(Fixed it for you, @voxdotcom). Be precise, please. Be accurate, please.

This is a must

If @voxdotcom "wonks" could look outside the provincial hellscape of DC for a second, they might consider it important to note that *no universal health care system* in Europe or the Anglosphere has employers providing major coverage.

No, #MedicareForAll isn't "a government health care plan," just like we don't usually refer to public schools as "government schools." It's social insurance or public insurance!
But, yikes: @voxdotcom "wonks" fail to note that a Medicare buy-in plan would probably be a lot more expensive than private health insurance plans designed to appeal to healthy people alone.

Expanding and improving an existing (popular) program is a very logical approach to "doing universal health care"!

Only @SenSanders' #MedicareForAll proposal explicitly details how Medicare will be *IMPROVED.*

(Private health insurers need to go! Period.)
Important to refer to it as "expanded and improved #MedicareForAll."