Schumer, Pelosi, Nadler, Feinstein, Schiff, Warner -- write to DOJ to "immediately" be notified about whether ethics officials have provided guidance on whether Whitaker should be recused from Mueller probe.
They say they haven't gotten a response.
Senate intel interviewed Steve Bannon last month. They asked him about Cambridge Analytica and Roger Stone.…
Bannon’s interview indicates investigators remain interested in Cambridge Analytica’s “psychographic profiling” work for Trump’s 2016 campaign
Trump has been snappish with aides most of the week, miffed in part by so many ceremonial events not related to him.
He was impatient for the memorials to end but expressed pride in himself for remaining publicly civil.…
Great story: An undocumented immigrant from Guatemala has been making Trump’s bed at his golf resort. (1/3)…
“We are tired of the abuse, the insults, the way he talks about us when he knows that we are here helping him make money.” —illegal immigrant who works for Trump. She's not the only one. (2/3)
Story says that the Trump golf club has a shuttle that drives this employee -- and others -- to work, b/c the club knows they can't legally obtain drivers' licenses. (3/3)
Trump Org. issued a statement: "We have tens of thousands of employees across our properties (Untrue) and have very strict hiring practices. If any employee submitted false documentation in an attempt to circumvent the law, they will be terminated immediately.”
The Obama recovery is wearing down and huge debt, trade wars, rising interest rates and a slowdown in China’s economy are pushing us toward a setback, if not a full-blown recession.…
Record imports drive US trade deficit to $55.5 billion in October, highest in a decade.
During his campaign, Trump declared:
"We can’t continue to allow China to rape our country... It’s the greatest theft in the history of the world.”
More than two years later, the U.S. is still giving China get out of jail free cards
Bolton: US knew in advance of Chinese telecom executive's arrest
Scott Pruitt accepted a billionaire's gift of $50,000 "believed to be in cash" for his legal defense trust without first informing the EPA. (h/t @KevinBogardus).

Here's what $50,000 in cash looks like, for reference:
The new U.S. ambassador to Canada says when it comes to climate change she believes in "both sides of the science"
Disclaimer: Her husband is a billionaire coal-mining magnate
The Environmental Protection Agency announced Thursday a plan to roll back Obama administration-era coal emissions standards.
Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler said the change would help the coal industry by alleviating unnecessary burdens.
More than 80 percent of these increased costs would flow to just five coal and nuclear companies. #StopTheTrumpCoalBailout
The worst mass extinction in Earth history — a horrific, planet-changing event known as the “Great Dying” — has been directly linked to global warming for the first time, with parallels to today.…
We need carbon dioxide emissions to go down. They keep going up -- and to a larger degree in places that already produce the most.…
Trump administration to roll back Obama-era school lunch standards to allow refined grains
Top Trump consumer protection official has 120 corporate conflicts of interest
Trump: I hire only the best.
A top White House appointee at VA sought to silence the agency's chief diversity officer, who — in the aftermath of Charlottesville — pushed for a forceful condemnation that was at odds with Trump's response, newly disclosed emails show.…
Here's a chart compiled of the approval ratings that Trump has seen fit to tweet. (Spoiler: Most are from a pollster that said Republicans would win the national House vote.)
Republicans: Pass lots of laws to combat imaginary voter fraud in order to win elections
Same Republicans: Ignore actual election fraud in order to also win elections.…
New calls for Labor Secretary to resign over role in plea deal for alleged pedophile
'Trump 2020' to again be based in Trump Tower - with 2 satellite offices on Cap Hill and Rosslyn
Which means donations to Trump Campaign can (again) be turned into rent payments to Trump Org.…
Bloomberg says Trump will pick State Dept spokeswoman Heather Nauert as his next UN ambassador.
Nauert had little government and foreign policy experience before joining the admin. working at Fox News, most recently as a host on Fox and Friends.…
As a reminder, Mueller sentencing memo due by 5:00 pm tomorrow.
NBC News calls CA-21: TJ Cox (D) is the apparent winner of California House 21. Democrat Gain.
The results for the new House are now Democrats 235, Republicans 200. This is a net gain of 40 seats for the Democrats. —@NBCPolitics
Nancy Pelosi On North Carolina Election Fraud: We Can Refuse To Seat That Congressman…
REPORTER: Would you support full wall funding if you got a bonafide solution on DACA?
Nancy Pelosi keeps the door open to some sort of fencing/border money but says Democrats believe a border wall is "immoral, ineffective, expensive."
Trump "also promised Mexico would pay for it," she says.
FBI opened its obstruction investigation into Trump before Mueller was appointed, amid belief from Rosenstein and top FBI officials following Comey's firing that Trump needed to be reined in…
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
“Trump suddenly faces rising odds of becoming the first president to seek re-election during economic recession since Jimmy Carter. That would represent an ominous sign for Trump's chances of a second term.”…
History tells us Trump just received some bad news.
And I'm here for it.
Trump WH has made a big deal about Obama never reaching 3% growth for a year
New Natl Assn for Business Economics survey projects Trump won’t either:
2.9% this year
2.7% in 2019
Lower/possible recession after that…
Secure the..."boarders"
Right on cue.
Trump provokes his domestic terrorist supporters to attack the media at 10:08pm.
Bomb threat called in to CNN at 10:42pm.
U.S. sends dozens of military vehicles to Guatemala despite alleged misuse